5,730 research outputs found

    Modeling of Radiation Damage Effects in Silicon Detectors at High Fluences HL-LHC with Sentaurus TCAD

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    In this work we propose the application of an enhanced radiation damage model based on the introduction of deep level traps / recombination centers suitable for device level numerical simulation of silicon detectors at very high fluences (e.g. 2.0x10E16 1 MeV equivalent neutrons/cm2). We present the comparison between simulation results and experimental data for p-type substrate structures in different operating conditions (temperature and biasing voltages) for fluences up to 2.2x10E16 neutrons/cm2. The good agreement between simulation findings and experimental measurements fosters the application of this modeling scheme to the optimization of the next silicon detectors to be used at HL-LHC.Comment: Supported by the H2020 project AIDA-2020, GA no. 65416

    La valutazione della qualità relazionale:come cambiano le organizzazioni che investono sulle relazioni. Il caso di un centro disabilità neuromotorie infantili.

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    Il lavoro di tesi ha come oggetto la valutazione della qualità relazionale dei servizi offerti dal Centro disabilità neuromotorie infantili della Fondazione Ariel e ha come obiettivi l’approfondimento teorico e metodologico dell’approccio relazionale riflessivo alla valutazione, con attenzione alle connessioni tra valutazione e dimensioni organizzative dei servizi alla persona e alla famiglia. Questo approccio multidimensionale e multivision della qualità fa riferimento ad alcune macro-dimensioni organizzative del benessere relazionale generato da un servizio sociale: l’efficienza, l’efficacia, la qualità integrativa, la qualità etica dei fini. Questa prospettiva riflessiva e partecipata di valutazione costituisce un’opportunità per cogliere, descrivere e giudicare il bene comune relazionale generato da un servizio alla persona e alla famiglia in un contesto di bisogni sociali in mutamento, dove strategiche sono personalizzazione e alla familiarizzazione dei servizi. Oltre al potenziale conoscitivo, la valutazione della qualità relazionale dedica particolare attenzione al potenziale trasformativo e morfogenetico della leva valutativa. Metodologicamente l’analisi condotta è stata di tipo quanto-qualitativo. Sono state realizzate interviste semi-strutturate con gli operatori del Centro e una dettagliata analisi della documentazione. Il lavoro partecipato ha condotto alla costruzione di questionario di 35 variabili che è stato esitato da 167 famiglie beneficiarie. Oltre ad un’analisi monovariata dei risultati del questionario sono stati costruiti alcuni indici sintetici su alcune dimensioni critiche della qualità relazionale.The work relates to evaluation of relational quality of the services offered by Foundation Ariel’s childhood neuromotor disabilities Center . The objectives are the methodological and theoretical study of the relational reflexive evaluation approach, with attention to the connections between evaluation and organizational dimensions services to individuals and families. This multidimensional and multi-vision quality model refers to some macro-organizational dimensions of relational well-being generated by social services: efficiency, effectiveness, quality integration, the quality of ethical purposes. This reflective and participatory evaluation perspective is an opportunity to capture, describe and assess the common good relationship generated by a service to individuals and families, which are strategic to the familiarization and customization in a context of changing social needs. In addition, relational quality evaluation pays particular attention to the transformative and morphogenetic potential of evaluation. Methodologically, the analysis was quanto-qualitative. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with operators of the Centre and a detailed analysis of the documentation was done. The work led to the construction of a questionnaire of 35 variables, which 167 beneficiary families have responded to. Besides monovariata analysis of the results of the questionnaire, some synthetic indexes of some critical dimensions of relational quality were constructed

    I castelli delle Marche, un paesaggio rimosso

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    In questo contributo vengono presentati i risultati di una ricerca su Pitino, un noto sito castellano situato lungo la valle del fiume Potenza. Malgrado la rilevanza delle sue strutture difensive e l\u2019ampiezza della superficie da esse racchiusa, il castello non \ue8 mai stato oggetto indagini sistematiche. Utilizzando foto aeree realizzate oblique da amatori e riprese zenitali professionali scattati dalla Aerofotoconsult, l\u2019Autore propone una prima lettura topografica degli elementi riconoscibili: circuito murario, fossato, scarpate e tracce da micro rilievo riferibili agli edifici collocati entro la cerchia pi\uf9 intern

    Primo contributo della fotografia aerea all’individuazione delle strutture materiali del castello di Monte Franco di Pollenza

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    Lo studio proposto dall’Autore si inserisce nel quadro di un rinnovato interesse per gli insediamenti castellani delle Marche ed espone i primi risultati di una ricerca su un castello poco conosciuto. Si tratta di Monte Franco, struttura difensiva situata lungo la media valle del fiume Potenza, a N di Pollenza (Montemilone nel Medioevo), centro storico a sua volta sede di un castello. La più antica attestazione di Monte Franco sembra risalire alla fine del XII sec., ma a parte pochi e vaghi riferimenti nella letteratura locale, il castello non è mai stato oggetto di uno studio specifico. L’Autore presenta qui una lettura topografica inedita, basata sull’interpretazione di alcune coperture aerofotografiche, dalle quali emerge principalmente l’andamento del circuito difensivo

    High‐speed nanoindentation for fast mechanical property mapping and surface patterning

