317 research outputs found

    Retrospectiva y perspectiva del turismo en Paraguay

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    El presente artículo es una investigación exploratoria de aproximación al tema Turismo en Paraguay, cuyo fin es la realización de inferencias sobre el tema en cuestión basado en datos cualitativos y cuantitativos sobre el fenómeno turístico en Paraguay. Inferencias, según (KING, O. KEOHANE e VERBA, 2011) son interpretaciones o explicaciones dadas referente a un fenómeno previamente observado, estas a su vez pueden ser justificadas con nuevas observaciones de comprobación. La importancia del estudio del turismo radica a que tradicionalmente fue inadvertido por las distintas disciplinas científicas, particularmente la Ciencia Política y las Relaciones Internacionales y es un tema que en la actualidad debe ser abordado más fehacientemente debido a su impacto en las relaciones internacionales. Las fuentes de la investigación son datos cualitativos y cuantitativos obtenidos de la Secretaria Nacional de Turismo y de la Dirección General de Migraciones. El objetivo es analizar estos datos para realizar inferencias de aproximación al fenómeno turístico que permitan llegar a conclusiones más certeras This article is an exploratory investigation of an approach to tourism in Paraguay, whose purpose is to make inferences about this subject based on qualitative and quantitative data on the tourism phenomenon in Paraguay. Inferences, according to Keohane, King and Verba (2011) are interpretations or explanations given regarding a previously observed phenomenon, these in turn can be justified with new observations. The importance of the study of tourism is that it has traditionally been unnoticed by the different scientific disciplines, particularly Political Science and International Relations and is an issue that must now be addressed more reliably due to its impact on international relations. The sources of the research are qualitative and quantitative data obtained from the Secretaria Nacional de Turismo and Direccion Nacional de Migraciones. The objective is to analyze these data to make inferences of approximation to the tourist phenomenon that allow to reach more accurate conclusion

    Online Alpha Wave detector: an Embedded hardware-software implementation

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    The recent trend on embedded system development opens a new prospect for applications that in the past were not possible. The eye tracking for sleep and fatigue detection has become an important and useful application in industrial and automotive scenarios since fatigue is one of the most prevalent causes of earth-moving equipment accidents. Typical applications such as cameras, accelerometers and dermal analyzers are present on the market but have some inconvenient. This thesis project has used EEG signal, particularly, alpha waves, to overcome them by using an embedded software-hardware implementation to detect these signals in real tim

    Comparison of the beta-alpha angular correlations in the Li8 and B8 beta decays, and the conserved vector current theory

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    This paper describes a comparison of the beta-alpha angular correlations of the beta decays of Li8 and B8 to the 2.90-Mev alpha-unstable level of Be8. The data were fitted to an angular correlation in the laboratory system of the form W(θβα)=1+Acosθβα+Bcos2θβα, where A and B were independently determined for the Li8 and B8 beta decays from measurements at θβα=0°, 90°, and 180°. The coefficients A are due to the recoil of Be8* and have the same sign for both beta decays. The coefficients B arise from the interference of forbidden vector matrix elements with the allowed axial vector matrix element and have different signs in the two decays. The correlation for the Li8 decay was measured with average total beta energies, Wβ~5, 8, and 11 Mev. Both A and B were found to be approximately linear in Wβ. The correlation for the B8 decay was measured only with average Wβ~11 Mev. From the data with Wβ~11 Mev, the difference of the coefficients, B(Li8)-B(B8), equals (0.0070±0.0012)Wβ. This result is compared with theoretical predictions based on the older Fermi and the newer conserved vector current theories of beta decay. The experiment agrees with the prediction of the latter theory

    Efeito antimicrobiano e antibiofilme de fungos endofíticos isolados de Handroanthus ochraceus

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    Orientadora: Profª. Drª.Juliana Bernardi WenzelMonografia (graduação) - Universidade Federal do Paraná (Campus Toledo), Curso de Graduação em Medicina.Inclui referênciasResumo: Introdução: As plantas medicinais têm sido usadas para alívio de enfermidades e, atualmente, têm sido alvo de pesquisas para investigar os responsáveis por essa ação medicamentosa. Sabe-se que grande parte dessa ação se deve ao metabolismo de endófitos, em especial os fungos. Objetivos: avaliar a ação antimicrobiana, pela determinação da concentração inibitória mínima (CIM), e a capacidade de evitar a formação e erradicar biofilmes, de compostos obtidos de fungos endofíticos isolados de Handroanthus ochraceus (ipê-amarelo) contra a bactéria S. aureus ATCC 25923.Material e Métodos: No presente estudo, fungos endofíticos foram obtidos da planta Handroanthus ochraceus e deles obtidos metabólitos secundários, que foram solubilizados em fases com polaridades distintas (aquosa, em clorofórmio e em acetato de etila). Cada fase foi avaliada quanto ao seu potencial antimicrobiano, por meio da CIM, e anti-biofilme contra a bactéria. Resultados: Dos 33 compostos testados, 8 apresentaram efeitos antimicrobianos, sendo 5 em clorofórmio e 3 em acetato de etila. Os compostos de clorofórmio foram mais promissores, apresentando maiores efeitos bactericidas e maior inibição da formação de biofilme. A capacidade de erradicar os biofilmes foi inferior à de inibir sua formação, provavelmente devido a características intrínsecas de sua estrutura. Conclusão: Os resultados encontrados podem ser considerados promissores e servir de base para estudos adicionai

