1,862 research outputs found

    Large-fruited Tomato Production as Affected by Root-zone Extension and Wick Addition During Cultivation in a Capillary Wick System

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    This study was conducted to investigate the possibility to use capillary wick system in large-fruited tomato production. The first experiment in the autumn-winter season of 2006 was carried out to investigate the effects of the amount of substrate on growth and yield of tomato. Treatments involved growing large-fruited tomato in one box (2.8ℓ/plant) continuously, or adding substrate at flowering of the 7th truss in a 2nd box (5.6ℓ/plant). Fruit yield was higher when the root-zone was extended with double the substrate volume. The second experiment in spring-summer season of 2007 was aimed at improving growth and yield of tomato by extension of root-zone and addition of wick. Tomato plants were either grown in one box with one wick continuously, or with addition of substrate in a 2nd box at flowering of the 4th truss. Additionally, one more wick was inserted into 50% of the 2nd boxes. Half of the plants were grown in two boxes with one wick, and the other half with two wicks. Higher yield was obtained from the plants grown in two boxes with two wicks, suggesting that fruit yield was increased by increasing water transport through wick addition coupled with root-zone extension. Plant growth and fruit yield of large-fruited tomato was stable without blossom-end rot when root-zone was extended and half strength of Ohtsuka-A nutrient solution supplied through the capillary wick system. There was, however, a slight sign of physiological disorder at the leaf margins similar to potassium deficiency.「防根給水ひも」を利用した底面給水法が大玉トマト生産に適用可能かどうかを検討した.2006年秋ン冬季の実験では,培地量がトマトの生育と収量に及ぼす影響について調査した.大玉トマトを終始1stBox(=2.8ℓ・plant-1)で栽培する処理区と7段花房開花時に2ndBox(=2.8ℓ)に培地を追加し,最終的に1stBox + 2ndBox(=5.6ℓ・plant-1)で栽培する処理区を比較した結果,培地量を2倍にし,根域を拡張した処理区の収量が高くなった.2007年春ン夏季の実験では根域拡張および「ひも」適用本数の増加によりトマトの生育収量を改善出来るかを検討するため,終始 1stBox,「ひも」1本で栽培する区,4段花房開花時に培地を追加し最終的に1stBox + 2ndBoxで栽培するが,そこには「ひも」は配さない区,培地を加えると同時に「ひも」を配する区の3区でトマトを栽培した.その結果,1stBox + 2ndBox,「ひも」2本で栽培したトマトが最も収量が高かった.培地追加時に「ひも」を配することで水輸送量が増大した事が収量増加に繋がったものと考えられた.以上の結果より,生育途中で培地量を増やすと同時に,もう1本の「ひも」を配置して大塚A処方1/2濃度で終始管理すれば,生育中期にK欠乏と思しき葉縁の黄変が見られるものの,尻腐れ果実のほとんど発生しない安定したトマト生産が可能であるといえる

    Molecular characterization of O-methyltransferases involved in isoquinoline alkaloid biosynthesis in Coptis japonica

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    O-Methyltransferases, which catalyze the production of small molecules in plants, play a crucial role in determining biosynthetic pathways in secondary metabolism because of their strict substrate specificity. Using three O-methyltransferase (OMT) cDNAs that are involved in berberine biosynthesis, we investigated the structure that was essential for this substrate specificity and the possibility of creating a chimeric enzyme with novel substrate specificity. Since each OMT has a relatively well-conserved C-terminal putative S-adenosyl-L-methionine-binding domain, we first exchanged the N-terminal halves of different OMTs. Among the 6 combinations that we tested for creating chimeric OMTs, 5 constructs produced detectable amounts of recombinant proteins, and only one of these with an N-terminal half of 6-OMT and a C-terminal half of 4′-OMT (64′-OMT) showed methylation activity with isoquinoline alkaloids as a substrate. Further enzymological analysis of 64′-OMT reaction product indicated that 64′-OMT retained the regio-specificity of 6-OMT. Further examination of the N-terminal region of 64′-OMT showed that about 90 amino acid residues in the N-terminal half were critical for reaction specificity. The creation of OMTs with novel reactivity is discussed


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    広島大学(Hiroshima University)博士(医学)Doctor of Philosophy in Medical Sciencedoctora

    Conceptual data modeling in geospatial information technology tool kit (gittok)

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    Paper presented at the 27th International Cartographic Conference: Spatial data infrastructures, standards, open source and open data for geospatial (SDI-Open 2015) 20-21 August 2015, Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.http://sdistandards.icaci.org/2015/09/sdi-open-2015-proceedingsam201

    Clincal and Pathological Studies on the Small Tubercular Lesions Which Produce Atypical Shadows on The Chest X-ray. Ⅰ: Clinical Study

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    Radiographic changes in 206 cases with small cavernous lesions of pulmonary tuberculosis and in 50 cases with tuberculoma which had received chemotherapy for more than 4 months were investigated, and the following conclusions were drawn. 1. Atypical shadows due to these changes were able to be classified into 5 types: string-form, asterial, club-form, motley, and lump-from. 2. The atypical shadows were observed in 17.8% of the casel with cavernous tubercular lesions and in 8% of tuberculoma cases. 3. The cavernous lesions, which were fresh with the surrounding infiltration and had a diameter less than 2cm., tended to produce the atypical shadows. The longer the duration of chemotherapy, the higher the tendency to develop the atypical shadows. It occurred most frequently in 6-8 months after the onset of treatment. Systematic treatments were proved to be superior to non-sys-tematic treatments. No difference was observed between the effect of INH and othe agents in this regard. 4. In case of tuberculoma, there was no apparent relations between the occurrence of atypical shadows and the size of lesion or the duration of treatment. The difference between the effect of INH and other agents was not observed in these cases either. 5. Tubercular bacillus was negative in the sputa of 90% of cavernous cases and 100% of tuberculoma cases which showed the atypical shadows. Most of cases with positive sputa were found to have the lump-type shadows on chest x-ray. Most of cavernous cases and some tuberculoma cases which did not show the atypical shadows had positive sputa. A large number of these positive cases showed resistance more than 10γ to any of the anti-tubercular chemotherapeutics. 6. The cavities became open again in a short time in some cases which once had had negative sputa and had shown the string-form shadows

    The first case of hairworm, Gordius sp. vomited from a domestic dog in Japan

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    An adult female hairworm was vomited from a domestic dog with a cough in Hiroshima Prefecture. The worm body was long and slender, measuring 42.5 cm in length and 1 mm in maximum width. The specimen showed microscopically the smooth cuticular without tuberculations. This case is the first record of Gordius sp. infection in a dog in Japan