600 research outputs found

    Histoire du LSD. De l’ergot de seigle à l’utilisation thérapeutique

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    National audienceLe LSD, de l’allemand Lysergsäurediethylamid, est une substance hallucinogène utilisée à but récréatif. Également connue sous le nom d’« acide », cette molécule à propriétés psychotropes est classée en France comme un stupéfiant illicite selon l’arrêté du 22 février 1990..

    L'impératif en français et en anglais contemporains

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    As a deontic mode of enunciation, the imperative excludes any operation which implies a certain degree of agreement between speaker and addressee - presupposition, referential construction, etc. In order to make up for this fundamental disjunction, the speaker resorts to a range of compensatory devices such as the use of person desinences, the ethical dative, the position of clitic pronouns or the function of the first person plural. Yet an imperative utterance is also related to the declarative context in which it occurs, and this sometimes causes co-locution to give way to co-enunciation - witness the problem of negative imperatives, or markers of discourse consistency such as voyons in French. This twofold theoretical approach is here presented as applying to the French language, and then put to the test of the English language

    Development of CMOS Pixel Sensors fully adapted to the ILD Vertex Detector Requirements

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    CMOS Pixel Sensors are making steady progress towards the specifications of the ILD vertex detector. Recent developments are summarised, which show that these devices are close to comply with all major requirements, in particular the read-out speed needed to cope with the beam related background. This achievement is grounded on the double- sided ladder concept, which allows combining signals generated by a single particle in two different sensors, one devoted to spatial resolution and the other to time stamp, both assembled on the same mechanical support. The status of the development is overviewed as well as the plans to finalise it using an advanced CMOS process.Comment: 2011 International Workshop on Future Linear Colliders (LCWS11), Granada, Spain, 26-30 September 201

    Dopexamine and norepinephrine versus epinephrine on gastric perfusion in patients with septic shock: a randomized study [NCT00134212]

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    INTRODUCTION: Microcirculatory blood flow, and notably gut perfusion, is important in the development of multiple organ failure in septic shock. We compared the effects of dopexamine and norepinephrine (noradrenaline) with those of epinephrine (adrenaline) on gastric mucosal blood flow (GMBF) in patients with septic shock. The effects of these drugs on oxidative stress were also assessed. METHODS: This was a prospective randomized study performed in a surgical intensive care unit among adults fulfilling usual criteria for septic shock. Systemic and pulmonary hemodynamics, GMBF (laser-Doppler) and malondialdehyde were assessed just before catecholamine infusion (T(0)), as soon as mean arterial pressure (MAP) reached 70 to 80 mmHg (T(1)), and 2 hours (T(2)) and 6 hours (T(3)) after T(1). Drugs were titrated from 0.2 μg kg(-1 )min(-1 )with 0.2 μg kg(-1 )min(-1 )increments every 3 minutes for epinephrine and norepinephrine, and from 0.5 μg kg(-1 )min(-1 )with 0.5 μg kg(-1 )min(-1 )increments every 3 minutes for dopexamine. RESULTS: Twenty-two patients were included (10 receiving epinephrine, 12 receiving dopexamine–norepinephrine). There was no significant difference between groups on MAP at T(0), T(1), T(2), and T(3). Heart rate and cardiac output increased significantly more with epinephrine than with dopexamine–norepinephrine, whereas. GMBF increased significantly more with dopexamine–norepinephrine than with epinephrine between T(1 )and T(3 )(median values 106, 137, 133, and 165 versus 76, 91, 90, and 125 units of relative flux at T(0), T(1), T(2 )and T(3), respectively). Malondialdehyde similarly increased in both groups between T(1 )and T(3). CONCLUSION: In septic shock, at doses that induced the same effect on MAP, dopexamine–norepinephrine enhanced GMBF more than epinephrine did. No difference was observed on oxidative stress

