12 research outputs found

    Redistribution of mineral elements in wheat grain when applying the complex enzyme preparations based on phytase

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    Biogenic minerals play an important role in the whole human nutrition, but they are included in the grain of the phytates that reduces their bioavailability. Whole wheat bread is generally considered a healthy food, but the presence of mineral elements in it is insignificant, because of weak phytate degradation. From all sources of exogenous phytase the most productive are microscopic fungi. To accelerate the process of transition hard mineral elements are mobilized to implement integrated cellulolytic enzyme preparation based on the actions of phytase (producer is Penicillium canescens). Phytase activity was assessed indirectly by the rate of release of phosphate from the substrate. It has been established that the release rate of the phosphoric acid substrate is dependent on the composition of the drug and the enzyme complex is determined by the presence of xylanase. The presented experimental data shows that a cellulase treatment of the grain in conjunction with the β-glucanase or xylanase leading to an increase in phytase activity could be 1.4 - 2.3 times as compared with the individual enzymes. As a result of concerted action of enzymes complex preparation varies topography grain, increase the pore sizes in seed and fruit shells that facilitate the penetration of the enzyme phytase in the aleurone layer to the site of phytin hydrolysis and leads to an increase in phytase activity. In terms of rational parameters of enzymatic hydrolysis, the distribution of mineral elements in the anatomical parts of the grain after processing complex enzyme preparation with the help of X-ray detector EMF miniCup system in a scanning electron microscope JEOL JSM 6390 were investigated. When processing enzyme preparation wheat trend in the distribution of mineral elements, characteristic of grain - the proportion of these elements in the aleurone layer decreases, and in the endosperm increases. Because dietary fiber and phytate found together in the peripheral layers of fiber-rich grains, it is difficult to separate the effects of degradation processes nonstarch polysaccharides and fiberphytate redistribution of polyvalent metal ions. However, studies have shown that phytase - an effective mechanism for regulating mineral nutrient diet. Application of phytase in grain bakery technology will increase the biological value of the product.  

    Composition and microstructure alteration of triticale grain surface after processing by enzymes of cellulase complex

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    It is found that the pericarp tissue of grain have considerable strength and stiffness, that has an adverse effect on quality of whole-grain bread. Thereby, there exists the need for preliminary chemical and biochemical processing of durable cell walls before industrial use. Increasingly used in the production of bread finds an artificial hybrid of the traditional grain crops of wheat and rye - triticale, grain which has high nutritional value. The purpose of this research was to evaluate the influence of cellulose complex (Penicillium canescens) enzymes on composition and microstructure alteration of triticale grain surface, for grain used in baking. Triticale grain was processed by cellulolytic enzyme preparations with different composition (producer is Penicillium canescens). During experiment it is found that triticale grain processing by enzymes of cellulase complex leads to an increase in the content of water-soluble pentosans by 36.3 - 39.2%. The total amount of low molecular sugars increased by 3.8 - 10.5 %. Studies show that under the influence of enzymes the microstructure of the triticale grain surface is changing. Microphotographs characterizing grain surface structure alteration in dynamic (every 2 hours) during 10 hours of substrate hydrolysis are shown. It is found that the depth and direction of destruction process for non-starch polysaccharides of grain integument are determined by the composition of the enzyme complex preparation and duration of exposure. It is found, that xylanase involved in the modification of hemicelluloses fiber having both longitudinal and radial orientation. Hydrolysis of non-starch polysaccharides from grain shells led to increase of antioxidant activity. Ferulic acid was identified in alcoholic extract of triticale grain after enzymatic hydrolysis under the influence of complex preparation containing cellulase, xylanase and β-glucanase. Grain processing by independent enzymes containing in complex preparation (xylanase and β-glucanase) shows that more significant role in polysaccharide complex composition and grain surface microstructure alteration belongs to xylanase. Grain processing by independent of cellulolytic enzymes may decrease the strength of pericarp tissue of grain and improved sensory characteristics of the bread

    Stock Influence on Growth, Morphological and Biochemical Leaf Parameters <em>Prunus domestica</em> L.

