54 research outputs found

    Improving Mobile-Based Cervical Cytology Screening: A Deep Learning Nucleus-Based Approach for Lesion Detection

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    Liquid-based cytology (LBC) plays a crucial role in the effective early detection of cervical cancer, contributing to substantially decreasing mortality rates. However, the visual examination of microscopic slides is a challenging, time-consuming, and ambiguous task. Shortages of specialized staff and equipment are increasing the interest in developing artificial intelligence (AI)-powered portable solutions to support screening programs. This paper presents a novel approach based on a RetinaNet model with a ResNet50 backbone to detect the nuclei of cervical lesions on mobile-acquired microscopic images of cytology samples, stratifying the lesions according to The Bethesda System (TBS) guidelines. This work was supported by a new dataset of images from LBC samples digitalized with a portable smartphone-based microscope, encompassing nucleus annotations of 31,698 normal squamous cells and 1395 lesions. Several experiments were conducted to optimize the model’s detection performance, namely hyperparameter tuning, transfer learning, detected class adjustments, and per-class score threshold optimization. The proposed nucleus-based methodology improved the best baseline reported in the literature for detecting cervical lesions on microscopic images exclusively acquired with mobile devices coupled to the μSmartScope prototype, with per-class average precision, recall, and F1 scores up to 17.6%, 22.9%, and 16.0%, respectively. Performance improvements were obtained by transferring knowledge from networks pre-trained on a smaller dataset closer to the target application domain, as well as including normal squamous nuclei as a class detected by the model. Per-class tuning of the score threshold also allowed us to obtain a model more suitable to support screening procedures, achieving F1 score improvements in most TBS classes. While further improvements are still required to use the proposed approach in a clinical context, this work reinforces the potential of using AI-powered mobile-based solutions to support cervical cancer screening. Such solutions can significantly impact screening programs worldwide, particularly in areas with limited access and restricted healthcare resources.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    In view of the development of cottage construction and enterprises of agricultural products processing, located mainly in rural areas, the development of high-efficient, reliable and easy-to-use treatment plants for the purification of domestic wastewater of low quality is very relevant. The objective of the research is to ensure the high quality purified water and minimize capital and operating costs. To solve this problem, the methods of physical and mathematical modeling were used, as well as numerical and analytical methods for determination and analysis of the parameters of treatment facilities operation. To use the latest advances in science and technology in the area of small-scale wastewater treatment facilities, which are typical for rural settlements and agro-industrial enterprises, in these conditions it is proposed to use bioreactors and contact clarifying filters. As the research has shown, water quality indicators of purified water change during the time of water filtration Tf and depend on the velocity of water filtration Vf and a specific cleanings capacity of the filter: at the beginning their values decrease as a result of accumulation of active sludge in the subfilter space, and then they begin to rise due to the increase of hydraulic resistance to water motion and removing this residual matter into filtered water. The article also presents the results of investigations on changes in the content of organic compounds in filtered water during the filtration cycle Тf by the biochemical oxygen consumption value (BOCV) depending on a water filtration rate Vf, m/h, and the amount of active sludge (specific dirt content of the filter G, kg/m2), as well as the changes in the content of suspended matter Сf.i. due to the same parameters. The recommendations on the effective operation of wastewater treatment facilities of the proposed design that which ensure their reliable and high-performance operation, were developed.  Розроблено високоефективну, надійну і просту в експлуатації установку для доочищення господарсько-побутових стічних вод в сільській місцевості. Доповнено прямоточну систему «біоконвейер» висхідним фільтруванням води через плаваюче фільтрувальне завантаження для підвищення ефективності процесів очистки стічних вод та надійної роботи водоочисної установки. Наведено результати експериментальних досліджень процесів видалення із господарсько-побутових стічних вод розчинених органічних домішок та завислих речовин при низхідному їх русі через біореактор з волокнистим завантаженням та висхідному русі через контактний прояснювальний фільтр з пінополістирольним завантаженням. Встановлено, що ефективність очищення води залежить від багатьох факторів і одними з основних є швидкість фільтрування води Vф і питома брудомісткість фільтра G: спочатку вони зменшуються внаслідок накопичення активного мулу в підфільтровому просторі, а потім починають збільшуватись унаслідок збільшення гідравлічного опору рухові води і виносу цього осаду у фільтровану воду. Досліджено, що нормативні показники очистки можуть бути досягнуті тільки при швидкості фільтрування води Vф<3м/год, при якій оптимальна питома брудомісткость контактно-прояснювального фільтра становить Gопт=48кг/м2. Експериментально встановлено, що контроль закінчення фільтроциклу з переведенням установки на промивку контактно-прояснювального фільтра можна виконувати за величиною максимальних втрат напору hф.mах. Запропоновано раціональні конструктивні і технологічні параметри цих споруд для досягнення належної якості очищеної води з мінімізацією експлуатаційних витрат при різних умовах експлуатації водоочисної установки


