313 research outputs found

    Modelling the Impact of the CAP Reform on Farm Investments

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    In this paper we evaluate empirically the impact of policies on farm investment and output decisions, considering risk-averse farmers making inter-temporal choices on current and future profits. We refer specifically to the recent reform of the CAP, while estimation and simulation results are carried out on a FADN sample of Italian arable crop farms. The main message of the paper is that a policy change that shifts resources from price support to direct payments tend to consistently reduce farm investments, mainly as a result of the increased output price volatility, which increases the level of uncertainty faced by farmers. However, this is not clearly reflected in a negative impact on farm output.investments, Common Agricultural Policy, decoupling, uncertainty, Agricultural and Food Policy, Q18,


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    We model CAP reform in order to measure the response of production and land allocation to compensatory payments. The application refers to a sample of farms in Italy. The model allows us an analysis of the degree of decoupling and a simulation of the impact of the "Agenda 2000" proposals.Land Economics/Use,


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    In this paper we evaluate empirically the absolute and relative size of risk-related effects of a farm policy change, with specific reference to the CAP arable crop regime. We adopt a dual framework under non linear mean-variance risk preferences, which incorporates the impact of price uncertainty in the specific decision-making structure of EU arable crop producers. A system of output supply, input demand and land allocation equations has been estimated on a sample of Italian specialised arable crop farms, which allows us to derive elasticities with respect to all the relevant exogenous variables, including those related to risk. The simulation of the impact of an Agenda 2000-type of shock confirms that the size of risk effects is important in evaluating farmer's output responses. This may have important implications for the revision of "green box" criteria in the context of the current WTO negotiations. Keywords: Risk effects; Common Agricultural Policy; Decoupling; Duality.Risk effects, Common Agricultural Policy, Decoupling, Duality., Agricultural and Food Policy,

    The impact of pillar I support on farm choices: conceptual and methodological challenges

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    In the near future the CAP will continue to be structured around two pillars. In the first pillar the main instrument for producers’ support is the decoupled Single Farm Payment. In this paper we review the methodological framework for analysing decoupled payments in models of agricultural production. Market and technological uncertainty, credit constraints, farm household choices involving extra-agricultural decisions, policy uncertainty and long-run impact of decoupling on investment and land values are the relevant issues that should be pursued by methodological and empirical analysis. Future research should refine the analysis of decoupled payments, mainly trying to provide results that can be useful for policy simulation, to bridge the gap between analysis at the individual level and sector policy models.decoupled payments, agricultural production models, Common Agricultural Policy, Agricultural and Food Policy, Q12, Q18,

    Consumer's Attitude Towards Labeled and Unlabeled GM Food Products in Italy

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    Based on survey data collected on a sample of 500 Italian consumers, this paper evaluates the consumer's attitude towards foods obtained from the application of biotechnologies and foods labeled as "GM free". Results from the application of probit models shows that the probability to purchase GM products is lower for individuals more adverse to risk, older, with higher education and less confident in institutional guarantees. Willingness to Pay for GM free products is positively related to information, risk aversion, age, trust in institutional environment, negatively to the degree of agreement with the application of biotechnologies.Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety, Research and Development/Tech Change/Emerging Technologies,

    A Partial Equilibrium Model of the Beef and Dairy Sector in Italy Under Imperfect Competition

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    In this paper we present a partial equilibrium model for the bovine sector (beef and dairy) in Italy, which can be used for simulation and forecasting. The structure of the model follows the vertical chain of the beef and dairy sector, allowing trade of both agricultural raw materials and final products. Since the processing and retailing stage is characterised by an imperfectly competitive structure, the model accounts for market power in modelling the price transmission mechanism. This provides further insights on the vertical transmission of shocks, both at the final level (i.e. the BSE crisis) and at the farm level (i.e. agricultural policy reform).simulation models, policy analysis, imperfect competition, beef, dairy, Livestock Production/Industries,