69 research outputs found

    Implementation of ecological audit in the enterprises activities for the benefit of the environment

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    The author believes that the problems connected with the impact on the environment are very relevant, including the matters of the assessment of damage caused to it and the matters of the assessment of risk from this damage for the users of nature, as well as for the state institutes, which are carrying out control, for private and public organizations. The current situation in Russia is characterized by the need of introduction of new ecologic-and-economic concepts, such as ecological audit and revision of the role and value of old economic tools in the state policy. The scheme of ecological audit, its main directions in Russia at the level of the enterprise, regions and the country in general as well as within the international cooperation are considered in the article. At the same time, some problems connected with legislation shortcomings exist. Besides, the author emphasizes the inadmissibility to solve the environmental problems at the expense of detriment of economic interests, the need of balanced and reasonable decisions

    Features of using modern information technologies in management activities

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    Nowadays, the development of information systems has brought a number of changes. People are becoming aware of the importance of technology and information. At the same time, the government of many countries is trying in every possible way to support the development of information systems and technologies. Information technologies are part not only of people's daily lives, but also of the management systems of the sectors of the national economy, public administration, security and defense of the country, as well as ensuring the legal order. Such technologies contribute to the automation of numerous processes, which significantly increases productivity. This is caused by the fact that fewer resources are used. As a result, quality improves, efficiency increases, and costs are reduced. Thanks to information technology, it is possible to store more information, which greatly simplifies the process of making managerial decisions

    Creating conditions for the sustainability of communicative competencies

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    The study is devoted to the psychological and pedagogical problems of the formation and stability of communicative competence necessary for the effective development of children with special educational needs, including severe multiple developmental disorders, the structure and features of the state of communicative competence are considered, the features leading to the inferiority of this competence are identified: the lack of formation of speech activity and its components that participate in communicative interaction between people, difficulties in determining the potential of communication skills in children with severe multiple disabilities, difficulties in determining the uniqueness of the personal and communicative development of children of the studied category at different stages of education, as well as conditions for the formation and stability of this phenomenon in children with severe multiple developmental disabilities receiving education in preschool and school periods. Among the main conditions for the stability of this phenomenon are the definition of an algorithm for the formation of communication skills in different types of activities; the presence of team communicative interaction of all subjects of the educational process. The continuity of the accompanying process is substantiated as the basis for the formation and further stable result of communicative competence in children with severe multiple developmental disorders

    Impact of the digital economy on the development of economic systems

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    The digital economy, which is based on new development concepts and driven by emerging technologies, relies on the application of information networks and platforms, renews factors and resources, and aims at high-quality and sustainable development as an important cornerstone for building a modern economic system. Digitalization affects most of the production processes and activities in the economy. In a period of rapid development of the digital economy, its significance is manifested in deep integration with economic and social industries, promoting digital transformation and constantly introducing new technologies, new models and new industry processes. This leads to the transformation and modernization of society, industry and enterprises, contributing to sustainable economic development based on innovation models. This paper discusses the importance of the digital economy in the modern economic system, which is expressed in an increase in production efficiency, the creation of new jobs, and a synergistic effect in various industries

    Regional environmental safety assessment

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    The article provides a comparative analysis of the regions of the Volga Federal District, Russia to identify the dependence of industrial development on the environment. The research collected statistical information for all regions of the district and used it as a basis for constructing a perception map showing the actual regional situations compared to the “ideal point”

    Securitization of Bank Assets as a Source of Financing the Innovation Activity

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    The paper justifies the features of securitization of bank assets as a process and as a source of financing of innovation activity. The place of securitization among financial innovation instruments is defined for this purpose, the basic distinctive features of the securitization model from other financing models are set out, peculiarities of application of three models of securitization (classical, synthetic, corporate) in solving problems of optimization of bank assets and reduction in the risks of banks and in financing of innovation are established. The efficiency of using the model of securitization of bank assets is defined. It is justified that not only the bank that manages credit risk receives the new possibilities in securitization operations, but also so does the client who is interested in reducing the cost of the loan funds used, as well as the investor who receives a highly profitable and at the same time low-risk financial instrument in the implementation of innovative projects at their disposal. Key words: securitization models, bank assets, bank risks, innovation activity, innovative project. JEL Classifications: G11, G21