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    Vegetation growth peculiarities and morphological and physical-biochemical features of Prunus domestica L. Utro and Yaichnaya Sinyaya varieties leaves grafted on different growing strength rootstocks were studied. Low-growing clonal rootstocks 140–1 and Novinka decreased the trees growing strength on 15–20% in comparison with strong-growing stocks; medium-growing rootstocks OPA-15-2 and OP-23-23 reduced it on 10%. The longest growing activity and the largest sprouts length was stated on these rootstocks as well, i.e. 1.3–1.4 times more than on other ones. Stable sprouts average length decrease was registered on grafted stocks 140–1 and Novinka. Leaf surface index value on the trees grafted on clonal rootstocks OPA-15-2 and OP-23-23 was on 40% higher than on control, i.e. 4.3 leaves m2/crown projection area m2. Optimal values of total increment, sprouts average length, leaves area and the largest part of physiological-biochemical parameters were stated at medium-growing clonal rootstocks OPA-15-2 and OP-23-23 use. Plum leaves blades were hypostomatic; numerous stomata were located on the abaxial (bottom) side of leaves. Stomata were located in interveinal space irregularly. Stomata length size varied from 14.6 μm (Utro/seedlings) to 22.1 μm (Yaichnaya Sinyaya/OP-23-23). The rootstock has influence on the process of photosynthesis, antioxidant activity, accumulation of minerals and metabolic answerin the leaves

    Alteration of biochemical parameters and microstructure of Fagopyrum esculentum Moench grain in process of germination

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    Biochemical parameters alteration of Fagopyrum esculentum Moench grain in process of germination was studied. It was found that during germination of Fagopyrum esculentum Moench grain within 24 hours the content of ascorbic acid, thiamine, nicotinic acids, pantothenic acids and routine was increased. The peptide composition of Fagopyrum esculentum Moench grain was studied by gel electrophoresis. The most significant alteration of reserve globulins structure are observed during germination phase from 20 till 24 hours. New low-molecular polypeptides appear during above mentioned period, that indicates embryonic awakening and synthesis of new protein compounds, mainly hydrolases. The process of proteolysis during germination of Fagopyrum esculentum Moench grain promotes a content increase of soluble fractions and sum of albumins and globulins. There is a significant decrease of insoluble protein residue during germination phase change. Chromatographic method was used to determine the change of carbohydrate composition of Fagopyrum esculentum Moench grains during germination. It was established that the content of total carbohydrates amount in grain extracts increases. Electron scanning microscopy revealed that after 12 hours germination of Fagopyrum esculentum Moench grain, swelling of starch grains and minor damage of their packaging in endosperm are observed. After 24 hours, endosperm of germinated grain significantly changed microstructure: starch grains and components of protein matrix had a vague outline, grain disintegration was observed. Evaluation of antioxidant activity of alcohol extract from Fagopyrum esculentum Moench grain germinated during 24 hours showed that percentage of DPPG free radicals inhibition increases with process prolongation. Thus, Fagopyrum esculentum Moench grain germinated within 24 hours is characterized by a high content of biologically active substances and can be used in food technologies for functional products development.</div

    Mineral composition of amaranth (Amaranthus L.) seeds of vegetable and grain usage by ARHIVBSP selection

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    The questions of the practical usage of the analytical scanning electron microscope JSM 600 LA by JEOL company (Japan) with EDS system - microanalysis for the studying of the ash elemental composition of seeds 9 breeds (Vegetable and Grain application) 4 species genus Amaranthus L. - A. hypochondriacus, A. cruentus, A. hybridus, A. caudatus, A. tricolor. Plant seeds by Federal center of vegetable production selection were envisaged. We studied the concentration of 14 basic elements (in weight %) contained in the mineral part of amaranth seeds. In the amaranth seeds of vegetable forms the accumulation order of the elements is the following: Ca &gt;K &gt;P &gt;Mg &gt;Si &gt;Se &gt;Fe &gt;Mo ≈ S ≈ Cl ≈ Zn &gt;Na &gt;Al. In the seeds of the grain forms the order is different: К &gt;P &gt;Ca &gt;Si &gt;Se &gt;Mg &gt;Fe &gt;Na &gt;Mo &gt;Cl ≈ S ≈ Mn ≈ Zn ≈ Al. The amaranth seeds of the grain forms are rich in macro - and microelements. P, K, Cl and S in the seeds of the grain forms are accumulated on 50, 37, 15 and 5% more and Si, Fe and Al in 2.6 and 1.8 times more than in the vegetable forms seeds. The breeds with the high concentration of the elements are recommended for using in the selection process. The elevated level of the essential macro- and microelements such as Ca, K, P, Mg, Mo, S and Cl stipulates the perspective of the functional products creation on the base of the studied amaranth seeds for the enrichment of the food stuffs

