174 research outputs found

    Esquisse d'une sociologie des banlieues au Japon

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    Depuis une vingtaine d’années, l’État nippon a amélioré les conditions d’entrée des résidents étrangers dans le parc locatif public. Conséquence : les populations étrangères ont tendance à se concentrer dans les banlieues des villes japonaises à côté d’autres populations fragiles. Cette distribution sociologique n’est pas sans rappeler la situation française, où la relégation spatiale se conjugue aux difficultés socio-économiques. Ici, comme là-bas, le racisme n’est souvent que le paravent de la misère sociale dont souffrent les habitants des cités

    L’archipel invisible

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    L’écriture est étrangement absente des études sur les pratiques culturelles urbaines des jeunes de banlieues. Penser que la culture de banlieue serait réfractaire à l’écrit, qu’il y a un déficit d’écriture dans ces territoires revient à tracer à nouveaux frais d’anciennes frontières culturelles entre les lettrés et ceux qui ne le sont pas. Or l’écriture est au centre des expressions artistiques comme le graff, le tag. Ne voir dans le rap ou le slam que des manifestations orales conduit à enfermer les banlieues dans une sous-culture

    Le Japon, pays d’immigration 

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    Japon et migration ne semblent pas faire tandem. On répète à l’envi que le pays est resté marqué par deux siècles de fermeture sur le reste du monde (jusqu’à la réforme de Meiji, en 1868) et que le peuple japonais se caractérise par une forte homogénéité ethnique qui rendrait difficile l’intégration d’un grand nombre de résidents étrangers. Les chiffres de la population étrangère installée au Japon tendent à confirmer ce discours

    In vitro transformation of rat renal cells by treatment with ferric nitrilotriacetate.

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    Administration of ferric nitrilotriacetate (Fe-NTA) in vivo causes acute renal tubular injury and finally induces renal cell carcinoma. There is accumulating evidence that these processes involve free radicals generated by Fe-NTA. To study the mechanism of renal carcinogenesis by Fe-NTA, we attempted to induce malignant transformation of primary cultured renal cells by treatment with Fe-NTA. When primary cultured renal cells (PRC) were treated continuously with Fe-NTA, all of the PRC died without transformation. On the other hand, when PRC were treated intermittently with Fe-NTA, transformed epithelial colonies were observed at 3 weeks after the first treatment. The established transformed cell line (RK523) showed drastic morphological transformation, grew in soft agar, and formed tumors when transplanted into athymic nude mice. These results indicate that the balance between cytotoxicity and mutagenecity is important for Fe-NTA induced transformation. The RK523 cell line may be a useful model for studying renal carcinogenesis in vitro.</p

    Comparison among Various Expressions of Complex Admittance for Quantum System in Contact with Heat Reservoir

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    Relation among various expressions of the complex admittance for quantum systems in contact with heat reservoir is studied. Exact expressions of the complex admittance are derived in various types of formulations of equations of motion under contact with heat reservoir. Namely, the complex admittance is studied in the relaxation method and the external-field method. In the former method, the admittance is calculated using the Kubo formula for quantum systems in contact with heat reservoir in no external driving fields, while in the latter method the admittance is directly calculated from equations of motion with external driving terms. In each method, two types of equation of motions are considered, i.e., the time-convolution (TC) equation and time-convolutionless (TCL) equation. That is, the full of the four cases are studied. It is turned out that the expression of the complex admittance obtained by using the relaxation method with the TC equation exactly coincides with that obtained by using the external-field method with the TC equation, while other two methods give different forms. It is also explicitly demonstrated that all the expressions of the complex admittance coincide with each other in the lowest Born approximation for the systemreservoir interaction. The formulae necessary for the higher order expansions in powers of the system-reservoir interaction are derived, and also the expressions of the admittance in the n-th order approximation are given. To characterize the TC and TCL methods, we study the expressions of the admittances of two exactly solvable models. Each exact form of admittance is compared with the results of the two methods in the lowest Born approximation. It is found that depending on the model, either of TC and TCL would be the better method.Comment: 34pages, no figur

    排外主義を問いなおす (Repenser la xénophobie):フランスにおける排除・差別・参加 (Exclusion, discrimination, participation des immigrés en France)

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    Les initiatives locales visant à lutter contre l’exclusion des étrangers, des immigrés et de leurs descendants tendent de façons diverses à recréer du lien dans un contexte de dé-cohésion sociale. Nous prenons comme idée directrice pour cet ouvrage que toute pratique ayant pour but d’assurer des bénéfices politiques, sociaux ou économiques qui tendent à promouvoir de la dé-cohésion sociale produisent de l’exclusion. La lutte contre l’exclusion est une réflexion en faveur de la cohésion sociale. Au-delà de l’exclusion concrète d’une catégorie particulière de la population, il s’agit souvent, via ces initiatives, de repenser le “commun”, repenser la façon de “faire société” au travers de mobilisations sociales qui proposent une résistance ou des alternatives à des politiques (ou des non-politiques) qui excluent. Dans cet ouvrage les auteurs appliquent cette réflexion au cas particulier de l’exclusion des personnes étrangères ou issues de l’immigration

    Broader autism phenotype as a risk factor for postpartum depression: Hamamatsu Birth Cohort (HBC) Study

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    AbstractThe broader autism phenotype (BAP), which refers to the expression of behavioral and cognitive propensities that are milder but qualitatively similar to those defining autism spectrum disorder, can play a crucial role in postpartum depression (PPD). We investigated whether pregnant women's BAP would increase the risk for PPD, using a representative birth cohort in Japan. Pregnant women were enrolled in the Hamamatsu Birth Cohort (HBC) Study during their mid-gestation (N=841) and were followed up until 3 months after delivery. BAP was measured mainly during the 2nd trimester of the pregnancy by using the Broader Phenotype Autism Symptoms Scale. Participants scoring 9 points or higher on the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale at least once during the first 3 months after childbirth were diagnosed with PPD. Among participants, 128 (15.2%) women were found to have PPD. Multiple logistic regression analyses showed that BAP were associated with PPD (OR=1.19, 95% CI [1.07–1.31]), even after controlling for other potential confounders. In addition, the association was not moderated by history of depression and/or anxiety disorders, including concurrent depressive and anxiety symptoms during pregnancy. The findings suggest that pregnant women with BAP have an elevated risk for PPD

    Phase I/IIa Study of Low Dose Subcutaneous Interleukin-2 (IL-2) for Treatment of Refractory Chronic Graft Versus Host Disease

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    Chronic graft versus host disease (cGVHD) remains a major problem for long survivors after allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT). Currently, corticosteroid therapy is effective for cGVHD as the first line therapy. However, prolonged therapy with corticosteroids causes various severe adverse events. To develop the new therapeutic strategy of cGVHD, we have launched a multicenter phase I/IIa clinical trial of low dose subcutaneous interleukin-2 (IL-2) for treatment of steroid refractory cGVHD, which is constituted of 2 sequential phases (induction phase and maitanance phase). This study will provide the new therapeutic option for patients with refractory cGVHD after allogeneic HSCT


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