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    The article is devoted to the study of the peculiarities of the formation of financial reporting of budget institutions during the implementation of national accounting standards in the public sector. The problems and directions of improvement of financial reporting of public sector entities are considered.Статья посвящена особенностям формирования финансовой отчетности бюджетных учреждений в период внедрения национальных положений (стандартов) бухгалтерского учета для государственного сектора. Рассмотрены проблемы и предложены направления совершенствования финансовой отчетностиСтаття присвячена дослідженню особливостей формування фінансової звітності бюджетних установ в період впровадження національних положень (стандартів) бухгалтерського обліку у державному секторі. Розглянуті проблеми і напрямки вдосконалення фінансової звітності суб’єктів державного сектору

    Analysis of the development of public-private partnership under the conditions of implementation of economic projects

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    The basic goal of the state is to ensure a decent, stable and adequate standard of living for its citizens. In order to do this, the state forms a policy of development of various spheres and sectors of the economy. However, due to limited financial resources, the state is forced to seek new sources of economic projects in the country such as a platform for sustainable development of infrastructure, transport, energy and other industries. The purpose of the academic paper: investigation of advantages and disadvantages of PPP (public and private partnership) economic projects and analysis of key trends and sectoral direction of PPP development in different regions of the world. Results


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    The article analyzes the ways to improve the water supply system at agro-industrial enterprises. It is stated that the Institute of Water Problems and Land Reclamation of NAAS proposed to improve closed water supply systems at these enterprises to spend water and energy rationally and economically by developing highly efficient wastewater treatment technology to reuse wastewater and its sediments for technological needs. During the work, the main tasks to be solved were the analysis of the reasons of unsatisfactory operation of traditional wastewater treatment plants and their current quality indicators and improvement of the rational technological scheme of closed water supply at the agro-industrial enterprises. Scientific and practical results were obtained by analyzing the operation of wastewater treatment plants of industrial enterprises dealing with agricultural products processing, their quality indicators and known methods of improving technological schemes of biological wastewater treatment. It was specified that traditional technology of biological wastewater treatment do not ensure the proper treatment quality, as the quality of wastewater from enterprises has significantly deteriorated due to the inflow of harmful impurities (xenobiotics, heavy metal ions, etc.) and high concentrations of organic matter, the content of which amount to: suspended solids> 1000 mg/dm3, COC> 10000 mgO2/dm3, BOC5> 6000 mgO2/dm3, BOCcomplete> 2000 mgO2/dm3, nitrogen and phosphorus ≤50 mg/dm3, which prevents the effective operation of aeration tanks. The practicability of improving the "bioconveyor" technology by downward filtration through fibrous loading in bioreactors and upward filtration through floating filter loading in contact and clarifying filters to increase the efficiency of wastewater treatment was scientifically substantiated. It was proved that this method provides high efficiency of biological wastewater treatment by reducing the amount of sediment and the absence of reverse activated sludge, and thus reducing capital and operating costs. Natural mechanisms of household sewage treatment with reuse of water and sediments when cultivating agricultural crops are used as much as possible are used in the specified system of water supply at agro-industrial enterprises. The optimal design and technological parameters of these structures are determined using the recommendations developed on the basis of our experimental research. The proposed technology of closed water supply at agro-industrial enterprises provides for the separation of water supplied to consumers into technical and drinking one, as well as supplements of sewage treatment plants with bioreactors and contact-clarifying filters. Such systems ensure a minimum intake of water from natural water sources having its preliminary treatment directly in water reservoir, maximum use of treated wastewater and protection of the environment against wastewater pollution.У статті проаналізовано шляхи покращення роботи системи водопостачання на підприємствах агропромислового комплексу. Відзначається, що з метою раціонального та економного витрачання водних та енергетичних ресурсів на даних підприємствах в Інституті водних проблем та меліорації НААН запропоновано напрямок удосконалення замкнутих систем водопостачання шляхом розробки високоефективних технологій очищення стічних вод та повторного використання останніх та їх осадів для технологічних потреб. Показано, що традиційні технології біологічного очищення стічних вод не забезпечують належної якості їх очистки, оскільки якість стоків від підприємств значно погіршилась унаслідок надходження до них шкідливих домішок (ксенобіотиків, іонів важких металів тощо), що перешкоджає ефективній роботі аеротенків. Науково обґрунтовано доцільність удосконалення технології «біоконвеєр» низхідним фільтруванням через волокнисте завантаження в біореакторах та висхідним фільтруванням води через плаваюче фільтрувальне завантаження в контакно-прояснювальних фільтрах для підвищення ефективності процесів очистки стічних вод. Визначено, що даний метод забезпечує високу ефективність біологічного очищення стічних вод при зменшенні кількості осадів та відсутності зворотного активованого мулу, а отже зменшенні капітальних та експлуатаційних витрат. Запропонована технологія замкненого водопостачання на підприємствах агропромислового комплексу, яка передбачає розділення води, що подається споживачам, на технічну і питну, а також доповнення очисних споруд каналізації біореакторами і контактно-прояснювальними фільтрами. У таких системах забезпечується мінімальний забір води з природних водних джерел при попередньому очищенні її безпосередньо у водоймі, максимальне використання очищених стічних вод та захист довкілля від забруднення такими водами

