15 research outputs found

    Validation and performance assessment of a preclinical SiPM-based SPECT/MRI insert

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    A preclinical insert for small animal simultaneous SPECT and MR imaging, in particular for imaging mouse brains, is presented. It consists of ten static magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)-compatible gamma cameras based on tiles of silicon photomultipliers readout by a multichannel ASIC and coupled to 5 cm × 5 cm CsI(Tl) scintillators and to an MRI-compatible multipinhole collimator. Calibration and image reconstruction algorithm are illustrated. Mutual compatibility is demonstrated along with imaging performance that is comparable with other non-MR micro-SPECT systems: 0.9 mm tomographic spatial resolution across a transverse field of view of 15.6 mm, 12% energy resolution (at 140 keV), and 1105 cps/MBq sensitivity. Experimental results with phantoms (glass capillaries of 290 μm diameter and a mini Derenzo) are presented

    Narcolepsy risk loci outline role of T cell autoimmunity and infectious triggers in narcolepsy.

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    Narcolepsy type 1 (NT1) is caused by a loss of hypocretin/orexin transmission. Risk factors include pandemic 2009 H1N1 influenza A infection and immunization with Pandemrix®. Here, we dissect disease mechanisms and interactions with environmental triggers in a multi-ethnic sample of 6,073 cases and 84,856 controls. We fine-mapped GWAS signals within HLA (DQ0602, DQB1*03:01 and DPB1*04:02) and discovered seven novel associations (CD207, NAB1, IKZF4-ERBB3, CTSC, DENND1B, SIRPG, PRF1). Significant signals at TRA and DQB1*06:02 loci were found in 245 vaccination-related cases, who also shared polygenic risk. T cell receptor associations in NT1 modulated TRAJ*24, TRAJ*28 and TRBV*4-2 chain-usage. Partitioned heritability and immune cell enrichment analyses found genetic signals to be driven by dendritic and helper T cells. Lastly comorbidity analysis using data from FinnGen, suggests shared effects between NT1 and other autoimmune diseases. NT1 genetic variants shape autoimmunity and response to environmental triggers, including influenza A infection and immunization with Pandemrix®

    Euclid. IV. The NISP Calibration Unit

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    The near-infrared calibration unit (NI-CU) onboard Euclid's Near-Infrared Spectrometer and Photometer (NISP) is the first astronomical calibration lamp based on light-emitting diodes (LEDs) to be operated in space. Euclid is a mission in ESA's 'Cosmic Vision 2015-2025' framework, to explore the dark universe and provide a next-level characterisation of the nature of gravitation, dark matter, and dark energy. Calibrating photometric and spectrometric measurements of galaxies to better than 1.5% accuracy in a survey homogeneously mapping ~14000 deg^2 of extragalactic sky requires a very detailed characterisation of near-infrared (NIR) detector properties, as well their constant monitoring in flight. To cover two of the main contributions - relative pixel-to-pixel sensitivity and non-linearity characteristics - as well as support other calibration activities, NI-CU was designed to provide spatially approximately homogeneous (=100 from ~15 ph s^-1 pixel^-1 to >1500 ph s^-1 pixel^-1. For this functionality, NI-CU is based on LEDs. We describe the rationale behind the decision and design process, describe the challenges in sourcing the right LEDs, as well as the qualification process and lessons learned. We also provide a description of the completed NI-CU, its capabilities and performance as well as its limits. NI-CU has been integrated into NISP and the Euclid satellite, and since Euclid's launch in July 2023 has started supporting survey operations

