288 research outputs found

    Involucrin, but not filaggrin and Kdap mRNA, expression is downregulated in 3-D cultures of intact rat hair bulbs after calcium stimulation

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    The hair follicle consists of several distinctive epidermal cell layers. The hair root, which undergoes keratinization, is surrounded by two sheaths: the inner root sheath (IRS) and the outer root sheath (ORS). The ORS is continuous with the basal layer of the epidermis. Its cells do not keratinize in situ, unlike IRS. We have previously demonstrated that keratinization of the ORS was prevented by contact with the IRS in hair follicle mid-segments (i.e. fragments dissected from skin at the level above the hair bulb and below the opening of the sebaceous gland duct) cultured on agarose layer. The purpose of this study was to determine whether the same applies to the hair bulb. After isolation, intact bulbs or hair bulb-derived cells were incubated in suspension in a low or high calcium medium. The level of mRNA for differentiation markers: involucrin, filaggrin, keratinocyte differentiation associated protein and trichohyalin, was studied by RealTime PCR. We observed increased Ca2+ upregulated expression of involucrin, filaggrin, trichohyalin and Kdap in cultures of bulb-derived cells, but in hair bulbs downregulation of involucrin and trichohyalin was observed. We concluded that the inner root sheath exerts an inhibitory effect on the expression of involucrin and trichohyalin already in the hair bulbs. The observation that downregulation of involucrin expression under Ca2+ influence occurs both in hair bulb and midsegments could simplify future experiments, since their separation does not seem to be necessary. (Folia Histochemica et Cytobiologica 2011, Vol. 49, No. 2, 335–343

    Influence of IGF1, TGFβ1, bFGF and G-CSF/M-CSF on the mRNA levels of selected matrix proteins, cytokines, metalloproteinase 3 and TIMP1 in rat synovial membrane cells

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    Introduction. We have previously observed that rat synovial membranes incubated in medium containing cartilage interstitial fluid (CIF) responded by changes in the expression of hyaluronan synthases (HAS1 and HAS2), collagen type I, versican, aggrecan, lubricin, matrix metalloproteinases 2 and 3 (MMP2 and MMP3), tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases (TIMP1, 2 and 3), transforming growth factor β1 (TGFβ1), tumor necrosis factor (TNF), interleukin (IL) 1β and IL-6. The aim of the study was to evaluate the influence of particular cytokines found in CIF on the gene expression of extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins in synovial membrane cells. Material and methods. Synovial membranes (SMs) were removed from the knee joints of inbred, male Lewis rats and incubated with insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF1), TGFβ1, basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) and granulocyte- macrophage colony-stimulating factors (G-CSF and M-CSF), either individually or in the combinations TGFβ1/IGF1, TGFβ1/IGF1/bFGF or G-CSF/M-CSF. Next, total RNA was isolated and the studied genes’ expression was evaluated by real-time PCR. Results. TGFβ1/IGF1 stimulated expression of HAS1, lubricin, collagen type I, aggrecan and TGFβ1, inhibited expression of MMP3 and TNF and had no effect on TIMP1 and IL-6 mRNA levels. TGFβ1/IGF1/bFGF stimulated the expression of HAS1, lubricin and TGFβ1 genes, inhibited the expression of TNF and had no effect of the expression of collagen 1, aggrecan, MMP3, TIMP1 and IL-6 genes. G-CSF/M-CSF stimulated the expression of aggrecan. TGFβ1, bFGF, and IGF1 applied individually exerted inhibitory effect on the expression of lubricin. TGFβ1 and bFGF inhibited expression of MMP3 and bFGF inhibited also the expression of aggrecan and TNF. Conclusions. The response of the studied genes represents a resultant activity of all major cell types building the synovial membrane, i.e. highly specialized synovial fibroblasts, macrophages, epithelial cells and adipocytes. The results of our study can improve understanding of synovial membrane responses to the intraarticular injections of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) used for the treatment of joint ailments, since PRP contains factors which are also present in CIF

    Venous outflow system in rabbit gastric mucosa

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    The purpose of this work was to compare the organisation of the gastric mucosal venous system in larger animals, exemplified by rabbits, with that of the rat and the hamster which we have described previously. Rabbits were given atropine and hexamethonium followed by intravital ligation of all veins draining the stomach, causing strong hyperaemia. The distribution of vessels was studied in the non-mounted mucosa, in mounts of mucosa cleared in light mineral oil and in paraffin or semi-thin plastic sections. We found that blood from rabbit gastric mucosa is drained by collecting venules, running from the subepithelial layer towards the muscularis mucosae. The collecting venules join the paramuscular vessels parallel and adjacent to the muscularis mucosae. Neighbouring venules form numerous arcade-like connections and gradually enlarge. Two venules and an arteriole form triplets initially situated at the luminal face of the muscularis mucosae and gradually passing onto its abluminal surface. In rats vascular triplets were absent and the collecting venules drained into paramuscular vessels joining submucosal veins. In hamsters both connections between paramuscular vessels and submucosal veins and the passing of vascular triplets across muscularis mucosae were observed. Contraction/relaxation of the muscularis mucosae may regulate the amount of blood in the venous system of the mucosa and change the intramucosal pressure, affecting movement of the tissue fluid and, indirectly, the function of the gastric cells

