188 research outputs found
Cluster Structure in Cosmological Simulations I: Correlation to Observables, Mass Estimates, and Evolution
We use Enzo, a hybrid Eulerian AMR/N-body code including non-gravitational
heating and cooling, to explore the morphology of the X-ray gas in clusters of
galaxies and its evolution in current generation cosmological simulations. We
employ and compare two observationally motivated structure measures: power
ratios and centroid shift. Overall, the structure of our simulated clusters
compares remarkably well to low-redshift observations, although some
differences remain that may point to incomplete gas physics. We find no
dependence on cluster structure in the mass-observable scaling relations, T_X-M
and Y_X-M, when using the true cluster masses. However, estimates of the total
mass based on the assumption of hydrostatic equilibrium, as assumed in
observational studies, are systematically low. We show that the hydrostatic
mass bias strongly correlates with cluster structure and, more weakly, with
cluster mass. When the hydrostatic masses are used, the mass-observable scaling
relations and gas mass fractions depend significantly on cluster morphology,
and the true relations are not recovered even if the most relaxed clusters are
used. We show that cluster structure, via the power ratios, can be used to
effectively correct the hydrostatic mass estimates and mass-scaling relations,
suggesting that we can calibrate for this systematic effect in cosmological
studies. Similar to observational studies, we find that cluster structure,
particularly centroid shift, evolves with redshift. This evolution is mild but
will lead to additional errors at high redshift. Projection along the line of
sight leads to significant uncertainty in the structure of individual clusters:
less than 50% of clusters which appear relaxed in projection based on our
structure measures are truly relaxed.Comment: 57 pages, 18 figures, accepted to ApJ, updated definition of T_X and
M_gas but results unchanged, for version with full resolution figures, see
Approach to the extremal limit of the Schwarzschild-de Sitter black hole
The quasinormal-mode spectrum of the Schwarzschild-de Sitter black hole is
studied in the limit of near-equal black-hole and cosmological radii. It is
found that the mode_frequencies_ agree with the P"oschl-Teller approximation to
one more order than previously realized, even though the effective_potential_
does not. Whether the spectrum approaches the limiting one uniformly in the
mode index is seen to depend on the chosen units (to the order investigated). A
perturbation framework is set up, in which these issues can be studied to
higher order in future.Comment: REVTeX4, 4pp., no figures. N.B. "Alec" is my first, and "Maassen van
den Brink" my family name. v2: added numerical verificatio
Asymptotic Spectroscopy of Rotating Black Holes
We calculate analytically the transmission and reflection amplitudes for
waves incident on a rotating black hole in d=4, analytically continued to
asymptotically large, nearly imaginary frequency. These amplitudes determine
the asymptotic resonant frequencies of the black hole, including quasinormal
modes, total-transmission modes and total-reflection modes. We identify these
modes with semiclassical bound states of a one-dimensional Schrodinger
equation, localized along contours in the complexified r-plane which connect
turning points of corresponding null geodesics. Each family of modes has a
characteristic temperature and chemical potential. The relations between them
provide hints about the microscopic description of the black hole in this
asymptotic regime.Comment: References adde
Effective temperature for black holes
The physical interpretation of black hole's quasinormal modes is fundamental
for realizing unitary quantum gravity theory as black holes are considered
theoretical laboratories for testing models of such an ultimate theory and
their quasinormal modes are natural candidates for an interpretation in terms
of quantum levels. The spectrum of black hole's quasinormal modes can be
re-analysed by introducing a black hole's effective temperature which takes
into account the fact that, as shown by Parikh and Wilczek, the radiation
spectrum cannot be strictly thermal. This issue changes in a fundamental way
the physical understanding of such a spectrum and enables a re-examination of
various results in the literature which realizes important modifies on quantum
physics of black holes. In particular, the formula of the horizon's area
quantization and the number of quanta of area result modified becoming
functions of the quantum "overtone" number n. Consequently, the famous formula
of Bekenstein-Hawking entropy, its sub-leading corrections and the number of
microstates are also modified. Black hole's entropy results a function of the
quantum overtone number too. We emphasize that this is the first time that
black hole's entropy is directly connected with a quantum number. Previous
results in the literature are re-obtained in the limit n \to \infty.Comment: 10 pages,accepted for publication in Journal of High Energy Physics.
Comments are welcom
On the Formation of Cool, Non-Flowing Cores in Galaxy Clusters via Hierarchical Mergers
We present a new model for the creation of cool cores in rich galaxy clusters
within a LambdaCDM cosmological framework using the results from high spatial
dynamic range, adaptive mesh hydro/N-body simulations. It is proposed that
cores of cool gas first form in subclusters and these subclusters merge to
create rich clusters with cool, central X-Ray excesses. The rich cool clusters
do not possess ``cooling flows'' due to the presence of bulk velocities in the
intracluster medium in excess of 1000 km/sec produced by on-going accretion of
gas from supercluster filaments. This new model has several attractive features
including the presence of substantial core substructure within the cool cores,
and it predicts the appearance of cool bullets, cool fronts, and cool filaments
all of which have been recently observed with X-Ray satellites. This
hierarchical formation model is also consistent with the observation that cool
cores in Abell clusters occur preferentially in dense supercluster
environments. On the other hand, our simulations overproduce cool cores in
virtually all of our numerical clusters, the central densities are high, and
physical core temperatures are often below 1 keV (in contrast to recent
observations). We will discuss additional preliminary simulations to ``soften''
the cool cores involving star formation and supernova feedback.Comment: Invited oral presentation for ``The Riddle of Cooling Flows in
Galaxies and Clusters of Galaxies'' held at Charlottesville, VA USA May 31 -
June 4 2003. Proceedings at http://www.astro.virginia.edu/coolflow, eds T. H.
Reiprich, J. C. Kempner and N. Soker. 10 pages, 16 figure
Perturbative Calculation of Quasinormal Modes of --Dimensional Black Holes
We study analytically quasinormal modes in a wide variety of black hole
spacetimes, including --dimensional asymptotically flat spacetimes and
non-asymptotically flat spacetimes (particular attention has been paid to the
four dimensional case). We extend the analytical calculation to include
first-order corrections to analytical expressions for quasinormal mode
frequencies by making use of a monodromy technique. All possible type
perturbations are included in this paper. The calculation performed in this
paper show that systematic expansions for uncharged black holes include
different corrections with the ones for charged black holes. This difference
makes them have a different --dependence relation in the first-order
correction formulae. The method applied above in calculating the first-order
corrections of quasinormal mode frequencies seems to be unavailable for black
holes with small charge. This result supports the Neitzke's prediction. On what
concerns quantum gravity we confirm the view that the in
Schwarzschild seems to be nothing but some numerical coincidences.Comment: 49 pages, 5 figure
A note on quasinormal modes: A tale of two treatments
There is an apparent discrepancy in the literature with regard to the
quasinormal mode frequencies of Schwarzschild-de Sitter black holes in the
degenerate-horizon limit. On the one hand, a Poschl-Teller-inspired method
predicts that the real part of the frequencies will depend strongly on the
orbital angular momentum of the perturbation field whereas, on the other hand,
the degenerate limit of a monodromy-based calculation suggests there should be
no such dependence (at least, for the highly damped modes). In the current
paper, we provide a possible resolution by critically re-assessing the limiting
procedure used in the monodromy analysis.Comment: 11 pages, Revtex format; (v2) new addendum in response to reader
comments, also references, footnote and acknowledgments adde
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