188 research outputs found

    The central nervous system and sudden cardiac death: What should we know?

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    The role of the central nervous system in the modulation and precipitation of sudden cardiac death has been a matter of controversy for decades. Establishing a cause-effect relationship in the setting of a cerebro-vascular event has been complex, as patients with stroke usually have risk factors for coronary artery disease as well. This article will review both experimental and clinical evidence relating to the mechanisms that link the central nervous system and the cardiovascular system. Cardiovascular consequences of stroke and epilepsy will be also reviewed

    Do Presidente Eleito da Solaece

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    Do Presidente Eleito da Solaece

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    Atrial fibrillation: the current epidemic.

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    Atrial fibrillation (AF) is the most common arrhythmia diagnosed in clinical practice. The consequences of AF have been clearly established in multiple large observational cohort studies and include increased stroke and systemic embolism rates if no oral anticoagulation is prescribed, with increased morbidity and mortality. With the worldwide aging of the population characterized by a large influx of "baby boomers" with or without risk factors for developing AF, an epidemic is forecasted within the next 10 to 20 years. Although not all studies support this evidence, it is clear that AF is on the rise and a significant amount of health resources are invested in detecting and managing AF. This review focuses on the worldwide burden of AF and reviews global health strategies focused on improving detection, prevention and risk stratification of AF, recently recommended by the World Heart Federation


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    Measuring the QT interval on the go

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