20 research outputs found

    Disease features and management of cardiomyopathies in women

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    : Over the last years, there has been a growing interest in the clinical manifestations and outcomes of cardiomyopathies in women. Peripartum cardiomyopathy is the only women-specific cardiomyopathy. In cardiomyopathies with X-linked transmission, women are not simply healthy carriers of the disorder, but can show a wide spectrum of clinical manifestations ranging from mild to severe manifestations because of heterogeneous patterns of X-chromosome inactivation. In mitochondrial disorders with a matrilinear transmission, cardiomyopathy is part of a systemic disorder affecting both men and women. Even some inherited cardiomyopathies with autosomal transmission display phenotypic and prognostic differences between men and women. Notably, female hormones seem to exert a protective role in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) and variant transthyretin amyloidosis until the menopausal period. Women with cardiomyopathies holding high-risk features should be referred to a third-level center and evaluated on an individual basis. Cardiomyopathies can have a detrimental impact on pregnancy and childbirth because of the associated hemodynamic derangements. Genetic counselling and a tailored cardiological evaluation are essential to evaluate the likelihood of transmitting the disease to the children and the possibility of a prenatal or early post-natal diagnosis, as well as to estimate the risk associated with pregnancy and delivery, and the optimal management strategies

    Cardiovascular toxicity from therapies for light chain amyloidosis

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    : Amyloid light-chain (AL) amyloidosis is a hematological disorder characterized by abnormal proliferation of a plasma cell clone producing monoclonal free light chains that misfold and aggregate into insoluble fibrils in various tissues. Cardiac involvement is a common feature leading to restrictive cardiomyopathy and poor prognosis. Current first-line treatments aim at achieving hematological response by targeting the plasma cell clones, and these have been adapted from multiple myeloma therapy. Patients with AL amyloidosis often exhibit multiorgan involvement, making them susceptible to cancer therapy-related cardiovascular toxicity. Managing AL amyloidosis is a complex issue that requires enhanced knowledge of the cardio-oncological implications of hematological treatments. Future research should focus on implementing and validating primary and secondary prevention strategies and understanding the biochemical basis of oncological therapy-related damage to mitigate cardiovascular toxicity

    Screening the health status of people working in a university

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    Background: We aimed to evaluate the physical and mental well being of people working in our academic institution. Methods: This online survey targeted professors ( n = 108), researchers ( n = 78), technical and administrative staff ( n = 279) working in the Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna (Pisa, Italy). Twenty-four multiple-choice questions explored the physical and mental health status, the main cardiovascular risk factors and levels of physical activity, the risk of cancer, and eating and drinking habits. Results: Over 1 week, 112 participants out of 465 (24%) completed the survey [69% women, median age 43 years (interquartile range 33-53)]. The physical and mental health were judged as 'poor' by 5% and 13%. Many individuals had at least one cardiovascular risk factor (diabetes, 4%; hypertension, 10%; family history of coronary artery disease before 40 years, 21%; hypercholesterolemia, 24%; current or former smoking habit, 39%), and 6% had all of them. Many participants were rather sedentary: for example, 44% never or hardly ever walked at a quick pace for ≥20 min. As for eating and drinking habits, 36% ate sweets five or six times a week or every day, 15% drank beer and/or wine at least five or six times a week, and 5% drank spirits three or four times a week. Conclusions: A small but not negligeable proportion of responders complained of 'poor' health, and 65% had at least one cardiovascular risk factor. The global levels of physical activity and eating and drinking habits were globally suboptimal. Educational and screening activities to improve the wellbeing of people working in academia are advisable

    Valvular heart disease in patients with cardiac amyloidosis

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    : Cardiac amyloidosis (CA) is an underdiagnosed condition caused by the deposition of misfolded proteins, namely immunoglobulin light chains and transthyretin, in the extracellular spaces of the heart. Any cardiovascular structure can be affected by amyloid infiltration, including the valves. Amyloid accumulation within the cardiac valves may lead to their structural and functional impairment, with a profound impact on patients' prognosis and quality of life. The most common forms of valvular disease in CA are aortic stenosis (AS), mitral regurgitation (MR), and tricuspid regurgitation (TR). CA and AS share similar risk factors, disease mechanisms, and remodeling patterns, which make their diagnosis particularly challenging. Patients with both CA and AS experience worse outcomes than CA or AS alone, and transcatheter aortic valve replacement may represent a useful therapeutic strategy in this population. Data on MR and TR are quite limited and mainly coming from case reports or small series. This review paper will summarize our current understanding on the epidemiology, disease mechanisms, echocardiographic features, clinical implications, and therapeutic options of AS, MR, and TR in patients with CA

