38 research outputs found

    Superconductivity of Bi-III phase of elemental Bismuth: insights from Muon-Spin Rotation and Density Functional Theory

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    Using muon-spin rotation the pressure-induced superconductivity in the Bi-III phase of elemental Bismuth (transition temperature Tc≃7.05T_{\rm c}\simeq7.05 K) was investigated. The Ginzburg-Landau parameter κ=λ/ξ=30(6)\kappa=\lambda/\xi=30(6) (λ\lambda is the magnetic penetration depth, ξ\xi is the coherence length) was estimated which is the highest among single element superconductors. The temperature dependence of the superconducting energy gap [Δ(T)\Delta(T)] reconstructed from λ−2(T)\lambda^{-2}(T) deviates from the weak-coupled BCS prediction. The coupling strength 2Δ/kBTc≃4.342\Delta/k_{\rm B}T_{\rm c}\simeq 4.34 was estimated thus implying that Bi-III stays within the strong coupling regime. The Density Functional Theory calculations suggest that superconductivity in Bi-III could be described within the Eliashberg approach with the characteristic phonon frequency ωln≃5.5\omega_{\rm ln}\simeq 5.5 meV. An alternative pairing mechanism to the electron-phonon coupling involves the possibility of Cooper pairing induced by the Fermi surface nesting.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    On the superconducting nature of the Bi-II phase of elemental Bismuth

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    The superconductivity in the Bi-II phase of elemental Bismuth (transition temperature Tc≃3.92T_{\rm c}\simeq3.92 K at pressure p≃2.80p\simeq 2.80 GPa) was studied experimentally by means of the muon-spin rotation as well as theoretically by using the Eliashberg theory in combination with Density Functional Theory calculations. Experiments reveal that Bi-II is a type-I superconductor with a zero temperature value of the thermodynamic critical field Bc(0)≃31.97B_{\rm c}(0)\simeq31.97~mT. The Eliashberg theory approach provides a good agreement with the experimental TcT_{\rm c} and the temperature evolution of BcB_{\rm c}. The estimated value for the retardation (coupling) parameter kBTc/ωln≈0.07k_{\rm B}T_{\rm c}/\omega_{\rm ln} \approx 0.07 (ωln\omega_{\rm ln} is the logarithmically averaged phonon frequency) suggests that Bi-II is an intermediately-coupled superconductor.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figure