61 research outputs found

    The labor migration of moldovan population: trends and effects

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    After achieving independence in 1991, Republic of Moldova quickly became a typical labor emigration country: more than 500 thousands or about 10% of its citizens are currently working abroad. It is also the only CIS member with a comprehensive migration policy and data on migration and remittances. Migrants' remittances to Moldova amount to about 25-30% of the GDP, one of the highest levels in the world. This paper discusses main migration patterns, structural features of this new migration wave, and the migrants' major destination countries. Special attention is given to the relative costs of movement to various countries, the scale of movement, channels of migrants' remittances as well as their impact on the individual migrant households and Moldova's economy in general

    Terapia osteoartrozei deformante cu zinaxin (supraveghere 6 luni)

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    Conferinţa naţională în medicina internă din Republica Moldova cu participare internaţională, 19-20 mai 2011, Chişinău, Republica MoldovaSummary. In this study the efficacy of Zinaxin („Fereosan”, Denmark) in pacients with gonarthrosis is analyzed. There was remaeked a positive clinical effect, improvement of the laboratory tests and ultrasound signs. A positive antiinflammatory effect with diminished synovitis during treatment with Zinaxin was observed on ultrasound monitoring.Actualitate. Conform recomandărilor Ligii Antireumatice Europene (2003, 2004), sarcinile principale ale terapiei în osteoartroză sunt: micşorarea simptomelor clinice ale bolii, îmbunătăţirea activităţii funcţionale, stoparea progresării maladiei, îmbunătăţirea calităţii vieţii. Dintre preparatele vegetale cu acţiune antiartrozică putem numi extractul din rădăcina de ghimber („Zingiber officinale”). Este dovedită activitatea analgezică, antiinflamatoare, antipiretică antitusivă şi hipotensivă a componentelor ce se conţin în rădăcina de ghimber, 6 – gingersol şi 6 – shogoal (Suekawa M. et al., 1984). Experimentările in vitro ne arată că aceste componente active au efecte de suprimare a metabolismului acidului arahidonic pe căile ciclooxigenazice şi lipooxigenazice (Backon J., 1986; Srivastova K.C. et al., 1992). Multiple studii clinice demonstrează eficacitatea extractului de ghimber la bolnavii cu OA (Alman R.D., Marcussen K.C., 2001; Wingier I. et al., 2003; Kovalenko V.N. et. al., 2005). Scopul lucrării: studierea eficacităţii preparatului zinaxin („Fereosan”, Danemarca) la pacienţii cu OA primară, cu afectarea predominantă a articulaşiilor genunchilor. Material şi metode. În studiu au fost incluşi 65 de bolnavi cu gonartroză în stadiile radiologice II-III după Kellgren şi Lawrence, în vârstă de 50-70 de ani. Lotul de bază (LB) – 35 pacienţi – 3 luni au folosit Zinaxin 1p x 2 ori în zi, în terapia complexă a gonartrozei. Lotul de control (LC) era prezentat de 30 de bolnavi comparabili după vârstă, sex şi datele clinice cu LB. LC a primit melox 15 mg/zi 14 zile, apoi melox 7,5 mg/zi după necesitate. Toţi pacienţii au fost examinaţi clinic conform protocolului standard articular, care includea indicele Leguesne pentru gonartroze, volumul mişcărilor în articulaţiile genunchilor, determinarea sindromului algic, volumului de mişcări şi activităţii diurne după scara WOMAC. Examenele de laborator au cuprins următoarele investigaţii: analiza generală a sângelui, creatinina, transaminazele (ALAT, ASAT), proteina C reactivă (PCR). Toţi pacienţii au fost supuşi examenului ultrasonografic al genunchilor la aparatul „Logiten”, SUA. Rezultate. La pacienţii din ambele loturi se observă o dinamică pozitivă în indicii studiaţi. La analiza sindromului algic şi a stării funcţionale a pacienţilor din LB după scara WOMAC, la 3 luni de tratament, expresia durerii în repaus s-a micşorat de 1,82 ori, la 44% din pacienţi durerile au dispărut complet. În LC o dinamică statistic veridică a indicilor WOMAC la 3 luni de tratament nu a fost observată. Eficacitatea tratamentului determinată de bolnav şi de medic, în principiu, nu a fost diferită. Trebuie de subliniat că o dinamică pozitivă a simptomelor clinice ale OA s-a observat spre sfârşitul primei luni, şi mai mult s-a îmbunătăţit la 3 luni de tratament cu zinaxin. Toleranţa la zinaxin a fost bună la 80,5% din bolnavi, la 7,5% – satisfăcătoare. La 3 pacienţi au avut loc unele reacţii adverse – diaree uşoară, gastralgii. Trebuie de subliniat că majoritatea pacienţilor au avut patologii concomitente: hipertensiune arterială, cardiopatia ischemică, insuficienţă cardiacă cronică gr. I. Pe toată perioada de tratament nu s-a constatat exacerbarea bolii. Peste 6 luni după iniţierea terapiei cu zinaxin, 53% din bolnavi au remarcat stare generală bună, 32 % – satisfăcătoare şi 15% au menţionat reapariţia simptomatologiei. Concluzii. Preparatul zinaxin („Fereosan”, Danemarca) efectiv micşorează simptomele clinice principale ale OA. Ameliorarea simptomatologiei clinice, de laborator şi ultrasonografice se observă la sfârşitul primei luni de tratament şi se normalizează la 3 luni de terapie. Capsulele de zinaxin pot fi recomandate pacienţilor cu OA şi boli concomitente cardiovasculare. Preparatul zinaxin poate fi recomandat în terapia complexă a OA

