439 research outputs found

    Analytical solutions for the electric field and dielectrophoretic force in a dielectrophoretic focusing electrode structure

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    The analysis of the movement of particles in a nonuniform field requires accurate knowledge of theelectric field distribution. In this letter, the Schwarz–Christoffel mapping method is used to analytically solve the electric field distribution in a dielectrophoretic focusing electrode structure.The analytical result for the electric field distribution is validated by comparison with numericalsimulations using the finite element method. The electric field solution is used to calculate the dielectrophoretic force on a particle in the syste

    Analytical and numerical modeling methods for impedance analysis of single cells on-chip

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    Electrical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) is a noninvasive method for characterizing the dielectric properties of biological particles. The technique can differentiate between cell types and provide information on cell properties through measurement of the permittivity and conductivity of the cell membrane and cytoplasm. In terms of lab-on-a-chip (LOC) technology, cells pass sequentially through the microfluidic channel at high speed and are analyzed individually, rather than as traditionally done on a mixture of particles in suspension. This paper describes the analytical and numerical modeling methods for EIS of single cell analysis in a microfluidic cytometer. The presented modeling methods include Maxwell’s mixture theory, equivalent circuit model and finite element method. The difference and advantages of these methods have been discussed. The modeling work has covered the static case — an immobilized cell in suspension and the dynamic case — a moving cell in the channel

    Electro-orientation and electrorotation of metal nanowires

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    The physical mechanisms responsible for the electrical orientation and electrical rotation of metal nanowires suspended in an electrolyte as a function of frequency of the applied ac electric field are examined theoretically and experimentally. The alignment of a nanowire in an ac field with a fixed direction is called electro-orientation. The induced constant rotation of a nanowire in a rotating electric field is called electrorotation. In both situations, the applied electric field interacts with the induced charge in the electrical double layer at the metal-electrolyte interface, causing rotation due to the torque on the induced dipole, and also from induced-charge electro-osmotic flow around the particle. First, we describe the dipole theory that describes electro-orientation and electrorotation of perfectly polarizable metal rods. Second, based on a slender approximation, an analytical theory that describes induced-charge electro-orientation and electrorotation of metal nanowires is provided. Finally, experimental measurements of the electro-orientation and electrorotation of metal nanowires are presented and compared with theory, providing a comprehensive study of the relative importance between induced-dipole rotation and induced-charge electro-osmotic rotation

    Rapid rotation of micron and submicron dielectric particles measured using optical tweezers

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    We demonstrate the use of a laser trap (‘optical tweezers’) and back-focal-plane position detector to measure rapid rotation in aqueous solution of single particles with sizes in the vicinity of 1 μm. Two types of rotation were measured: electrorotation of polystyrene microspheres and rotation of the flagellar motor of the bacterium Vibrio alginolyticus. In both cases, speeds in excess of 1000 Hz (rev s−1) were measured. Polystyrene beads of diameter about 1 μm labelled with smaller beads were held at the centre of a microelectrode array by the optical tweezers. Electrorotation of the labelled beads was induced by applying a rotating electric field to the solution using microelectrodes. Electrorotation spectra were obtained by varying the frequency of the applied field and analysed to obtain the surface conductance of the beads. Single cells of V. alginolyticus were trapped and rotation of the polar sodium-driven flagellar motor was measured. Cells rotated more rapidly in media containing higher concentrations of Na+, and photodamage caused by the trap was considerably less when the suspending medium did not contain oxygen. The technique allows single-speed measurements to be made in less than a second and separate particles can be measured at a rate of several per minute

    Cell-free protein expression systems in microdroplets: stabilization of interdroplet bilayers

