8 research outputs found

    Does online ideal self-matter? Consumer perceptions of online brand advertisement

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    The internet and online space have created numerous platforms for users to communicate and interact, where each platform provides access to different sources of information. The purpose of the study was to investigate the online ideal self and its influence on brand attitude and attachment towards consumer purchase intention. A unique conceptual model was developed to test the proposed hypotheses of the study. Social media is one of the leading communication platforms that have emerged in the online space. Social media allows consumers and brands to interact in an informal manner from anywhere in the world. The study adopted a quantitative approach utilizing the survey method. Data was collected from 300 consumers. The data was then processed in SPSS 24 for descriptive statistics and AMOS 24 for hypotheses testing. A key finding suggests that social media consumers’ attachment is considerably dependent on their attitudes towards those brands. Brands can use social media to receive real-time feedback from customers as well as track this feedback. Implications emerged from the findings and further research direction is proposed

    A review of the impact of consumerism, recycling and pollution : evidence from Southeast Asia : 1999 to 2019

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    Consumerism has been linked to recycling and pollution over a substantial period leading to a surge of research interest of the past 20 years. Most of this interest has focused on South East Asian countries, namely India and Indonesia, considered as having one of the most polluted capitals in the world. This therefore prompts the present study which reviewed literature on the impact of consumerism, recycling and pollution from Southeast Asia during the 1999 to 2019. The study adopted a qualitative approach in which grey literature was utilised in conjunction with industry secondary data on consumerism, recycling and pollution from selected South East Asian countries. Literature was obtained from popular databases that included Science direct, Emerald and Ebsco host. Common themes were identified, and recurring tends were noted. Numerous findings were recorded, however it stood-out that the impact of pollution across South East Asia is a challenge that continuous regardless of the efforts from the global community. In conclusion, an overall assessment was provided and further research suggestions on consumerism, recycling and pollution were proposed.https://journals.aserspublishing.eu/jemthj2020Marketing Managemen

    Political campaigns in South Africa : does celebrity endorsement influence the intention to vote?

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    From presidential campaigns to social awareness campaigns, celebrities have gradually become central fixtures in modern politics. They tend to be information platforms for candidates and parties they either clearly support or officially endorse. South African political parties raised eyebrows when they rallied the country's popular celebrities to publicly endorse them. Political parties spend a significant amount of money on celebrity endorsements as it is believed that celebrities can leverage “secondary brand associations”. This leads to the question: does the increased use of celebrity endorsements in political campaigns influence the intention to vote? The aim of this study is to investigate the influence of celebrity political endorsement on intentions to vote. Employing a quantitative research design, 227 respondents were surveyed using a structured questionnaire. The findings show that endorser credibility has a positive significant relationship with political party credibility and voters' intentions. The relationship between political party credibility and voters' intentions is also positive and significant. This study provides managerial implications, limitations and future research.University of Cape Town's Research Committee (URC).http://wileyonlinelibrary.com/journal/pa2022-07-29hj2022Marketing Managemen

    The influence of place branding on perceived image: the case of Braamfotein, Johannesburg in South Africa

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    A Masters dissertation submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of the Master of Commerce (Marketing) in The School of Economic and Business Sciences, at the University of the Witwatersrand. DECEMBER 2015Tourism has become one of the most significant export sectors in many developing countries and is purported to be the most viable and sustainable economic option, and in some of these (developing) nations, the main source of foreign exchange returns. It is therefore incumbent on destinations to effectively differentiate themselves especially when considering the increasingly competitive nature of tourism markets and an environment where many places that present similar features are becoming substitutionable. Contemporary urban development literature stresses the significance of place branding as an asset in the effective differentiation and positioning of places. It is noted that while many sources viewed the three main target markets for place branding as companies, visitors and residents, the role of the resident was limited to passive beneficiary as opposed to one of active engagement. Given the pervasion of the “staycation” and the concurrent rise in popularity of the Braamfontein Precinct, this paper will investigate the influence that place branding has had on the region’s perceived image by those within the precinct. Self-administered structured surveys were distributed electronically and using the street-intercept method to individuals aged 18 – 35, who were in the Braamfontein Precinct. Descriptive statistics and inferential statistics were examined. Path Modeling, Confirmatory Factor Analysis and Structural Equation Modeling were also carried out in order to further analyse the data. The findings with regard to presented city brand, city brand equity and city brand meaning having a positive relationship with city brand image were both supported and significant at a 5% level of confidence. The findings with regard to city brand awareness having a positive relationship with city brand image were insignificant and consequently rejected. The study presents that investment in the presented city brand that goes beyond marketing communications to include city brand properties such as facilities, scenery, heritage and transport (amongst other amenities) will result in a favourable city brand image. It is also important that regional managers do not take a unilateral approach on deciding on a brand meaning but rather a consultative one that will result in involvement and ultimately investment from the various stakeholders. Additionally, the generation of curiosity and interest in the city brand is vital to encouraging customer involvement with the precinct. Digital marketing tools can be employed in this regard; online and search advertising can be used to raise awareness. Finally, social media can be used for customer generated content, allowing for both participation on the consumers’ part and insights on the part of the regional management. This allows for engagement with consumers and provides branding opportunities for the region.MT201

    Governance, Cohesion and Banking in Spain from a Spatial Perspective

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    During the global financial crisis, regional banks – dependent on local savings and only able to lend these savings to customers within their respective regions – helped avoid a credit crunch in some countries; while in others, they did not fulfil this function. This paper elaborates governance structures that influenced the success of regional banking systems in Spain, with regard to regulation principles, the overall economic and political structures, and self-organisation of regional banks. With respect to the high importance of the decentralised banking sector in Germany, the paper compares the state of decentralised banking between Spain and Germany, concluding that the regional principle in Germany, a decentralized state structure with mechanisms of regional balance, and the self-governance of regional banks are important factors

    An Analysis of the Intention of Consumers to Adopt Branded Mobile Applications in South Africa

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    The purpose of the study was to conduct an empirical research on adoption of the technology acceptance model on investigating consumers’    intention to-wards the acceptance of branded mobile applications in South  Africa. The study was quantitative in nature where 255 participants were  utilised for data collection. To analyse the data structural equation modeling approach us-ing SPSS 24 and Amos 24 was conducted. Key findings were that the per-ceived usefulness of mobile phone applications and their enjoyment had direct and significant impact of consumer attitudes towards the adoption of those mobile applications. The implications of these key findings were that for mo-bile applications to be adopted in South Africa marketer have to find the best possible ways of making mobile applications user friendly and  convenient whether be it for commerce or entertainment purposes

    An Analysis of the Intention of Consumers to Adopt Branded Mobile Applications in South Africa

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    The purpose of the study was to conduct an empirical research on adoption of the technology acceptance model on investigating consumers’    intention to-wards the acceptance of branded mobile applications in South  Africa. The study was quantitative in nature where 255 participants were  utilised for data collection. To analyse the data structural equation modeling approach us-ing SPSS 24 and Amos 24 was conducted. Key findings were that the per-ceived usefulness of mobile phone applications and their enjoyment had direct and significant impact of consumer attitudes towards the adoption of those mobile applications. The implications of these key findings were that for mo-bile applications to be adopted in South Africa marketer have to find the best possible ways of making mobile applications user friendly and  convenient whether be it for commerce or entertainment purposes