60 research outputs found

    Exploring the acceptance of entomophagy: A survey of italian consumers

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    Insect-based food is not common in Europe, because most people do not consider insects to be edible, but rather a threat and a health risk. Fear and refusal to eat a new food product introduced into a culture is called food neophobia, which results in a hesitation to trying and experimenting with new foods. Although there is significant interest in this novel sector, there is a lack of research on the link between rejection, the level of food neophobia, and consumer behavior related to the introduction of insects into the diet. In this study, through 420 questionnaires, a specific experimental scale of insects was introduced which, together with a neophobia scale, analyzed the probability and the intention of respondents to consume insects. Another issue tested has been their intention to eat food containing insects. We observed that the analyses of the two scales produced different results, confirming the need for a specific scale to measure “insect phobia”. This is important, since knowledge about consumer preferences for and barriers to using insects as human food sources is limited but necessary in order to set up commercialization strategies. The development of insect-based food offers physical health benefits and also improves the sustainability of the food industry

    Exploring the Effect of Perceived Transaction Costs on Farmers’ Attitudes toward Participation in Agri-Environment-Climate Measures (AECMs)

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    There is growing interest in research and policy to provide alternatives for developing and supporting sustainable business models in the agricultural sector. Agri-environment–climate measures (AECMs) were devised with the intention of compensating land users for potential income losses generated from the uptake of more appropriate, less intensive management practices in areas considered environmentally sensitive. Nonetheless, the effectiveness of these public initiatives is influenced by farmers’ decision to participate, which in turn is influenced by the level of transaction costs (TC) they must bear when engaging in these programs. Most studies have approached this topic from a quantitative perspective, trying to measure and estimate transaction costs; however, there is a lack of qualitative studies exploring the perceptions of farmers around these costs and analyzing how such perceptions influence their attitude toward AECM participation. This study presents the results of thirty semi-structured interviews conducted among farmers involved in different AECMs across seven European countries, in which their perceptions about transaction costs were explored through the assessment of the time required to perform certain activities. The objective was to gain deeper insights into the way in which the perceived level of TC can affect farmers’ attitudes and decisions toward the implementation of environment-friendly management practices through AECMs. Results showed that such perceptions are influenced by several factors, such as the presence or absence of intermediaries helping farmers to carry out some of the most time-consuming activities, the organizational structure of the contract, and the experience farmers acquire through repeated participation

    Small Rural Enterprises and Innovative Business Models: A Case Study of the Turin Area

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    Small businesses and farms are today struggling to find an innovative solution to a globalizing market and a challenging society. Among different aspects, small businesses, especially in rural areas, need to find a balance among tailor-made innovative solutions, specific customers engagement strategies, creative value creation solutions, and new business concepts able to reshape existing markets. In this study, 16 small enterprises of rural areas near Turin belonging to different sectors collaborated to co-create innovative business models. To guide this discussion through a sustainable innovation path, a territorial Living Lab set up the four macro-topics of the co-creation workshops linked to the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals. Innovative business ideas were elaborated through the Brainstorming and Business Model Canvas tool and data were examined with SWOT and cross-case analysis. The results of the workshops pointed out four different innovative business ideas elaborated by the entrepreneurs, all linked by the need to translate innovation into sustainable adaptive solutions to local specificities. This case study showed that a range of enabling factors, such as the creation of a shared vision among local actors, can be codified to clear barriers and/or create innovative business solutions linked to economic, environmental, and social sustainability in rural areas

    Mealworm (Tenebrio molitor): Potential and challenges to promote circular economy

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    Over the last few years, the concept of Circular Economy (CE) has received a lot of atten-tion due to its potential contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), especially by reconciling economic growth with the protection of the environment through its grow-make-use-restore approach. The use of insects in circular production systems has been a good example of this concept as insects can transform a wide range of organic waste and by-products into nutritious feedstuffs, which then go back into the production cycle. This paper explores the potential of meal-worms (Tenebrio molitor) in circular production systems by reviewing their use and applicability in several industries such as pharmaceuticals, agriculture, food, etc. Despite the high versatility of this insect and its potential as a substitute source of nutrients and other valuable components, there are still many legislative and behavioural challenges that hinder its adoption and acceptance

