2 research outputs found

    Development of octopus aquaculture: Rearing, handling and systems design for Octopus tetricus commercial aquaculture FRDC Project No 2009/206

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    The following document ‘Development of octopus aquaculture, rearing, handling and systems designs for Octopus tetricus commercial aquaculture’ contains protocols developed during the FRDC project 2009/206. These protocols encompass the most up-to-date rearing, handling and systems designs for Octopus tetricus commercial aquaculture. These protocols are the result of extensive research and development work carried out over the past four years by the Department of Fisheries, Western Australia and summarised in the final project report

    Development of octopus aquaculture Final Report FRDC Project No 2009/206

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    During the past four years, the marine aquaculture group at the WA Fisheries and Marine Research Laboratories (WAFMRL) in collaboration with Occoculture Pty Ltd (subsidiary of Fremantle Octopus) and as a part of the FRDC project ‘Octopus Aquaculture Development’, investigated the potential of octopus aquaculture in Western Australia. Hatchery methods were developed in an attempt to close the life cycle. Advanced systems, rearing and feeding protocols were established for ranching Octopus tetricus juveniles