    The field and laboratory study of the collection samples of onion breed Allium cepa L.

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    Thirteen collection samples of Allium cepa L. of different ecology-geographical origin grown in the Crimea conditions are given. Morphometric characteristics of the bulbs - the form index, the diameter, the height, the weight, the thickness and the quantity of rich skins are analyzed. The greatest output of standart production (90 - 95.6%) was observed for all breeds. The biochemical values of the Allium cepa L. samples under study were examined by the traditional methods. It is marked that the dry substances, the sugars sum, the mono- and disaccharides in the majority of the samples exceed the standart (Yaltinsky rubin) on 14 - 39%, 11 - 48% and 36 - 150% correspondently. The samples with the high concentration of essential oil are singled out: Yaltinsky rubin (Crimea), Tavrichesky (Crimea), Blood red flat (Netherlands) and Brown Beauty (USA) - 4.5, 6.2, 5.6 and 4.4% correspondently. The microsculpture of Allium cepa L. leaf was studied by the method of raster electron mi-croscopy and the essential breed differences of the stomata quantity and their arrangement towards the leaf level were distinguished. The results of electron-microscopic research indicate the different level of Allium cepa L. samples adaptability. Allium cepa L. samples under study of the southern subspecies are recommended for the development of the new breeds with the advanced nutritional qualities

    Assessment of antioxidant properties of grain concentrate and oxidant-antioxidant status pigs after its inclusion in ration feeding

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    A grain concentrate was developed for use in bread baking based on whole-ground fermented wheat grain, to enhance that the beneficial properties have fermented wholegrain buckwheat grains in an amount of 20% by weight of the fermented wheat. For the fermentation of grain used dry complex enzyme preparation comprising cellulose, &beta;-glucanase and xylanase (producing Penicillin canescens), dissolved in a buffer based on succinic acid. Under the action of the drug, the micro structure surface of grain was changed. It is established that the character of the change in surface micro structure of wheat and buckwheat grain is the same. The results of the study of the content of vitamin E, flavonoids and antioxidant activity in wheat grains, buckwheat and grain concentrate are obtained by different technologies. The results show that grain concentrates from wheat grain with the addition of 20% buckwheat grains prepared using a solution of enzyme preparation of cellulolytic action in a buffer, based on succinic acid has a high antioxidant activity. As a biological model for studying changes oxidant-antioxidant status of the organism under stress when included in a diet designed grain concentrate, used pigs, that are under stress, caused by weaning them from sows and transportation. Investigated the following parameters oxidant-antioxidant status of the organism pigs: the level of malondialdehyde, ceruloplasmin, vitamins A, E and C in the blood of animals. It is concluded that, to improve the oxidative status of the piglets after weaning period recommended addition of concentrate fodder ration of grain wheat and buckwheat prepared using a solution of an enzyme preparation buffered cellulolytic action on the basis of succinic acid. The developed grain concentrate can be used for making the manufacture of cereal products, including grain bread included in the diet of people who live in conditions of oxidative stress.</div

    Mineral composition of amaranth (Amaranthus L.) seeds of vegetable and grain usage by ARHIVBSP selection