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    Cell-free protein expression with bacterial lysates has been demonstrated to produce soluble proteins in microdroplets. However, droplet assays with expressed membrane proteins require the presence of a lipid bilayer. A bilayer can be formed in between lipid-coated aqueous droplets by bringing these into contact by electrokinetic manipulation in a continuous oil phase, but it is not known whether such interdroplet bilayers are compatible with high concentrations of biomolecules. In this study we have characterized the lifetime and the structural integrity of interdroplet bilayers by measuring the bilayer current in the presence of three different commercial cell-free expression mixtures and their individual components. Samples of pure proteins and of a polymer were included for comparison. It is shown that complete expression mixtures reduce the bilayer lifetime to several minutes or less, and that this is mainly due to the lysate fraction itself. The fraction that contains the molecules for metabolic energy generation does not reduce the bilayer lifetime but does give rise to current steps that are indicative of lipid packing defects. Gel electrophoresis confirmed that proteins are only present at significant amounts in the lysate fractions and, when supplied separately, in the T7 enzyme mixture. Interestingly, it was also found that pure-protein and pure-polymer solutions perturb the interdroplet bilayer at higher concentrations; 10% (w/v) PEG 8000 and 3 mM lysozyme induce large bilayer currents without a reduction in bilayer lifetime, whereas 3 mM albumin causes rapid bilayer failure. It can therefore be concluded that the high protein content of the lysates and the presence of PEG polymer, a typical lysate supplement, compromise the structural integrity of interdroplet bilayers. However, we established that the addition of lipid vesicles to the cell-free expression mixture stabilizes the interdroplet bilayer, allowing the exposure of interdroplet bilayers to cell-free expression solutions. Given that cell-free expressed membrane proteins can insert in lipid bilayers, we envisage that microdroplet technology may be extended to the study of in situ expressed membrane receptors and ion channel

    Ac electrokinetics: a survey of sub-micrometre particle dynamics

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    Particles suspended in fluid exhibit motion when subjected to ac electric fields. The applied field results in forces on both the particles and the fluid, the study of which is referred to as ac electrokinetics. The ac electrokinetic techniques can be used for the controlled manipulation and characterization of particles, and the separation of mixtures. For sub-micrometre particles, Brownian motion is important and strong electric fields are required to overcome these effects. Planar micro-electrode arrays, fabricated using semiconductor manufacturing processes, can generate electric fields of the required strength from low potentials over a wide range of frequencies. This paper reviews and discusses sub-micrometre particle dynamics under the influence of dielectrophoretic and electrohydrodynamic forces. New experimental observations of the movement of sub-micrometre particles are also presented

    Belousov-Zhabotinsky droplet mixing on-chip for chemical computing applications

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    Without an imposed physical structure, even the most complex chemistries are limited in their ability to process information. For example, the Belousov-Zhabotinsky (BZ) oscillating reaction has been shown to have information procession potential, but only if structure is imposed e.g. using physical barriers or light-sensitive catalysts. Recently, separated BZ droplets in oil have been investigated. Another option for aqueous/oil systems is to add lipid into the oil, which self-assembles into a monolayer at the phase boundary. If the lipid-stabilised droplets are brought into contact, a bilayer is formed, separating the BZ droplets into compartments. This technique is more flexible than other methods of imparting structure, allowing for the creation of droplet arrays inspired by biological neuronal networks

    Manipulation and trapping of sub-micron bioparticles using dielectrophoresis

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    A non-uniform alternating electric field induces motion in polarisable particles called dielectrophoresis. The effect is governed by the relative magnitudes of the dielectric properties of the medium and the particles. The technology has been used to manipulate particles for biotechnological applications, including purification, fractionation and concentration of cells and micro-organisms. However, the lower size limit for the dielectrophoretic manipulation of particles was believed to be about 1 ?m, but recent work has proved otherwise. The dielectrophoretic movement and properties of latex beads and a simple rod-shaped virus, tobacco mosaic virus (TMV), have been measured using microfabricated electrode structures. Measurements have been made over a range of suspending medium conductivities, applied frequencies and electric field strengths. It is shown that under appropriate conditions both latex beads and tobacco mosaic virus particles can be selectively attracted to regions of high electric field strength located at the tips of microfabricated electrode structures. The ability to selectively trap and separate bio-particles has many potential applications in the area of biotechnology
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