2 research outputs found

    Robotically driven construction of buildings: Exploring on-demand building components production

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    Robotically Driven Construction of Buildings (RDCB) is an exploration into design to production solutions for robotically driven construction of buildings initiated by the faculties of Civil Engineering and Architecture, TU Delft and Architecture, TU Eindhoven and implemented 2014 within the 3TU Lighthouse framework. The aim of was to involve the disciplines of architecture, robotics, materials science, and structural design in order to integrate knowledge from the individual disciplines and develop new numerically controlled manufacturing techniques and building-design optimisation methods for adding creative value to buildings in a cost-effective and sustainable way.RDCB builds up on expertise developed at Hyperbody with respect to applications of robotics in architecture and this paper presents the contribution of the Robotic Building team from Hyperbody, Faculty of Architecture, TU Delft to the RDCB project. The contribution is in line with Europe’s aim to improve material and energy efficiency of buildings and efficiency of construction processes. Robotically driven construction and customised building materials have the potential to realise this in a cost-effective way and at the same time reduce accidents and health hazards for workers in the building sector. In order to achieve this RDCB is distributing materials as needed and where needed. This requires exploration of a variety of techniques and implies working with customised materials and techniques while finding the best methods of applying materials in the logic of specific force flows or thermal dissipation patterns.RDCB advances multi- and trans-disciplinary knowledge in robotically driven construction by designing and engineering new building systems for the on-demand production of customisable building components (Bier, 2014). The main consideration is that in architecture and building construction the factory of the future employs building materials and components that can be on site robotically processed and assembled

    M4H: A computational aproach for the transformation of the Merwe-Vierhavens

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    The aim of this architectural assignment is to design a building that reconnects – both on a physical as well as on a social level – the port of Merwe-Vierhavens and the project location to its direct surrounding and to the city of Rotterdam. The goal is not only to inject a variety of program and functions – those of which are lacking – into the area, but also to create, transform and shape the public space, in a way the variety of program and use of public space can maintain its own intervention as well as its surrounding in a social and architectural sustainable way.Non-Standard & Interactive ArchitectureHyperbodyArchitecture and The Built Environmen