    Project Management in a Global Context: The Cultural Aspects and Adaptation

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    The article is aimed at considering project management in a global context with a focus on cultural aspects and adaptation, i. e., to emphasize the importance of taking cultural aspects into account when managing projects in a global context. As a result of the study, the latest research and publications on project management in a global context are allocated. The purpose of management and project priorities are defined. The key stages of project management, as well as the main project participants, which can vary depending on its size, complexity and nature, are disclosed. It is substantiated that the successful implementation of the project requires cooperation and interaction of different participants who have their own responsibilities and roles. It is determined that understanding and taking into consideration cultural peculiarities become key factors for the successful implementation of the project in the global environment. The main cultural aspects in project management in a global context are disclosed. As a result of the study, it is proved that some cultures can emphasize individualism and independence, while others can emphasize collectivism and communion. It is found that successful project management requires consideration and adaptation to the diversity of cultures that affect the ways of communication, decision-making, organization of work and interaction with project participants. The article provides key aspects to be taken into account when adapting a project, which will help ensure the successful implementation of the project in a global context, thinking of the specific needs and requirements of the international environment. Prospects for further excursions in the direction of project management in a global context with a focus on cultural aspects and adaptation are important for the further development of this area. One possible direction of research could be to study more deeply the impact of cultural differences on the success of projects in a global context. This may include analyzing the impact of different cultural values, norms and practices on communication, decision-making and cooperation between project participants from different countries

    Digital Marketing: The Current State and Prospects for Development in Ukraine

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    The article is aimed at studying and evaluating the current trends in digital marketing, as well as defining prospects for its development in Ukraine. The article analyzes the current state and perspective directions of development of digital marketing in Ukraine. The theoretical bases of digital marketing are considered; the use of its instruments is analyzed; the main trends and peculiarities of their implementation are examined. The application of marketing complex (4P) in the Internet is studied and analyzed. It is found that the level of efficiency and flexibility of development of digital marketing largely depends on how quickly an enterprise adapts to changes in the external environment and uses its internal potential. It is determined that enterprises and organizations, regardless of their size, form of ownership and sphere of activity, are forced to move to the online plane of doing business in order not to lose competitive positions in the market, develop connections, effectively promote their products and communicate with their real and potential consumers. The article analyzes the methods of optimization of enterprises in different spheres of activity, which have actively begun to develop their channels of digital promotion. The advantages of using digital marketing are given, including: priority of obtaining information; attracting a wide audience; repetitiveness of advertising information; low costs compared to other marketing instruments; the ability to analyze financial income and expenses. Enterprises are invited to abandon the traditional approach to marketing in favor of speed and efficiency of decision-making, use of social networks, timeliness of obtaining information, all this is possible when using digital marketing. Conclusions are drawn about the rapid development and transformation of digital marketing with the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic and onset of the war in Ukraine