    Electrocardiographic abnormalities in patients with cardiomyopathies

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    Abnormalities in impulse generation and transmission are among the first signs of cardiac remodeling in cardiomyopathies. Accordingly, 12-lead electrocardiogram (ECG) of patients with cardiomyopathies may show multiple abnormalities. Some findings are suggestive of specific disorders, such as the discrepancy between QRS voltages and left ventricular (LV) mass for cardiac amyloidosis or the inverted T waves in the right precordial leads for arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy. Other findings are less sensitive and/or specific, but may orient toward a specific diagnosis in a patient with a specific phenotype, such as an increased LV wall thickness or a dilated LV. A “cardiomyopathy-oriented” mindset to ECG reading is important to detect the possible signs of an underlying cardiomyopathy and to interpret correctly the meaning of these alterations, which differs in patients with cardiomyopathies or other conditions

    Cardiovascular toxicity from therapies for light chain amyloidosis

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    Amyloid light-chain (AL) amyloidosis is a hematological disorder characterized by abnormal proliferation of a plasma cell clone producing monoclonal free light chains that misfold and aggregate into insoluble fibrils in various tissues. Cardiac involvement is a common feature leading to restrictive cardiomyopathy and poor prognosis. Current first-line treatments aim at achieving hematological response by targeting the plasma cell clones, and these have been adapted from multiple myeloma therapy. Patients with AL amyloidosis often exhibit multiorgan involvement, making them susceptible to cancer therapy-related cardiovascular toxicity. Managing AL amyloidosis is a complex issue that requires enhanced knowledge of the cardio-oncological implications of hematological treatments. Future research should focus on implementing and validating primary and secondary prevention strategies and understanding the biochemical basis of oncological therapy-related damage to mitigate cardiovascular toxicity

    [Treatment of cardiac fibrosis: from neurohormonal antagonists to CAR-T cells]

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    : Cardiac fibrosis is characterized by the deposition of extracellular matrix proteins in the spaces between cardiomyocytes following both acute and chronic tissue damage events, resulting in the remodeling and stiffening of heart tissue. Fibrosis plays an important role in the pathogenesis of many cardiovascular disorders, including heart failure and myocardial infarction. Several studies have identified fibroblasts, which are induced to differentiate into myofibroblasts in response to various types of damage, as one of the most important cell types involved in the fibrotic process. There are currently no drugs with primarily antifibrotic action approved for clinical use, as the evidence of a clinical efficacy of these drugs is extremely limited, despite the numerous encouraging results from experimental studies. A new approach is represented by the use of chimeric antigen receptor T cells engineered in vivo using lipid nanoparticles containing mRNA encoding a receptor directed against the fibroblast activation protein, expressed by activated cardiac fibroblasts. This strategy has proved to be safe and effective in reducing myocardial fibrosis and improving cardiac function in mouse models of cardiac fibrosis. Clinical studies are required to test this novel approach in humans

    Biomarkers of HFpEF: Natriuretic Peptides, High-Sensitivity Troponins and Beyond

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    Heart failure (HF) is a significant cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide. HF with preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF) is a complex syndrome, often participated by several cardiac and extracardiac conditions, including chronic kidney disease, pulmonary disease, anaemia and advanced age. Circulating biomarkers reflecting pathophysiological pathways involved in HFpEF development and progression may assist clinicians in early diagnosis and management of this condition. Natriuretic peptides (NPs) are cardioprotective hormones released by cardiomyocytes in response to pressure or volume overload and in response to activation of neuro-endocrine-immune system. The relevance of B-type NP (BNP) and N-terminal pro-B-type NP (NT-proBNP) for diagnosis and risk stratification has been extensively demonstrated, and these biomarkers are emerging tools for population screening and as guides to the start of treatment in subclinical HF. On the contrary, conflicting evidence exists on the value of NPs to guide HF therapy. Among the other biomarkers, high-sensitivity troponins and soluble suppression of tumorigenesis-2 are the most promising biomarkers for risk stratification, predicting outcome independently from NPs. In this review, some novel biomarkers are being tested in such clinical scenario, more tightly linked to specific pathophysiological processes of cardiac damage

    Monoclonal antibodies and amyloid removal as a therapeutic strategy for cardiac amyloidosis

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    : Cardiac amyloidosis (CA) is an infiltrative disease caused by progressive deposition of amyloid fibres in the heart. The most common forms include immunoglobulin light-chain and transthyretin amyloidosis. Current therapies for CA either stabilize or block the production of amyloidogenic precursors, preventing further amyloid deposition. This approach, while reducing cell damage and disease progression, does not target pre-existing amyloid deposits. Conversely, amyloid removal might stimulate functional recovery of the affected organ, thus improving quality of life and survival. A therapeutic strategy based on monoclonal antibodies capable of selectively binding amyloid deposits and inducing their removal has recently been tested in various clinical trial, with promising results, and could represent a key treatment for CA in the near future