    Project management challenges and labour migration: opportunities for sustainable development

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    The management of projects faces numerous challenges, including those related to labour migration. Labour migration has been a common phenomenon across the globe, and it presents both challenges and opportunities for sustainable development. This literature review is a vital component of an ongoing research project aimed at examining the impact of labour migration on sustainable development. The underlying objective of this paper is to address the apparent disparity between the perceptions of policymakers and project managers regarding the challenges posed by labour migration, and the actual opportunities that it presents for sustainable development. In this article we explore the challenges faced by project managers in dealing with labour migration and the opportunities it presents for sustainable development. The paper findings indicate that project managers face challenges such as language barriers, cultural differences, and legal issues in dealing with migrant workers. However, labour migration presents opportunities for sustainable development by enhancing cultural exchange, skills transfer, and economic growth. The implications of these findings for project management practices and labour migration policies are discussed. The study recommends that project managers and policymakers have to collaborate to develop effective strategies to address the challenges and harness the opportunities presented by labour migration for sustainable development. This study contributes to the existing literature on project management and labour migration by highlighting the need for a sustainable approach to managing projects that involve migrant workers

    Territorial expansion and sustainable development: a case study of regional small businesses

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    Small and Medium Enterprises SMEs play a critical role in driving sustainable economic growth and development. As engines of innovation and job creation, they are essential for fostering entrepreneurship and promoting sustainable development at the local and regional levels. In particular, SMEs have the potential to provide a range of economic, social, and environmental benefits, including creating new jobs, increasing local purchasing power, and contributing to the development of local communities. SMEs account for two out of every three jobs worldwide, with over 50 percent of employment in the private sector in developing economies. Furthermore, small businesses are often more adaptable and responsive to the needs of local markets, making them better equipped to compete with larger companies in the same industry. Given their important role in sustainable development, it is crucial to examine ways to support and promote the growth of regional small businesses, including through sustainable territorial expansion. This article presents a case study of an optics network to examine the challenges and opportunities for sustainable territorial expansion of regional small businesses. The study employs a mixed-methods research design, including an analysis of the optics network’s client base, a survey of key criteria for competitiveness in the optics industry, and an analysis of potential options for sustainable territorial expansion through the development of territorial representation

    Ecological aspects of modern city-planning

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    Directions for creation of a steady eco-city (or an eco-district) and the criteria of stability and environmental friendliness of the cities are presented. The authors also recognize that the sustainable eco-friendly development of the city demands association of the matters of the so called “green” agenda and the “brown” agenda. On the other hand, there are places where the sharp social inequality and the interfaced social problems are presented. The authors prove that, although the economic activity of cities leads to serious environmental problems, cities have the greatest potential for developing ways of sustainable environmental development

    Project management in the system of education

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    The purpose of this study is to identify universal methodological characteristics and general aspects of project management in the field of education (general principles, strategy, approaches, terms). The methodological conditions for the effectiveness of the preparation and use of the project are the relationship and interdependence of three approaches: a systematic approach that focuses on the implementation of the principle of reasonable sufficiency in the distribution of structural components in the organization; a situational approach that takes into account the characteristics of the external environment as a significant factor influencing the direction and content of changes in the organization; a behavioral approach that orients designers to understand the need to create conditions that have a beneficial effect on the behavior of people in organizational structures. Project management in education is a method of purposeful influence on the structure and processes taking place in the education system in order to transfer it to a qualitatively new state through a set of measures and actions. It is established that the project management model in education is a set of sequential actions at all stages, which ensures high efficiency of the process of finding a correspondence between the strategy of the organization in society and its basic components
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