    Modern Management Technologies in the Hotel and Restaurant Business: Practices and Innovations

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    The article is aimed at acquaintance with new technologies that can be used to improve the efficiency of hotel and restaurant management, customer service, and ensuring competitive advantage. Analyzing, systematizing and generalizing the scientific works of many scholars, the current management technologies in the hotel and restaurant business were considered and the best practices and innovations in this area were presented. As a result of the study, the main trends in the development of the hotel industry are identified. The list of well-known companies offering modern management technologies is determined, general classification approaches to innovative technologies are developed. It is substantiated that innovative technologies help restaurant industry enterprises to improve work efficiency, provide better guest service and create a competitive advantage in the market. The list of innovative technologies that are recommended for use at restaurant industry enterprises together with the companies that use them in order to increase efficiency, improve guest experience and remain competitive in the hotel and restaurant business market are determined. The use of digital technologies such as mobile reservation apps or online reservations of rooms has been proven to lead to more bookings and an improved guest experience, and innovative technologies such as robotics, process automation and artificial intelligence can enable more efficient operation, reduce errors and increase guest satisfaction. Prospects for further research in this direction are to study of the most promising and innovative forms of organization of hotel business – apart-hotels, to refer to their economic essence, types and advantages, also to study foreign experience and explore the problems of development of this form of organization of hotel business in Ukraine

    Modern endoscopic criteria for stratifiation of patients with atrophic gastritis in the development of precancerous changes of the stomach

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    Purpose: to identify the most signifiant endoscopic diagnostic criteria for the development of precancerous changes of the of the stomach mucosa (SM). Material and methods. 80 patients with atrophic gastritis were examined (34 (42.5 %) men and 46 (57.5 %) women, the average age (57.7 ± 2.1) years. The diagnosis was set during endoscopic examinations and was morphologically confimed in all cases. Esophagogastroduodenoscopy was performed using EVIS EXERA III video endoscopic system with Olympus 190 gastroscope (Japan). Examination of the stomach was carried out in white light regimen, magnifiation (near focus) and NBI regimen. All examined patients were divided into groups according to the presence and prevalence of intestinal metaplasia (IM) and the presence of SM dysplasia: group I – SM atrophy without IM (10 patients), II – SM atrophy with IM, limited of the antral part (20 patients), III – SM atrophy with diffse (multifocal) IM (39 patients), IV – SM dysplasia (11 patients). Results. For the formation of group of patients with high risk of developing gastric cancer, diagnostic criteria of structural changes of gastric mucosa with pre-cancerous potential were identifid. In white light upper endoscopy, the knotted / tuberous relief of the stomach mucosa can be considered as a diagnostic criterion for sensitivity (81.4 %) and specifiity (60.0 %) indicators. The xanthomatosis of the stomach mucosa increases by 5 times the risk of IM or dysplasia in patients with atrophic gastritis (sensitivity – 47.1 %, specifiity – 90.0 %). Magnifiation endoscopy and endoscopy with narrow-band imaging allowed us to establish another diagnostic criterion for the formation of the group with high risk of developing gastric cancer: pyloric metaplasia (pseudopylorisation) of the gastric corpus. Pyloric metaplasia increases the frequency of detection of structural precancerous changes in a patient with atrophic gastritis by almost 7 times (sensitivity – 71.4 %, specifiity – 70.0 %). Conclusion. The established endoscopic criteria (nodular relief of the stomach (OR = 4.96), xanthomatosis of the stomach (OR = 4.94), pyloric metaplasia of the stomach body (OR = 6.72)) can be applied in the formation of a group of patients with atrophic gastritis who have high potential for the development of gastric cancer and require careful examination using modern endoscopic equipment and dynamic surveillance