2,265 research outputs found

    The young stellar population of Lynds 1340. An infrared view

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    We present results of an infrared study of the molecular cloud Lynds 1340, forming three groups of low and intermediate-mass stars. Our goals are to identify and characterise the young stellar population of the cloud, study the relationships between the properties of the cloud and the emergent stellar groups, and integrate L1340 into the picture of the star-forming activity of our Galactic environment. We selected candidate young stellar objects from the Spitzer and WISE data bases using various published color criteria, and classified them based on the slope of the spectral energy distribution. We identified 170 Class II, 27 Flat SED, and Class 0/I sources. High angular resolution near-infrared observations of the RNO 7 cluster, embedded in L1340, revealed eight new young stars of near-infrared excess. The surface density distribution of young stellar objects shows three groups, associated with the three major molecular clumps of L1340, each consisting of less than 100 members, including both pre-main sequence stars and embedded protostars. New Herbig--Haro objects were identified in the Spitzer images. Our results demonstrate that L1340 is a prolific star-forming region of our Galactic environment in which several specific properties of the intermediate-mass mode of star formation can be studied in detail.Comment: 73 pages, 33 figures, 15 tables. Accepted for publication in ApJ

    Transition-metal interactions in aluminum-rich intermetallics

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    The extension of the first-principles generalized pseudopotential theory (GPT) to transition-metal (TM) aluminides produces pair and many-body interactions that allow efficient calculations of total energies. In aluminum-rich systems treated at the pair-potential level, one practical limitation is a transition-metal over-binding that creates an unrealistic TM-TM attraction at short separations in the absence of balancing many-body contributions. Even with this limitation, the GPT pair potentials have been used effectively in total-energy calculations for Al-TM systems with TM atoms at separations greater than 4 AA. An additional potential term may be added for systems with shorter TM atom separations, formally folding repulsive contributions of the three- and higher-body interactions into the pair potentials, resulting in structure-dependent TM-TM potentials. Towards this end, we have performed numerical ab-initio total-energy calculations using VASP (Vienna Ab Initio Simulation Package) for an Al-Co-Ni compound in a particular quasicrystalline approximant structure. The results allow us to fit a short-ranged, many-body correction of the form a(r_0/r)^{b} to the GPT pair potentials for Co-Co, Co-Ni, and Ni-Ni interactions.Comment: 18 pages, 5 figures, submitted to PR

    The Enigmatic Radio Afterglow of GRB 991216

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    We present wide-band radio observations spanning from 1.4 GHz to 350 GHz of the afterglow of GRB 991216, taken from 1 to 80 days after the burst. The optical and X-ray afterglow of this burst were fairly typical and are explained by a jet fireball. In contrast, the radio light curve is unusual in two respects: (a) the radio light curve does not show the usual rise to maximum flux on timescales of weeks and instead appears to be declining already on day 1 and (b) the power law indices show significant steepening from the radio through the X-ray bands. We show that the standard fireball model, in which the afterglow is from a forward shock, is unable to account for (b) and we conclude that the bulk of the radio emission must arise from a different source. We consider two models, neither of which can be ruled out with the existing data. In the first (conventional) model, the early radio emission is attributed to emission from the reverse shock as in the case of GRB 990123. We predict that the prompt optical emission would have been as bright (or brighter) than 8th magnitude. In the second (exotic) model, the radio emission originates from the forward shock of an isotropically energetic fireball (10^54 erg) expanding into a tenuous medium (10^-4 cm^-3). The resulting fireball would remain relativistic for months and is potentially resolvable with VLBI techniques. Finally, we note that the near-IR bump of the afterglow is similar to that seen in GRB 971214 and no fireball model can explain this bump.Comment: ApJ, submitte

    A Coordinated Radio Afterglow Program

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    We describe a ground-based effort to find and study afterglows at centimeter and millimeter wavelengths. We have observed all well-localized gamma-ray bursts in the Northern and Southern sky since BeppoSAX first started providing rapid positions in early 1997. Of the 23 GRBs for which X-ray afterglows have been detected, 10 have optical afterglows and 9 have radio afterglows. A growing number of GRBs have both X-ray and radio afterglows but lack a corresponding optical afterglow.Comment: To appear in Proc. of the 5th Huntsville Gamma-Ray Burst Symposium, 5 pages, LaTe

    Test of Quantum Action for Inverse Square Potential

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    We present a numerical study of the quantum action previously introduced as a parametrisation of Q.M. transition amplitudes. We address the questions: Is the quantum action possibly an exact parametrisation in the whole range of transition times (0<T<0 < T < \infty)? Is the presence of potential terms beyond those occuring in the classical potential required? What is the error of the parametrisation estimated from the numerical fit? How about convergence and stability of the fitting method (dependence on grid points, resolution, initial conditions, internal precision etc.)? Further we compare two methods of numerical determination of the quantum action: (i) global fit of the Q.M. transition amplitudes and (ii) flow equation. As model we consider the inverse square potential, for which the Q.M. transition amplitudes are analytically known. We find that the relative error of the parametrisation starts from zero at T=0 increases to about 10310^{-3} at T=1/EgrT=1/E_{gr} and then decreases to zero when TT \to \infty. Second, we observe stability of the quantum action under variation of the control parameters. Finally, the flow equation method works well in the regime of large TT giving stable results under variation of initial data and consistent with the global fit method.Comment: Text (LaTeX), Figures(ps

    The Broadband Afterglow of GRB980329

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    We present radio observations of the afterglow of the bright gamma-ray burst GRB980329 made between one month and several years after the burst, a re-analysis of previously published submillimeter data, and late-time optical and near-infrared (NIR) observations of the host galaxy. From the absence of a spectral break in the optical/NIR colors of the host galaxy, we exclude the earlier suggestion that GRB980329 lies at a redshift of z >~5. We combine our data with the numerous multi-wavelength observations of the early afterglow, fit a comprehensive afterglow model to the entire broadband dataset, and derive fundamental physical parameters of the blast-wave and its host environment. Models for which the ejecta expand isotropically require both a high circumburst density and extreme radiative losses from the shock. No low density model (n << 10 cm^{-3}) fits the data. A burst with a total energy of ~ 10^{51} erg, with the ejecta narrowly collimated to an opening angle of a few degrees, driven into a surrounding medium with density ~ 20 cm^{-3}, provides a satisfactory fit to the lightcurves over a range of redshifts.Comment: 27 pages, incl. 6 figures, minor revisions (e.g. added/updated references) Accepted by Ap