    Euclid. IV. The NISP Calibration Unit

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    International audienceThe near-infrared calibration unit (NI-CU) onboard Euclid's Near-Infrared Spectrometer and Photometer (NISP) is the first astronomical calibration lamp based on light-emitting diodes (LEDs) to be operated in space. Euclid is a mission in ESA's 'Cosmic Vision 2015-2025' framework, to explore the dark universe and provide a next-level characterisation of the nature of gravitation, dark matter, and dark energy. Calibrating photometric and spectrometric measurements of galaxies to better than 1.5% accuracy in a survey homogeneously mapping ~14000 deg^2 of extragalactic sky requires a very detailed characterisation of near-infrared (NIR) detector properties, as well their constant monitoring in flight. To cover two of the main contributions - relative pixel-to-pixel sensitivity and non-linearity characteristics - as well as support other calibration activities, NI-CU was designed to provide spatially approximately homogeneous (=100 from ~15 ph s^-1 pixel^-1 to >1500 ph s^-1 pixel^-1. For this functionality, NI-CU is based on LEDs. We describe the rationale behind the decision and design process, describe the challenges in sourcing the right LEDs, as well as the qualification process and lessons learned. We also provide a description of the completed NI-CU, its capabilities and performance as well as its limits. NI-CU has been integrated into NISP and the Euclid satellite, and since Euclid's launch in July 2023 has started supporting survey operations

    Euclid. IV. The NISP Calibration Unit

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    International audienceThe near-infrared calibration unit (NI-CU) onboard Euclid's Near-Infrared Spectrometer and Photometer (NISP) is the first astronomical calibration lamp based on light-emitting diodes (LEDs) to be operated in space. Euclid is a mission in ESA's 'Cosmic Vision 2015-2025' framework, to explore the dark universe and provide a next-level characterisation of the nature of gravitation, dark matter, and dark energy. Calibrating photometric and spectrometric measurements of galaxies to better than 1.5% accuracy in a survey homogeneously mapping ~14000 deg^2 of extragalactic sky requires a very detailed characterisation of near-infrared (NIR) detector properties, as well their constant monitoring in flight. To cover two of the main contributions - relative pixel-to-pixel sensitivity and non-linearity characteristics - as well as support other calibration activities, NI-CU was designed to provide spatially approximately homogeneous (<12% variations) and temporally stable illumination (0.1%-0.2% over 1200s) over the NISP detector plane, with minimal power consumption and energy dissipation. NI-CU is covers the spectral range ~[900,1900] nm - at cryo-operating temperature - at 5 fixed independent wavelengths to capture wavelength-dependent behaviour of the detectors, with fluence over a dynamic range of >=100 from ~15 ph s^-1 pixel^-1 to >1500 ph s^-1 pixel^-1. For this functionality, NI-CU is based on LEDs. We describe the rationale behind the decision and design process, describe the challenges in sourcing the right LEDs, as well as the qualification process and lessons learned. We also provide a description of the completed NI-CU, its capabilities and performance as well as its limits. NI-CU has been integrated into NISP and the Euclid satellite, and since Euclid's launch in July 2023 has started supporting survey operations

    Euclid. V. The Flagship galaxy mock catalogue: a comprehensive simulation for the Euclid mission

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    International audienceWe present the Flagship galaxy mock, a simulated catalogue of billions of galaxies designed to support the scientific exploitation of the Euclid mission. Euclid is a medium-class mission of the European Space Agency optimised to determine the properties of dark matter and dark energy on the largest scales of the Universe. It probes structure formation over more than 10 billion years primarily from the combination of weak gravitational lensing and galaxy clustering data. The breath of Euclid's data will also foster a wide variety of scientific analyses. The Flagship simulation was developed to provide a realistic approximation to the galaxies that will be observed by Euclid and used in its scientific analyses. We ran a state-of-the-art N-body simulation with four trillion particles, producing a lightcone on the fly. From the dark matter particles, we produced a catalogue of 16 billion haloes in one octant of the sky in the lightcone up to redshift z=3. We then populated these haloes with mock galaxies using a halo occupation distribution and abundance matching approach, calibrating the free parameters of the galaxy mock against observed correlations and other basic galaxy properties. Modelled galaxy properties include luminosity and flux in several bands, redshifts, positions and velocities, spectral energy distributions, shapes and sizes, stellar masses, star formation rates, metallicities, emission line fluxes, and lensing properties. We selected a final sample of 3.4 billion galaxies with a magnitude cut of H_E<26, where we are complete. We have performed a comprehensive set of validation tests to check the similarity to observational data and theoretical models. In particular, our catalogue is able to closely reproduce the main characteristics of the weak lensing and galaxy clustering samples to be used in the mission's main cosmological analysis. (abridged

