39 research outputs found

    Improvement of Ion Confinement in Core Electron-Root Confinement (CERC) Plasmas in Large Helical Device

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    An increase in ion temperature has been observed with superposition of centrally focused electron cyclotron resonance heating (ECRH) to plasmas heated by high-energy neutral beam injection (NBI) in Large Helical Device. The ion-temperature (Ti) rise is accompanied by the formation of electron internal transport barrier (ITB). A transport analysis shows that ion transport as well as electron transport is improved with the reduction of anomalous transport. A neoclassical ambipolar flux calculation shows a positive radial-electric field (Er) in the region of the Ti rise, and Er should suppress the enhancement of ripple transport due to the Ti-rise. These analyses indicate the ion transport improvement in the core electron-root confinement plasmas. Toroidal rotation is driven in the co-direction by applying ECRH, and the toroidal rotation velocity is increased with the Ti rise. A correlation between the Ti rise and toroidal rotation is suggested

    Impurity emission characteristics of long pulse discharges in Large Helical Device

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    Line spectra from intrinsic impurity ions have been monitored during the three kinds of long-pulse discharges (ICH, ECH, NBI). Constant emission from the iron impurity shows no preferential accumulation of iron ion during the long-pulse operations. Stable Doppler ion temperature has been also measured from Fe XX, C V and C III spectra

    Recent Results from LHD Experiment with Emphasis on Relation to Theory from Experimentalist’s View

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    he Large Helical Device (LHD) has been extending an operational regime of net-current free plasmas towardsthe fusion relevant condition with taking advantage of a net current-free heliotron concept and employing a superconducting coil system. Heating capability has exceeded 10 MW and the central ion and electron temperatureshave reached 7 and 10 keV, respectively. The maximum value of β and pulse length have been extended to 3.2% and 150 s, respectively. Many encouraging physical findings have been obtained. Topics from recent experiments, which should be emphasized from the aspect of theoretical approaches, are reviewed. Those are (1) Prominent features in the inward shifted configuration, i.e., mitigation of an ideal interchange mode in the configuration with magnetic hill, and confinement improvement due to suppression of both anomalous and neoclassical transport, (2) Demonstration ofbifurcation of radial electric field and associated formation of an internal transport barrier, and (3) Dynamics of magnetic islands and clarification of the role of separatrix


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    長期以來學者多認為葉適的經濟理論是立足於宋代經濟發展的現實的。然則葉適的經濟理論究意對南宋國家政策的制定產生過何種作用? 對此則歷來論及較少。本文即試圖通過對葉適財政理論的具體考察來討論這一問題。       本文首先對葉適的宋代財政觀作了考察。南宋政府的財政規模過於踱腫, 致弊之由主要有兩個方面: 一是財政收入。葉適認為財政收入的臃腫枝蔓肇端於北宋王安石執宰時期, 而茲後政府屢增專賣稅賦和疊攤附加稅額的作法, 又使這一弊端愈演愈烈; 二是財政支出方面。葉適認為南宋政府支出龐大, 是由兵員劇龐、開銷浩繁所致。此外, 財源渠道的經緯散亂, 也是使財政收入陷入窘境的重要原因之一。如此臃腫雜亂的財政狀況, 必然引起掠奪百姓、加劇人民負擔的嚴重後果, 同時也造成了兵員質量降低, 殷商大戶對社會經濟應起的調節作用消失, 以及地方官員的負擔加重等惡果。       基於這種認識, 葉適提出了他的財政改革方案, 其內容主耍是: 一, 縮減財政收入; 二, 裁撤兵額; 三, 精簡財政管理手續, 以使財權部分地化歸地方。淳熙十六年(1189年)南宋政府有限度地縮減了經總制錢等, 這應該看作是對葉適改革方案的部分採納。       但是, 葉適的改革方案存在著不少問題。首先, 葉適過分強調了縮減財政規模, 而忽略了對南宋財政上的"滲漏"現象這一嚴重問題的解決, 這主要表現在他對國用司的批評和他對范仲淹的評價上。其次, 他在動用政府財款施行社會救濟方面顯得消極被動, 這影響了社會生產的正常進行。此外, 他的裁撤兵額也只是在軍事防禦方面起了一些作用, 對於收復北方失地卻未必有益。綜觀葉適的財政理論和改革方案, 只是在一定程度內抑制了南宋財政的惡性擴展和對人民的肆意掠奪, 其歷史作用是極為有限的

    S. Imahori, Historical Phases of Chinese Sosiety <Book Reviews>

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    Economic Stagnation of the Zhedong (浙東) seaport cities and deterioration of forest environments in the Southern Song period

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    In the researches on pre-modern Chinese history, its economic development has been overemphasized until quite recently, although the economic revolution in the medieval China did not continue for such a long time; the Chinese economy fell into a decline in the fourteenth century and there were indications of this decline already in the Southern Song period. In this paper, I analyze the economic stagnation in the Zhedong seaport cities and the deterioration of forest environments in this area. A large population growth because of the migration from north China and an excessive increase of shipbuilding which was carried out against Chin (金) empire caused not only a severe lack of woods for fuels and ships but also a grave forest destruction, especially in the Liangzhe-lu (両浙路). The shortage of ships affected the maritime transportation. The forest destruction made the sand to flow from the bare hills in the downstream and the seaports. Moreover, it caused the flood to increase in occurrence in the Southern Song period