1,168 research outputs found

    Asbestos: facts and fiction.

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    In vitro studies on the biologic effects of fibers: correlation with in vivo bioassays.

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    In vitro studies employing organ cultures, primary cell cultures, cell lines, and bacterial systems have been used to assess the toxicity, mutagenicity, and carcinogenic potential of asbestos and nonasbestos fibers. These experiments have been useful in defining mechanisms contributing to the causation of fiber-associated lung diseases. Long (greater than 8 microns), thin asbestos fibers are more active in vitro than short (less than or equal to 2 microns) fibers or nonfibrous particles, an observation supporting the importance of fiber dimension in disease. Although in vitro bioassays cannot evaluate characteristics such as clearance and/or durability of fibers which may be critical determinants of fiber toxicity in lung, they can be used both to address dosimetry at the cellular level (i.e., number of fibers per cell that elicit a measurable biologic end point) and to evaluate preventive approaches to fiber-induced cell injury. Development of in vitro models employing target cells of the lung, i.e., mesothelial cells, tracheobronchial epithelial cells, and lung fibroblasts, as well as carefully characterized preparations of fibers and particles, will be necessary to evaluate whether in vitro bioassays are amenable to predicting the pathogenic potential of synthetic and naturally occurring fibers comparatively

    In vitro approaches for determining mechanisms of toxicity and carcinogenicity by asbestos in the gastrointestinal and respiratory tracts.

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    Organ and cell cultures of gastrointestinal and tracheobronchial epithelium have been used to document both the interaction of asbestos with mucosal cells and the sequence of cellular events occurring after exposure of cells to fibers. The biological activity of various types of asbestos in vitro is related to surface charge, crystallization, and dimensional characteristics. These factors also influence adsorption of natural secretions and serum components to fibers, a process that ameliorates cytotoxicity. Although mechanistic studies at the cellular level are lacking using epithelial cells of the digestive tract, asbestos appears to elicit a constellation of morphologic and biochemical changes in tracheal epithelium that resemble effects of classical tumor promoters on target cells

    Regulation of antioxidant enzymes in lung after oxidant injury.

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    Studies have implicated active oxygen species (AOS) in the pathogenesis of various lung diseases. Many chemical and physical agents in the environment are potent generators of AOS, including ozone, hyperoxia, mineral dusts, paraquat, etc. These agents produce AOS by different mechanisms, but frequently the lung is the primary target of toxicity, and exposure results in damage to lung tissue to varying degrees. The lung has developed defenses to AOS-mediated damage, which include antioxidant enzymes, the superoxide dismutases [copper-zinc (CuZnSOD) and manganese-containing (MnSOD)], catalase, and glutathione peroxidase (GPX). In this review, antioxidant defenses to environmental stresses in the lung as well as in isolated pulmonary cells following exposure to a number of different oxidants, are summarized. Each oxidant appears to induce a different pattern of antioxidant enzyme response in the lung, although some common trends, i.e., induction of MnSOD following oxidants inducing inflammation or pulmonary fibrosis, in responses to oxidants occur. Responses may vary between the different cell types in the lung as a function of cell-cycle or other factors. Increases in MnSOD mRNA or immunoreactive protein in response to certain oxidants may serve as a biomarker of AOS-mediated damage in the lung

    Evidence supporting a role for active oxygen species in asbestos-induced toxicity and lung disease.

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    Asbestos is an important occupational and environmental toxicant that affects several cell types in the respiratory tract. In an effort to understand how asbestos causes cell injury and/or altered proliferation and differentiation of cells, this laboratory has focused on reactive oxygen species as mediators of asbestos-induced biological effects. A compendium of experimental results reported by this laboratory and others supports this hypothesis. For example, scavengers of reactive oxygen metabolites and iron chelators (i.e., desferroxamine) prevent cytotoxicity after addition of asbestos to a variety of cell lines and macrophages in vitro. DNA strand breakage associated with toxicity of crocidolite asbestos in C3H10T 1/2 cells also is ameliorated with use of desferroxamine. All types of asbestos cause lipid peroxidation in mammalian cells and artificial membranes, a phenomenon that can be prevented by removal of catalytic iron. Last, asbestos causes generation of active oxygen species after interaction with leukocytes or by reduction of oxygen on the surface of the fibers

    Studies using lectins to determine mineral interactions with cellular membranes.

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    Chrysotile asbestos interacts with mucin-secreting cells of tracheal organ cultures, causing an increase in secretion of mucin into the culture medium. This response occurs in the absence of obvious morphologic damage to tracheal epithelial cells. We speculated that asbestos-induced hypersecretion was regulated by the interaction of fibers with specific carbohydrate residues on the cell surface. To test this hypothesis, lectins, i.e., proteins with a high affinity for mono- and oligosaccharides on the plasma membrane, were added to tissues 30 min before addition of chrysotile. Secretion of mucin into the medium was then determined over a 2-hr period by using incorporation of 3H-glucosamine. Blocking of alpha-D-mannose and alpha-D-glucose residues inhibited chrysotile-induced hypersecretion (p less than 0.05), whereas lectins blocking residues of alpha-D-N-acetylgalactosamine, beta-D-N-acetylglucosamine, alpha-L-fucose and sialic acids were ineffective. Preincubation of cultures with carboxypeptidase A or phospholipase A2, but not with neuraminidase, diminished mucin secretion caused by chrysotile. To determine if the positive surface charge of chrysotile was important in interaction with mucin cells, we examined comparatively the effects of various polycations (cationic ferritin, polylysine, DEAE-dextran) and chrysotile after leaching of fibers to remove Mg2+. Although use of polycations enhanced secretion of mucin, effects were not as striking as those observed with chrysotile. In contrast, leached chrysotile failed to elicit a hypersecretory response. These results suggest the interaction of a positively charged component (presumably Mg2+) of chrysotile with glycolipids and glycoproteins containing terminal residues of alpha-D-mannose or alpha-D-glucose

    Comparative studies on the cytotoxicity of amphibole and serpentine asbestos.

