22 research outputs found

    PACm^m-Bayes: Narrowing the Empirical Risk Gap in the Misspecified Bayesian Regime

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    While the decision-theoretic optimality of the Bayesian formalism under correct model specification is well-known (Berger 2013), the Bayesian case becomes less clear under model misspecification (Grunwald 2017; Ramamoorthi 2015; Fushiki 2005). To formally understand the consequences of Bayesian misspecification, this work examines the relationship between posterior predictive risk and its sensitivity to correct model assumptions, i.e., choice of likelihood and prior. We present the multisample PACm^m-Bayes risk. This risk is justified by theoretical analysis based on PAC-Bayes as well as empirical study on a number of toy problems. The PACm^m-Bayes risk is appealing in that it entails direct minimization of the Monte-Carlo approximated posterior predictive risk yet recovers both the Bayesian formalism as well as the MLE in its limits. Our work is heavily influenced by Masegosa (2019); our contributions are to align training and generalization risks while offering a tighter bound which empirically performs at least as well and sometimes much better.Comment: Submitted to ICML 202

    Towards Federated Learning Under Resource Constraints via Layer-wise Training and Depth Dropout

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    Large machine learning models trained on diverse data have recently seen unprecedented success. Federated learning enables training on private data that may otherwise be inaccessible, such as domain-specific datasets decentralized across many clients. However, federated learning can be difficult to scale to large models when clients have limited resources. This challenge often results in a trade-off between model size and access to diverse data. To mitigate this issue and facilitate training of large models on edge devices, we introduce a simple yet effective strategy, Federated Layer-wise Learning, to simultaneously reduce per-client memory, computation, and communication costs. Clients train just a single layer each round, reducing resource costs considerably with minimal performance degradation. We also introduce Federated Depth Dropout, a complementary technique that randomly drops frozen layers during training, to further reduce resource usage. Coupling these two techniques enables us to effectively train significantly larger models on edge devices. Specifically, we reduce training memory usage by 5x or more in federated self-supervised representation learning and demonstrate that performance in downstream tasks is comparable to conventional federated self-supervised learning

    Federated Training of Dual Encoding Models on Small Non-IID Client Datasets

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    Dual encoding models that encode a pair of inputs are widely used for representation learning. Many approaches train dual encoding models by maximizing agreement between pairs of encodings on centralized training data. However, in many scenarios, datasets are inherently decentralized across many clients (user devices or organizations) due to privacy concerns, motivating federated learning. In this work, we focus on federated training of dual encoding models on decentralized data composed of many small, non-IID (independent and identically distributed) client datasets. We show that existing approaches that work well in centralized settings perform poorly when naively adapted to this setting using federated averaging. We observe that, we can simulate large-batch loss computation on individual clients for loss functions that are based on encoding statistics. Based on this insight, we propose a novel federated training approach, Distributed Cross Correlation Optimization (DCCO), which trains dual encoding models using encoding statistics aggregated across clients, without sharing individual data samples. Our experimental results on two datasets demonstrate that the proposed DCCO approach outperforms federated variants of existing approaches by a large margin.Comment: ICLR 2023 Workshop on Pitfalls of Limited Data and Computation for Trustworthy M

    Weighted Ensemble Self-Supervised Learning

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    Ensembling has proven to be a powerful technique for boosting model performance, uncertainty estimation, and robustness in supervised learning. Advances in self-supervised learning (SSL) enable leveraging large unlabeled corpora for state-of-the-art few-shot and supervised learning performance. In this paper, we explore how ensemble methods can improve recent SSL techniques by developing a framework that permits data-dependent weighted cross-entropy losses. We refrain from ensembling the representation backbone; this choice yields an efficient ensemble method that incurs a small training cost and requires no architectural changes or computational overhead to downstream evaluation. The effectiveness of our method is demonstrated with two state-of-the-art SSL methods, DINO (Caron et al., 2021) and MSN (Assran et al., 2022). Our method outperforms both in multiple evaluation metrics on ImageNet-1K, particularly in the few-shot setting. We explore several weighting schemes and find that those which increase the diversity of ensemble heads lead to better downstream evaluation results. Thorough experiments yield improved prior art baselines which our method still surpasses; e.g., our overall improvement with MSN ViT-B/16 is 3.9 p.p. for 1-shot learning.Comment: Accepted by ICLR 202