    Low-Power Human-Machine Interfaces: Analysis And Design

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    Human-Machine Interaction (HMI) systems, once used for clinical applications, have recently reached a broader set of scenarios, such as industrial, gaming, learning, and health tracking thanks to advancements in Digital Signal Processing (DSP) and Machine Learning (ML) techniques. A growing trend is to integrate computational capabilities into wearable devices to reduce power consumption associated with wireless data transfer while providing a natural and unobtrusive way of interaction. However, current platforms can barely cope with the computational complexity introduced by the required feature extraction and classification algorithms without compromising the battery life and the overall intrusiveness of the system. Thus, highly-wearable and real-time HMIs are yet to be introduced. Designing and implementing highly energy-efficient biosignal devices demands a fine-tuning to meet the constraints typically required in everyday scenarios. This thesis work tackles these challenges in specific case studies, devising solutions based on bioelectrical signals, namely EEG and EMG, for advanced hand gesture recognition. The implementation of these systems followed a complete analysis to reduce the overall intrusiveness of the system through sensor design and miniaturization of the hardware implementation. Several solutions have been studied to cope with the computational complexity of the DSP algorithms, including commercial single-core and open-source Parallel Ultra Low Power architectures, that have been selected accordingly also to reduce the overall system power consumption. By further adding energy harvesting techniques combined with the firmware and hardware optimization, the systems achieved self-sustainable operation or a significant boost in battery life. The HMI platforms presented are entirely programmable and provide computational power to satisfy the requirements of the studies applications while employing only a fraction of the CPU resources, giving the perspective of further application more advanced paradigms for the next generation of real-time embedded biosignal processing

    Microscopic Black Hole Pairs in Highly-Excited States

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    We consider the quantum mechanics of a system consisting of two identical, Planck-size Schwarzschild black holes revolving around their common center of mass. We find that even in a very highly-excited state such a system has very sharp, discrete energy eigenstates, and the system performs very rapid transitions from a one stationary state to another. For instance, when the system is in the 100th excited state, the life times of the energy eigenstates are of the order of 103010^{-30} s, and the energies of gravitons released in transitions between nearby states are of the order of 102210^{22} eV.Comment: 22 pages, 3 figures, uses RevTe

    A comparison of techniques for fault detection in inverter-fed induction motors in transient regime

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    "(c) 2017 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other users, including reprinting/ republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted components of this work in other works."[EN] Fault detection in induction motors operating in non-stationary regimes has become a need in today's industry. Most of the works published deal with line-fed motors. Nevertheless, the number of inverterfed induction motors has significantly increased in recent years. Therefore, several fault detection techniques have been proposed lately for this type of motors, based mainly on an adequate input signal processing to obtain fault signatures in the time-frequency domain. In this paper, a comparison of time-frequency techniques applied to fault detection in inverter-fed induction motors in a transient state is presented. For that purpose, the techniques are applied to two current signals acquired from two induction motors with two types of faults: bar breakage and mixed eccentricity. The paper shows the particularities and special difficulties of diagnosing under this type of feeding, reviewing the works related to each technique. The strengths and weaknesses of these techniques are discussed with the goal of providing a criterion for its application in an industrial environment and guidance for future developments in this field.This work was supported in part by the Spanish Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad and in part by the FEDER program in the framework of the Proyectos I+D del Subprograma de Generacion de Conocimiento, Programa Estatal de Fomento de la Investigacion Cientifica y Tecnica de Excelencia under Grant DPI2014-52842-P.Fernandez-Cavero, V.; Morinigo-Sotelo, D.; Duque-Perez, O.; Pons Llinares, J. (2017). A comparison of techniques for fault detection in inverter-fed induction motors in transient regime. IEEE Access. 5:8048-8063. https://doi.org/10.1109/ACCESS.2017.2702643S80488063

    Nascidos para salvar: uma análise da técnica do irmão salvador à luz da dignidade da pessoa humana.

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    Human life is under constant construction and scientific advances bring unique opportunities never before conceived, among these is the technique of the saviour sibling. The generation of a histocompatible human being represents a unique chance of cure for those who need hematopoietic stem cell transplants, but there is no way to ignore some fears arising from genetic selection, since it involves the human essence itself, whose manipulation can lead to the instrumentation of human life and the change of the normative self-understanding of the species. The technique demands that the saviour sibling compulsively takes responsibility for the life of his brother, since he is generated for this purpose, but it should be noted that man is not a thing; he is not, therefore, an object that can be used as a simple means. Thus, the question arises as to whether the initiative of the parents to conceive a child whose purpose is to save their brother's life is ethical? And if so, what would be the limits of the application of such a technique in the light of the principle of human dignity?A vida humana está em constante construção e os avanços científicos trazem oportunidades únicas antes concebidas, dentre essas está a técnica do irmão salvador. A geração de um ser humano histocompatível representa uma chance única de cura para tratamento de quem necessita de transplante de células-tronco hematopoiéticas, porém não há como se ignorar alguns temores advindos com a seleção genética, já que envolve a própria essência humana, cuja manipulação pode levar a instrumentalização da vida humana e a mudança da autocompreensão normativa da espécie. A técnica demanda que o irmão salvador compulsivamente se responsabilize pela vida de seu irmão, pois este é gerado para esse fim, contudo atenta-se que o homem não é uma coisa; não é, portanto, um objeto que possa ser utilizado como simples meio. Assim questiona-se seria ético a iniciativa dos genitores de conceber um filho cuja finalidade é salvar a vida do irmão? E se sim, quais seriam os limites da aplicação de tal técnica à luz do princípio da dignidade da pessoa humana