    In-farm cost of an outbreak of diarrhoea in lambs

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    This article analyses the cost of diarrhoea in lambs on dairy sheep farms located in Grosseto (Italy). Farmers’ profits have recently declined due to a stable product price but increasing production costs. Animal diseases have a cascade of effects on farm productivity. Lamb enteric disease outbreaks, which result in mortality in the herd and reduced weight gain, can drastically compromise the income of farmers. An economic analysis of the impact of an outbreak of diarrhoea in lambs was thus performed, evaluating the cost of disease based on the main visible production losses (such as mortality, reduced weight gain and variation in milk production). A sensitivity analysis was also conducted by applying different observed ranges of prevalence and mortality associated with the disease. Finally, an economic scenario analysis was performed, considering different in-farm management options for delivering lambs to the abattoir, i.e. early, standard and late delivery. The results showed that a dairy sheep farm with around 300 lambs that delivers them to the abattoir at 30 days of age would experience a loss of between 50 and 1200 Euro during an outbreak of diarrhoea with a prevalence of 34.21 (23.54–44.88)% and a mortality of 15.69 (9.98–21.4)%

    The Development of Sustainable Social Farming in Italy: A Case Studies Analysis

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    Social Farming (SF) is a rising practice that offers various typologies of initiatives involving different actors. Peculiarities consist of the types of networks organized at the territorial level and in the innovation processes they implement. In this study, through a cross-case analysis, we take into account six Italian social farms as case studies, interviewing them to understand the activities provided and their organization with the aim of highlighting both the strengths and the criticalities that may limit possible further development of Social Farming in Italy. The results of the analysis pointed out the specificities of the services offered by the social farms and the points of view of the farmers in the sector. Reflecting on these cases in light of the innovation system theory, it was possible to understand both the innovation system in which they developed and the enabling and the limiting aspects for Social Farming initiatives, as well as to codify useful lessons regarding the future organization of sustainable Social Farming services

    Urban consumer trust and food certifications in China

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    China has experienced frequent food safety incidents that have undermined consumer trust in the food supply chain. To overcome this problem, China requalified the legislative framework and adopted a comprehensive food certification system over the years. Here, we investigated the influences of food traceability and Chinese certifications (QS/SC—food quality safety market access/production system, hazard-free, green, and organic) on Chinese consumer trust of food safety for different types of products: fish, meat, milk, eggs, and rice. Data were collected through face-to-face surveys conducted in rural and urban Chinese areas. With a sample of 757 questionnaires, we ran a logit model. The results show consumers’ uncertainty and skepticism of certifications guaranteeing food safety attributes, especially for animal-based products. We found that price is used as a cue of safety by Chinese consumers. Individuals with higher education seem less influenced by certifications and other cues included in the analysis. The findings demonstrate that Chinese policy makers should implement new strategies to enhance consumer food safety trust, and design policies by considering different categories (e.g., vegetables, meat, fish, etc.) of food

    Il sistema agro-alimentare

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    Il capitolo riporta i fenomeni che caratterizzano il sistema agroalimentare e gli strumenti attraverso i quali studiare tale sistem

    Cibi sicuri e garantiti

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    Il sistema agro-alimentare sta subendo in questi ultimi anni importanti cambiamenti. In primo luogo, tale sistema sta rapidamente acquisendo una dimensione internazionale, orientandosi verso una globalizzazione dei circuiti di approvvigionamento. Il recente progresso delle tecnologie di trasporto, conservazione e comunicazione, infatti, amplia la cerchia dei fornitori anche a imprese e organizzazioni distanti dal mercato al consumo

    La qualitĂ  nel settore agricolo

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    Nell’ambito del settore agricolo l’attenzione alla domanda di qualità si è sviluppata soprattutto negli ultimi anni, sia in seguito all’aumentata concorrenzialità fra imprese, alla globalizzazione dei mercati, alle mutate richieste dei clienti/consumatori. Tuttavia esistono ancora alcune problematiche che condizionano o, addirittura, limitano lo sviluppo di una politica di qualità all’interno di questo settore. Alla luce di queste riflessioni, il presente lavoro cercherà di affrontare il tema della qualità rispondendo ai seguenti quesiti: quale importanza occorre attribuire alla qualità in ambito agricolo; quale significato è utile associare al concetto di qualità; quali ostacoli ne rallentano la diffusione, indirizzando in un’altra direzione le scelte strategiche degli imprenditori
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