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    The questions of the practical usage of the analytical scanning electron microscope JSM 600 LA by JEOL company (Japan) with EDS system - microanalysis for the studying of the ash elemental composition of seeds 9 breeds (Vegetable and Grain application) 4 species genus Amaranthus L. - A. hypochondriacus, A. cruentus, A. hybridus, A. caudatus, A. tricolor. Plant seeds by Federal center of vegetable production selection were envisaged. We studied the concentration of 14 basic elements (in weight %) contained in the mineral part of amaranth seeds. In the amaranth seeds of vegetable forms the accumulation order of the elements is the following: Ca &gt;K &gt;P &gt;Mg &gt;Si &gt;Se &gt;Fe &gt;Mo &asymp; S &asymp; Cl &asymp; Zn &gt;Na &gt;Al. In the seeds of the grain forms the order is different: К &gt;P &gt;Ca &gt;Si &gt;Se &gt;Mg &gt;Fe &gt;Na &gt;Mo &gt;Cl &asymp; S &asymp; Mn &asymp; Zn &asymp; Al. The amaranth seeds of the grain forms are rich in macro - and microelements. P, K, Cl and S in the seeds of the grain forms are accumulated on 50, 37, 15 and 5% more and Si, Fe and Al in 2.6 and 1.8 times more than in the vegetable forms seeds. The breeds with the high concentration of the elements are recommended for using in the selection process. The elevated level of the essential macro- and microelements such as Ca, K, P, Mg, Mo, S and Cl stipulates the perspective of the functional products creation on the base of the studied amaranth seeds for the enrichment of the food stuffs

    Effect of drought stress on metabolite synthesis in Actinidia Arguta Leaves

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    In the context of global climatic changes, water stress, which causes drought, is one of the limiting factors affecting the environment and negatively affects the growth and development of cultivated plants. The stressful impact of dry conditions causes changes in the biochemical processes of plants. Herein, we studied the change in antioxidant activity, the amount of phenolic compounds and the peculiarities of the synthesis of some metabolites in Actinidia. argutа leaves, Taezhny Dar variety, under drought stress. All parameters were measured in leaves of control plants and after drought stress. Biennial plants were grown in separate pots and kept in an open area under a canopy to keep out the rain. Antioxidant activity and the amount of phenolic compounds were determined spectrophotometrically. Under conditions of moisture deficiency, the antioxidant activity and the amount of phenolic compounds in the leaves are higher than in the control. The composition of metabolites in the leaf extract was determined by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Under drought stress, changes in the synthesis of primary and secondary metabolites occur. In the leaves of control plants, 14 substances were identified, of which 6 are organic acids and 8 are carbohydrate substances. In the leaves of plants under drought stress, 37 compounds were recorded, that is, more than 2 times more than in the leaves of control plants, 23 substances of a carbohydrate nature were identified, including Myo-Inositol, which has antioxidant properties. The main carbohydrates in the leaves of the control plants of actinidia were turanose and mannobiose; under drought conditions, sucrose; its content increased 15 times in comparison with the control plants. The phenolic compounds Quininic acid and Caffeic acid are synthesized in the leaves of Actinidia arguta plants subjected to drought

    Heterologous Biosynthesis of Artemisinin in Chrysanthemum morifolium Ramat

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    Artemisinin-based drugs are the most effective medicine against multidrug-resistant Plasmodium spp., the parasite that causes malaria. To this day, wormwood A. annua L. is the sole commercial source of artemisinin, where it is produced in minor amounts. The artemisinin yield depends on numerous poorly regulated agricultural factors and the genetic variability of this non-domesticated plant. This has aroused significant interest in the development of heterologous expression platforms for artemisinin production. Previously, we obtained lines of Chrysanthemum morifolium Ramat. (C. morifolium Ramat.), cvs. White Snowdon and Egyptianka, transformed with artemisinin biosynthesis genes. Here, we report the results of an analysis of artemisinin production in transgenic chrysanthemums. Transcription of heterologous amorpha-4,11-diene monooxygenase and cytochrome P450 reductase genes in transgenic lines was confirmed using high-resolution melting analysis. Artemisinin accumulation was detected using GC-MS in White Snowdon plants, but not in Egyptianka ones, thereby demonstrating the possibility of transplanting active artemisinin biosynthetic pathway into chrysanthemum. Ways of increasing its content in producer plants are discussed