4 research outputs found
Case study: Lifecycle Assessment and CBios Emission Factor for biodiesel production with variation of the biomass and eligibility criteria
The Brazilian National Biofuels Policy (RenovaBio) has as its main purpose to promote the growth of the biofuels chain in Brazil, from more efficient and sustainable production models, culminating in the reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, as well as contributing to the fulfillment of the commitments assumed by the country at COP-21. RenovaCalc is a tool from RenovaBio that is capable of analyzing lifecycle inventory data of background processes, added to the technical parameters of agricultural and industrial production that is informed by the biofuel producer. The final product is given through an Energy-Environmental Efficiency Grade (NEEA). In this context, NEEA, together with raw material eligibility values, will serve as the basis for the calculation of decarbonization credits (CBios). Given this context, the present study sought to investigate three scenarios: S1: excluded agricultural phase; S2: 100% eligible soy combined with the use of beef tallow, and S3: production of biodiesel with 100% soybean oil. The study compared two biodiesel producing national industries to NEEA certified by the Brazilian National Office of Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels (ANP). It can be concluded that NEEA does not have a direct influence on the quantity of CBios to be traded, that is, the highest ratio is given from the eligibility (%) of the raw material chosen for the production of the fuel. Thus, scenario 2, which relied on the use of waste, proved to be 10 times more profitable compared to the other scenarios, in both analyses, due to its high eligibility. However, in terms of NEEA, it was noted that the exclusion of the agricultural phase (scenario 1) was the one that was most efficient in terms of gCO2 eq./MJ. It is relevant to emphasize the importance of proper handling and practices that guarantee the traceability of the grain so that the eligibility indexes are optimized
Biodiesel etílico de babaçu x diesel B S1800: ensaio de opacidade da fumaça do trator agrícola variando os horários do dia
The use of biodiesel in agricultural tractors has environmental appeal, since it minimizes pollutant emissions and the installation of power plants that contribute to the increase of job, considering that Brazil has large territory (about 851 million hectares) and has lots of oil with potential for biodiesel production. This study aimed to discuss the main sources of raw material to produce oil, in order to obtain biodiesel, and to compare the smoke density from a tractor running on diesel B S1800 and proportions of ethyl biodiesel babassu. Among the sources for the production of oil, babassu stood out as a potential feedstock for biodiesel production. In B S1800 diesel compared with babassu biodiesel results showed significant reduction in smoke density as they increased the proportion of biodiesel useO uso do biodiesel em tratores agrícolas tem apelo socioambiental, uma vez que minimiza a emissão de poluentes bem como a instalação de usinas produtoras que contribuem para o aumento de posto de trabalho, considerando-se que o Brasil tem grande extensão territorial (aproximadamente 851 milhões de hectares) e dispõe de grande quantidade de oleaginosas com potencial para produção de biodiesel. O presente trabalho teve por objetivo discorrer sobre as principais fontes de matéria-prima para produzir óleo, visando à obtenção de biodiesel, bem como comparar a opacidade da fumaça de um trator funcionando com diesel B S1800 e proporções de biodiesel etílico de babaçu. Dentre as fontes para produção de óleo, o babaçu destacou-se como potencial matéria-prima para produção de biodiesel. Na comparação de diesel B S1800 com biodiesel de babaçu os resultados evidenciaram redução significativa da opacidade da fumaça à medida que aumentou a proporção do uso de biodiese
Performance analysis of a condensation-extraction steam turbine operating in a sugar-alcohol factory cogeneration system
In this work a thermodynamic analysis for a condensation-extraction steam turbine capable of driving a 40 MVA electric generator in a sugar-alcohol factory was carried out. Sensibility analyses were performed to evaluate the behavior of the overall energy efficiency of a plant with the condensation-extraction steam turbine in function of the boiler efficiency, the specific consumption of steam in the processes as well as the condensation rate in the turbine. The analysis results have shown that this turbine in the cogeneration system contribute to increasing the power generation, although the condensation reduces the overall efficiency of the plant. It has also been observed that the plant efficiency is very sensitive to the condensation rate variation and increases with the demand for steam in the processes