6 research outputs found

    SVNN:An efficient PacBio-specific pipeline for structural variations calling using neural networks

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    Abstract Background Once aligned, long-reads can be a useful source of information to identify the type and position of structural variations. However, due to the high sequencing error of long reads, long-read structural variation detection methods are far from precise in low-coverage cases. To be accurate, they need to use high-coverage data, which in turn, results in an extremely time-consuming pipeline, especially in the alignment phase. Therefore, it is of utmost importance to have a structural variation calling pipeline which is both fast and precise for low-coverage data. Results In this paper, we present SVNN, a fast yet accurate, structural variation calling pipeline for PacBio long-reads that takes raw reads as the input and detects structural variants of size larger than 50 bp. Our pipeline utilizes state-of-the-art long-read aligners, namely NGMLR and Minimap2, and structural variation callers, videlicet Sniffle and SVIM. We found that by using a neural network, we can extract features from Minimap2 output to detect a subset of reads that provide useful information for structural variation detection. By only mapping this subset with NGMLR, which is far slower than Minimap2 but better serves downstream structural variation detection, we can increase the sensitivity in an efficient way. As a result of using multiple tools intelligently, SVNN achieves up to 20 percentage points of sensitivity improvement in comparison with state-of-the-art methods and is three times faster than a naive combination of state-of-the-art tools to achieve almost the same accuracy. Conclusion Since prohibitive costs of using high-coverage data have impeded long-read applications, with SVNN, we provide the users with a much faster structural variation detection platform for PacBio reads with high precision and sensitivity in low-coverage scenarios

    Adaptive On-the-Fly Changes in Distributed Processing Pipelines

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    Distributed data processing systems have become the standard means for big data analytics. These systems are based on processing pipelines where operations on data are performed in a chain of consecutive steps. Normally, the operations performed by these pipelines are set at design time, and any changes to their functionality require the applications to be restarted. This is not always acceptable, for example, when we cannot afford downtime or when a long-running calculation would lose significant progress. The introduction of variation points to distributed processing pipelines allows for on-the-fly updating of individual analysis steps. In this paper, we extend such basic variation point functionality to provide fully automated reconfiguration of the processing steps within a running pipeline through an automated planner. We have enabled pipeline modeling through constraints. Based on these constraints, we not only ensure that configurations are compatible with type but also verify that expected pipeline functionality is achieved. Furthermore, automating the reconfiguration process simplifies its use, in turn allowing users with less development experience to make changes. The system can automatically generate and validate pipeline configurations that achieve a specified goal, selecting from operation definitions available at planning time. It then automatically integrates these configurations into the running pipeline. We verify the system through the testing of a proof-of-concept implementation. The proof of concept also shows promising results when reconfiguration is performed frequently

    Empowering Machine Learning Development with Service-Oriented Computing Principles

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    Despite software industries’ successful utilization of Service-Oriented Computing (SOC) to streamline software development, machine learning (ML) development has yet to fully integrate these practices. This disparity can be attributed to multiple factors, such as the unique challenges inherent to ML development and the absence of a unified framework for incorporating services into this process. In this paper, we shed light on the disparities between services-oriented computing and machine learning development. We propose “Everything as a Module” (XaaM), a framework designed to encapsulate every ML artifacts including models, code, data, and configurations as individual modules, to bridge this gap. We propose a set of additional steps that need to be taken to empower machine learning development using services-oriented computing via an architecture that facilitates efficient management and orchestration of complex ML systems. By leveraging the best practices of services-oriented computing, we believe that machine learning development can achieve a higher level of maturity, improve the efficiency of the development process, and ultimately, facilitate the more effective creation of machine learning applications

    IMOS: improved Meta-aligner and Minimap2 On Spark

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    Abstract Background Long reads provide valuable information regarding the sequence composition of genomes. Long reads are usually very noisy which renders their alignments on the reference genome a daunting task. It may take days to process datasets enough to sequence a human genome on a single node. Hence, it is of primary importance to have an aligner which can operate on distributed clusters of computers with high performance in accuracy and speed. Results In this paper, we presented IMOS, an aligner for mapping noisy long reads to the reference genome. It can be used on a single node as well as on distributed nodes. In its single-node mode, IMOS is an Improved version of Meta-aligner (IM) enhancing both its accuracy and speed. IM is up to 6x faster than the original Meta-aligner. It is also implemented to run IM and Minimap2 on Apache Spark for deploying on a cluster of nodes. Moreover, multi-node IMOS is faster than SparkBWA while executing both IM (1.5x) and Minimap2 (25x). Conclusion In this paper, we purposed an architecture for mapping long reads to a reference. Due to its implementation, IMOS speed can increase almost linearly with respect to the number of nodes in a cluster. Also, it is a multi-platform application able to operate on Linux, Windows, and macOS