    Sotsial'no-politicheskoe vliyanie trudovoi migratsii v Moldove

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    CARIM-East: Creating an Observatory of Migration East of EuropeВ представленной статье анализируется социально-политическое воздействие международной трудовой миграции в Республике Молдова. Автор раскрывает основные направления и объемы современной международной миграции молдавского населения, обращает внимание на основные эффекты трудовой миграции как денежные переводы трудовых мигрантов, материальное благосостояние семей мигрантов, упрочение национальной валюты, консолидация банковской системы страны. В статье раскрывается воздействие трудовой миграции на рынок труда, занятость населения, отношение к труду как социальной ценности современного общества, анализируются изменения в половозрастной, профессионально-образовательной, территориальной структурах молдавского общества, семейно-брачной сфере, гендерных ролях в семье и т.д. Автор анализирует положение наиболее уязвимых и слабо защищенных социальных групп молдавского общества, таких как дети и пожилые люди (старики). В работе делается вывод, что воздействие трудовой миграции носит противоречивый, неоднозначный характер, обостряет противоречие между экономическими выгодами и социальными издержками миграции. Сознавая последствия массовой международной трудовой миграции, молдавские власти стремятся минимизировать негативные эффекты и поддержать позитивные, проводя политику в области регулирования трудовой миграции. В статье характеризуются основные этапы в регулировании миграции, раскрывается содержание и эволюция основных подходов в сфере миграционного менеджмента. Статья написана на богатом статистическом и социологическом материале, снабжена большим количеством таблиц и диаграмм.CARIM-East is co-financed by the European University Institute and the European Union

    Un enfoque para hallar soluciones duraderas en función de la edad

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    Los ancianos probablemente tengan limitaciones específicas en cuanto al desplazamiento; sin embargo, las soluciones duraderas ideadas por muchos Estados tienden a seguir un enfoque comodín, aplicable a todos. La implementación de soluciones transitorias pero factibles puede, al menos, minimizar algunos de los desafíos socioeconómicos y psicológicos adversos que plantea el desplazamiento para los ancianos

    The Transformation of Moldovan Migrant Communities Into The Moldovan Diaspora in The European Union: The Main Directions and Mechanisms

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    The article is dedicated to the analysis of the primary directions and mechanisms of transformation of moldovan migrant communities in European Union countries into the Moldovan diaspora The authors identify as primary mechanisms the participation of moldovan migrants in the political and socio-economic processes of the country of origin the development of the Moldovan communities institutional potential the policies of the Republic of Moldova for the consolidation of the Moldovan diaspora The Moldovan diaspora plays an important role in the political life of the Republic of Moldova actively participating in its electoral processes Its participation in the origin country s economic life mainly comes down to monetary transfers At the same time among members of the diaspora there are those that desire to invest in business and development projects Moldovan diaspora associations are active in most European Union countries As per the results of sociological research Moldovan migrants do not actively participate in the activity of diaspora organizations which is tied to both qualitative and quantitative factor


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    Expert systems, as a component of Artificial Intelligence. are used on an increasingly wider scale to solve certain problems in various fields. In this paper, we are describing the structure of an expert system used to design mechanisms

    Why place matters: imaginative geography and international student mobility

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    This paper develops and extends the recent work on international student mobility by expanding beyond the traditional push–pull factors of migration to show that students are influenced by more than the economic in their decision of where to study. It uses original data collected through interviews and focus groups with 38 higher education international students at three UK universities located in Aberdeen, Belfast and Nottingham to show that when students choose to study overseas they are influenced by diverse perceptions of place that they have constructed over long periods of time. These imaginative geographies are the direct result of exposure to a range of different media, as well as stories relayed to them from members of their social networks. This paper demonstrates that students studying in Scotland and Northern Ireland appear to have highly developed imaginative geographies in relation to their chosen study sites. By contrast, international students studying in England tended to have little conception of their chosen place of study. In this case the powerful imaginative geographies that had been instilled within them focused on London, overshadowing their understanding of their chosen study site

    The Global Ambitions of Irish Universities: Internationalizing Practices and Emerging Stratification in the Irish Higher Education Sector

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    As higher education is increasingly harnessed to national economic goals and as funding shifts from public to private sources, Irish universities are under unprecedented pressure to “internationalize.” Yet the way they mediate national policy is constrained by funding and market forces as well as by their own organizational features and position in the field. Analysis of bilateral non-EU partnerships reveals competing logics of prestige, finances, and alignment with national ambitions in the global economy. Historical hierarchies between Irish third-level institutions are thus reinforced, while internally, status distinctions emerge between the various types of partnerships and student exchange programs. The shape taken by internationalization may reinforce various strands of inter-institutional and intra-institutional inequality, without guaranteeing that Irish universities succeed in their ambitions to achieve “world-class” status

    Moldovan Labour Migrants in the European Union: Problems of integration

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    CARIM-East: Creating an Observatory of Migration East of EuropeThis is the English version of CARIM-East RR 2012/40 in Russian.The purpose of the present paper is to consider the problems related to the integration of Moldovan immigrants in the countries of the European Union. To complete this paper the method of secondary data analysis was used. The secondary data are produced by the analysis of statistical data and the results of sociology research held in the Republic of Moldova by state agencies and sociological services, as well as international agencies (World Bank, International Organization for Migration). At the same time some empirical and analytical material, research hypotheses and conclusions developed in scholarly research on the issues of international labour migration of Moldovan population were also used in the present paper. Moreover, the work on the paper also involved the analysis of primary data, based on our own sociological research, both previously published and conducted specifically for the present study.CARIM-East is co-financed by the European University Institute and the European Union