    Vessels involved in the venous outflow from glandular mucosa of hamster stomach

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    Blood from the glandular part of hamster gastric mucosa is drained by collecting venules, running from the subepithelial layer towards lamina muscularis mucosae. To visualise vessels involved in the venous outflow, hamsters were exposed to atropine and subjected to intravital ligation of portal vein, causing strong hyperaemia. Distribution of vessels and their connections were studied a) in translucent, flat preparations of the glandular stomach, b) in thick sections of glandular mucosa cleared in the mineral oil, and c) in semi-thin plastic or paraffin sections. Collecting venules were drained by single vessels running parallel to the lamina muscularis mucosae (paramuscular venules), which, in turn, joined submucosal veins through openings in muscularis mucosae. Moreover, some collecting and paramuscular venules discharged into venules belonging to vascular triples composed of two venules and arteriole. The triplets were also parallel to muscularis mucosae. Triplets did not form connections with submucosal veins but passed on the abluminal surface of muscularis mucosae. Thus, some structural elements involved in venous outflow from glandular gastric mucosa differ from those in rats, in which vascular triplets were absent and all collecting venules drained into single paramuscular vessels. Contraction/relaxation of muscularis mucosae may regulate the amount of blood present in the venous system of the mucosa and the diameter of venules. Rhythmical changes of the latter could cause changes in intramucosal pressure, affecting movement of tissue fluid in the mucosa and thus the function of gastric cells

    Synovial membrane asks for independence

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    Synovial membrane is traditionally considered as a part of the joint capsule. It, however, differs from fibrous part of the capsule in development, structure, function, vascularisation, innervation and involvement in pathological processes. Moreover, in some areas, it even does not contact with the fibrous capsule. Thus, it appears that the synovial membrane should be considered as an independent organ and not as the lining of the joint capsule.

    Preparation of rat synovial membrane for studies of cytokine secretion.

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    The objective of this work was to devise an in vitro system for studies on cytokine secretion by synovial membrane treated as a whole organ with various synoviocyte populations. Synovial membrane from knee joints of WAG rats was dissected and incubated in culture medium without serum for 4 - 48 h. The level of IL-1alpha was determined in synovial lysates and IL-6 in culture medium. The synovial membrane from left and right knee joint of the same rat produced similar amount of cytokines both in lysates and in the medium. Synovial membrane stimulated by LPS for 4 or 24 h gave significantly stronger cytokine response than the membrane from the opposite (control) knee. After 48 h incubation of synovial membrane drastic drop in cytokine level was noted, which indicated on deterioration of the membranes. The test may be useful in studies on factors affecting cytokine secretion by synoviocytes

    Formation of synovial joints and articular cartilage

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    Chondrocytes differentiate from mesenchymal progenitors and produce templates(anlagen) for the developing bones. Chondrocyte differentiation is controlled bySox transcription factors. Templates for the neighbour bones are subsequentlyseparated by conversion of differentiated chondrocytes into non-chondrogeniccells and emergence of interzone in which joints cavitation occurs. A central rolein initiating synovial joint formation plays Wnt-14/beta-catenin signalling pathway.Moreover, bone morphogenetic proteins and growth and differentiation factorsare expressed at the site of joint formation. Joint cavitation is associated withincreased hyaluronic acid synthesis. Hyaluronic acid facilitates tissue separationand creation of a functional joint cavity. According to the traditional view articularcartilage represents part of cartilage anlage that is not replaced by bone throughendochondral ossification. Recent studies indicate, however, that peri-joint mesenchymalcells take part in interzone formation and that these interzone cellssubsequently differentiate into articular chondrocytes and synovial cells. Thus,anlage chondrocytes have a transient character and disappear after cessation ofgrowth plate function while articular chondrocytes have stable and permanentphenotype and function throughout life

    Change in Localization of Alkaline Phosphatase and Mannosidase II by Colchicine Treatment of Primary Cultures of Fetal Rat Hepatocytes

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    We examined the changes in localization of alkaline phosphatase (ALP) and mannosidase II (man II), a Golgi marker, after colchicine treatment of primary cultures of fetal rat hepatocytes, using double immunofluorescence staining and confocal laser microscopy. In hepatocytes cultured in basal medium, ALP was localized in the perinuclear cytoplasm, and man II was observed in the Golgi region of the cytoplasm. When hepatocytes were cultured in dexamethasone-supplemented medium, ALP was also localized in the plasma membrane surrounding the bile canaliculus-like structure that was formed between adjacent cells. In hepatocytes cultured in the same medium containing colchicine, the structure of microtubules in the cytoplasm was lost, man II exhibited granular distribution scattering throughout the cytoplasm, and ALP was localized in coarse granular sites of the cytoplasm. However, ALP was not colocalized at the same sites as man II. The present study indicated that colchicine inhibits the dexamethasone-promoted translocation of ALP to the plasma membrane surrounding the bile canaliculus-like structure in primary cultures of fetal rat hepatocytes by disassembling microtubules and discomposing the Golgi complex
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