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    The chemical and physical properties of serpentine and amphibole asbestos are considered in the context of their interaction with tissue of the tracheobronchial tree and lungs. In vitro studies in cultures of several types are evaluated and work with the erythrocyte hemolysis system is reviewed. Although fibers of the two major mineral types differ substantially, it is likely they are modified by secretions and membranes of cells after inhalation to the respiratory tract. Investigations using virgin asbestos might not provide an accurate picture of events in vitro

    Interaction of asbestos with metaplastic squamous epithelium developing in organ cultures of hamster trachea.

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    The normal mucociliary epithelium of the respiratory tract in chronic cigarette smokers often is replaced focally by a metaplastic squamous epithelium. Because asbestos workers who smoke have a substantially greater risk of bronchogenic carcinoma than nonsmokers, we hypothesized that interaction of asbestos with squamous epithelium might be a contributing factor. To address this question, an in vitro model was developed to study the interaction of asbestos with both mucociliary and squamous epithelium. Explants of tracheas from hamsters were cultured in either a chemically defined minimal essential medium, which maintains a differentiated epithelium, or a nutritionally complex medium, which encourages the development of squamous metaplasia. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was used to measure quantitatively the development of a squamous epithelial surface on the explants. The interaction of chrysotile and crocidolite asbestos with cells of the mucociliary and squamous epithelium was studied using both SEM and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Long fibers of asbestos were cleared, whereas shorter fibers were phagocytized by cells of the mucociliary epithelium. In contrast, asbestos was phagocytized by superficial squamous cells regardless of fiber length, and fibers penetrated between intercellular junctions in the metaplastic epithelium. The relevance of these interactions to the induction of bronchogenic carcinoma is discussed

    Effects of crocidolite and chrysotile asbestos on cellular uptake and metabolism of benzo(a)pyrene in hamster tracheal epithelial cells.

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    The incidence of bronchogenic carcinoma is increased substantially in asbestos workers who smoke. We used several approaches to determine possible mechanisms of synergism at the cellular level between asbestos and the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH), benzo(a)pyrene (BaP), a chemical carcinogen in cigarette smoke. Specifically, we hypothesized that cellular uptake and metabolism of BaP might be facilitated when the hydrocarbon was coated on asbestos. In addition, we were interested in whether asbestos, alone or in combination with BaP, caused single strand breakage of DNA in epithelial cells of the airway. UICC reference samples of crocidolite and chrysotile were coated with 3H-BaP before their addition to monolayers of hamster tracheal epithelial cells. In comparative studies, 3H-BaP at identical amounts was added to cells in culture medium. At intervals thereafter, uptake of BaP by cells was documented by scintillation spectrometry and by autoradiography. In addition, cells and media were assayed by use of high pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC) to demonstrate the water-soluble metabolites of BaP. The integrity of DNA was monitored by alkaline elution at intervals after exposure of tracheal cells to various concentrations of asbestos, BaP and BaP-coated asbestos. A rapid transfer of BaP to cells occurred after addition of BaP-coated asbestos to cultures. When BaP was adsorbed to both types of fibers before their addition to cultures, 70% of the total BaP introduced entered the cell within 1 hr; 50% remained intracellular after 8 hr. In contrast, if identical amounts of BaP were added directly to medium, an initial influx of 20% was observed and cells retained only 5% of the initial amount at 8 hr.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS

    Mechanisms of asbestos-induced squamous metaplasia in tracheobronchial epithelial cells.

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    Within 1 to 4 weeks after exposure to asbestos, differentiated rodent and human tracheobronchial epithelial cells in organ culture undergo squamous metaplasia, a putative preneoplastic lesion characterized by conversion of mucociliary cell types to keratinizing cells. The exogenous addition of retinal acetate (RA) to culture medium of hamster tracheal organ cultures reverses preestablished, asbestos-induced squamous metaplasia, although data suggest that the effectiveness of RA decreases as the length of time between exposure to asbestos and initial application of RA increases. alpha-Difluoromethylornithine (DFMO), an irreversible inhibitor of ornithine decarboxylase (ODC), inhibits squamous metaplasia caused by asbestos or vitamin A deficiency, whereas addition of methylglyoxal bis(guanylhydrazone) (MGBG), a structural analog of spermidine and inhibitor of S-adenosylmethionine decarboxylase, causes an enhancement of metaplasia under both circumstances. Basal cell hyperplasia and increased incorporation of 3H-thymidine by tracheal epithelial cells also are seen after addition of the polyamines, putrescine or spermidine, to tracheal organ cultures, an observation supporting the importance of polyamines in the development of this lesion. The use of retinoids and inhibitors of ODC could be promising as preventive and/or therapeutic approaches for individuals at high risk for development of asbestos-associated diseases
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