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    Nanoindentation represents a well established technique for the assessment of mechanical properties at the micro and nano scales. Nevertheless, the analysis of mechanical properties in highly heterogeneous materials still represents a major issue in the scientific community, because of due the high amount of time that is required to realize a large number of indentation tests over wide areas. Recently, this problem has been overcome by the introduction of a novel new High-Speed nanoindentation, which allows to realize a huge number of tests in a smaller time, thus improving statistical analysis of mechanical property distribution in heterogeneous materials. Two High-Speed nanoindentation applications are presented in this poster: an innovative tool for the mechanical characterization and high resolution mapping of highly heterogeneous materials and a new technique the surface patterning (N.I.H.L., Nanoindentation High-Speed Lithography). In the first one, two different and very high heterogeneous materials (LiMn2O4/polymer battery cathodes and cement pastes) were characterized combining high-speed nanoindentation tests with FIB microscopy and SEM-EDS maps. Please click Additional Files below to see the full abstract

    On the open sea propagation of two-dimensional rotational water waves generated by a moving bed

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    We study the propagation of two-dimensional tsunami waves triggered by a seaquake in the open sea in the presence of underlying wind-generated currents, corresponding to background flows of constant vorticity. A suitable scaling of the governing equations introduces dimensionless parameters, of particular interest being the setting of linear waves that only depend on the vertical movement of the sea bed. We use Fourier analysis methods to extract formulae for the function ff which describes the vertical displacement of the water's free surface. We show that the results are particularly useful in the physically relevant shallow-water regime: in the irrotational case the predictions fit well with the observed behaviour of some historical tsunamis. In other situations, the stationary-phase principle gives insight into the asymptotic behaviour of ff.Comment: This is an original manuscript of an article published by Taylor & Francis in Applicable Analysis on 09 Feb 2023, available at: http://www.tandfonline.com/10.1080/00036811.2023.217630

    Once Upon A Time: Romance And Ritual In The Works Of Tommaso Landolfi And Andre Pieyre De Mandiargues

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    This dissertation studies some features of the 20th century return to romance as a possible answer to the crisis of Modernism or, indeed, as an anti-modern stance. I’ve analyzed Mandiargues’s work on the syntagmatic plan of narrative structures and narrative time and Landolfi’s work on the paradigmatic plan of literary genres – while showing how both authors resorted to the diegetic staging of magic and religious rituals in order to highlight and develop their narrative engagement with the forms of romance and discussing the implications of this. For this purpose I have also researched unpublished manuscript material at the Centro Studi Landolfiani in Siena, Italy, and at the IMEC in Caen, France. Landolfi’s approach consistently comes to dismiss any possibility for romance, and indeed for literature as a whole, in our day; my research isolates some hypotexts of his fictions so far unacknowledged by scholars and proposes a reading that supports in an original way the critical distinction between two subsequent phases of his production. Mandiargues on the other hand, while granting that narrative can continue to be possible, seems to argue that this can only happen on the condition of a radical renunciation of identity, which I have considered in connection with notions of violence, eroticism, and alchemy

    Floattng Through Uncharted Waters

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    The act of floating or flexible staffing is a cost effective way to maintain nursing staffing levels through times of shortages and surplus. While the financial and patient care benefits are abundant, the culture of floating tends to be negative. Nurses cite difficulty adapting to a changed environment, caring for different patient populations, and working with different staff members as the most difficult and anxiety provoking aspects of floating. Although nurses at a large Midwest medical center frequently float across a number of nursing units, they receive no formal education on the practice of floating. Introduction of an online floating education module during orientation to the department of nursing will provide information and resources to use when floating at this medical center. By improving the floating experience for the nurses, patients will be rewarded with lower nurse patient ratios, nurses will have increased knowledge of diverse patient care as well as strategies to overcome perils of floating, and the medical center will maintain a lower cost solution to staffing fluctuations

    All-Optical Reinforcement Learning in Solitonic X-Junctions

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    L'etologia ha dimostrato che gruppi di animali o colonie possono eseguire calcoli complessi distribuendo semplici processi decisionali ai membri del gruppo. Ad esempio, le colonie di formiche possono ottimizzare le traiettorie verso il cibo eseguendo sia un rinforzo (o una cancellazione) delle tracce di feromone sia spostarsi da una traiettoria ad un'altra con feromone più forte. Questa procedura delle formiche possono essere implementati in un hardware fotonico per riprodurre l'elaborazione del segnale stigmergico. Presentiamo qui innovative giunzioni a X completamente integrate realizzate utilizzando guide d'onda solitoniche in grado di fornire entrambi i processi decisionali delle formiche. Le giunzioni a X proposte possono passare da comportamenti simmetrici (50/50) ad asimmetrici (80/20) utilizzando feedback ottici, cancellando i canali di uscita inutilizzati o rinforzando quelli usati.Ethology has shown that animal groups or colonies can perform complex calculation distributing simple decision-making processes to the group members. For example ant colonies can optimize the trajectories towards the food by performing both a reinforcement (or a cancellation) of the pheromone traces and a switch from one path to another with stronger pheromone. Such ant's processes can be implemented in a photonic hardware to reproduce stigmergic signal processing. We present innovative, completely integrated X-junctions realized using solitonic waveguides which can provide both ant's decision-making processes. The proposed X-junctions can switch from symmetric (50/50) to asymmetric behaviors (80/20) using optical feedbacks, vanishing unused output channels or reinforcing the used ones

    Implementation of externally imposed flow in stellarator plasma

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    Numerical simulations of non-linear MHD in a stellarator plasma have been performed using MIPS code. During the project, the preliminary approach of the implementation of an externally imposed flow in MIPS code has been carried out. The effect of the imposed flow has been observed by comparison between the simulations of with and without the flow. The implementation of the tested shear profiles show a direct effect on the velocity and magnetic field MHD modes. Three different profiles of imposed shear flow have been compared. The analysis shows that the introduction of sheared flow within the plasma causes premature excitation in the linear modes of the magnetic field, ultimately causing a potentially more unstable plasma than the non-imposed flow cases