    Euclid. V. The Flagship galaxy mock catalogue: a comprehensive simulation for the Euclid mission

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    International audienceWe present the Flagship galaxy mock, a simulated catalogue of billions of galaxies designed to support the scientific exploitation of the Euclid mission. Euclid is a medium-class mission of the European Space Agency optimised to determine the properties of dark matter and dark energy on the largest scales of the Universe. It probes structure formation over more than 10 billion years primarily from the combination of weak gravitational lensing and galaxy clustering data. The breath of Euclid's data will also foster a wide variety of scientific analyses. The Flagship simulation was developed to provide a realistic approximation to the galaxies that will be observed by Euclid and used in its scientific analyses. We ran a state-of-the-art N-body simulation with four trillion particles, producing a lightcone on the fly. From the dark matter particles, we produced a catalogue of 16 billion haloes in one octant of the sky in the lightcone up to redshift z=3. We then populated these haloes with mock galaxies using a halo occupation distribution and abundance matching approach, calibrating the free parameters of the galaxy mock against observed correlations and other basic galaxy properties. Modelled galaxy properties include luminosity and flux in several bands, redshifts, positions and velocities, spectral energy distributions, shapes and sizes, stellar masses, star formation rates, metallicities, emission line fluxes, and lensing properties. We selected a final sample of 3.4 billion galaxies with a magnitude cut of H_E<26, where we are complete. We have performed a comprehensive set of validation tests to check the similarity to observational data and theoretical models. In particular, our catalogue is able to closely reproduce the main characteristics of the weak lensing and galaxy clustering samples to be used in the mission's main cosmological analysis. (abridged

    Euclid. III. The NISP Instrument

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    International audienceThe Near-Infrared Spectrometer and Photometer (NISP) on board the Euclid satellite provides multiband photometry and R>=450 slitless grism spectroscopy in the 950-2020nm wavelength range. In this reference article we illuminate the background of NISP's functional and calibration requirements, describe the instrument's integral components, and provide all its key properties. We also sketch the processes needed to understand how NISP operates and is calibrated, and its technical potentials and limitations. Links to articles providing more details and technical background are included. NISP's 16 HAWAII-2RG (H2RG) detectors with a plate scale of 0.3" pix^-1 deliver a field-of-view of 0.57deg^2. In photo mode, NISP reaches a limiting magnitude of ~24.5AB mag in three photometric exposures of about 100s exposure time, for point sources and with a signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of 5. For spectroscopy, NISP's point-source sensitivity is a SNR = 3.5 detection of an emission line with flux ~2x10^-16erg/s/cm^2 integrated over two resolution elements of 13.4A, in 3x560s grism exposures at 1.6 mu (redshifted Ha). Our calibration includes on-ground and in-flight characterisation and monitoring of detector baseline, dark current, non-linearity, and sensitivity, to guarantee a relative photometric accuracy of better than 1.5%, and relative spectrophotometry to better than 0.7%. The wavelength calibration must be better than 5A. NISP is the state-of-the-art instrument in the NIR for all science beyond small areas available from HST and JWST - and an enormous advance due to its combination of field size and high throughput of telescope and instrument. During Euclid's 6-year survey covering 14000 deg^2 of extragalactic sky, NISP will be the backbone for determining distances of more than a billion galaxies. Its NIR data will become a rich reference imaging and spectroscopy data set for the coming decades