    Soybean Meal Can Be Replaced by Faba Beans, Pumpkin Seed Cake, Spirulina or Be Completely Omitted in a Forage-Based Diet for Fattening Bulls to Achieve Comparable Performance, Carcass and Meat Quality

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    The aim of the study was to investigate the complete substitution of imported soybean meal in beef cattle diets and the consequences on performance, meat, and adipose tissue quality. Thirty growing crossbred Limousin bulls, with an initial bodyweight of 164 ± 13 kg and 4.3 ± 0.3 months of age, were fed a grass/maize-silage based diet with little additional concentrate (0.5:0.3:0.2). Concentrates contained either soybean meal (positive control), faba beans, pumpkin seed cake, or spirulina (Arthrospira platensis), resulting in about 226 g crude protein (CP)/kg concentrate dry matter (DM) and 158 g CP/kg total diet DM. A grain-based concentrate providing just 135 g CP/kg concentrate DM and 139 g CP/total diet DM served as a negative control. Bulls of all groups had comparable average daily gains (1.43 ± 0.1 kg) and feed intakes (6.92 ± 0.37 kg). Carcass and meat quality did not differ among groups. The fatty acid profile of meat lipids was hardly affected. These results indicate that soybean meal can be replaced by any of the tested protein sources without impairing performance or meat quality. Importantly, bulls fed the negative control achieved a fattening and slaughter performance comparable to that of the protein-supplemented groups without affecting meat and adipose tissue quality. Thus, the present findings suggest that feeding crossbred bulls a grass/maize-silage based diet does not require additional protein supplementation

    Development of liquid chromatography methods coupled to mass spectrometry for the analysis of substances with a wide variety of polarity in meconium.

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    International audienceMeconium is the first fecal excretion of newborns. This complex accumulative matrix allows assessing the exposure of the fetus to xenobiotics during the last 6 months of pregnancy. To determine the eventual effect of fetal exposure to micropollutants in this matrix, robust and sensitive analytical methods must be developed. This article describes the method development of liquid chromatography methods coupled to triple quadrupole mass spectrometry for relevant pollutants. The 28 selected target compounds had different physico-chemical properties from very polar (glyphosate) to non-polar molecules (pyrethroids). Tests were performed with three different types of columns: reversed phase, ion exchange and HILIC. As a unique method could not be determined for the simultaneous analysis of all compounds, three columns were selected and suitable chromatographic methods were optimized. Similar results were noticed for the separation of the target compounds dissolved in either meconium extract or solvent for reversed phase and ion exchange columns. However, for HILIC, the matrix had a significant influence on the peak shape and robustness of the method. Finally, the analytical methods were applied to “real” meconium samples

    Vers une meilleure compréhension du concept de design

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    International audienceLa palabra “diseño” es un concepto cada vez más popular en la literatura científica, en la industria y en la vida cotidiana de las personas. Sin embargo, a pesar de su importancia, no hay un consenso sobre su significado. Tanto en la teoría como en la práctica, existen múltiples y diversas definiciones, que deberían ser coherentes para facilitar los intercambios y la colaboración entre todas las partes interesadas. Este artículo busca identificar y comparar los conceptos de diseño existentes en la literatura científica. Con este objetivo, un estudio bibliométrico de la palabra “diseño” fue realizado. En el análisis se tuvo en cuenta los tres tipos de diseño propuestos por van Aken (2004): diseño de objetos, diseño de un plan y diseño de procesos. Los resultados de este estudio muestran que el concepto de diseño ha evolucionado con el tiempo, pasando de una perspectiva de diseño de objetos y de procesos a una perspectiva de diseño de un plan y la teorización del diseño.The word “design” is a concept that is becoming increasingly popular in the scientific literature, in the industry and in people’s daily lives. Despite its importance, however, there is no consensus about its meaning. Whether in theory or in practice, there are multiple and diverse definitions, which should be made consistent to facilitate exchanges and collaboration between all stakeholders. This article seeks to identify and compare existing design concepts in the scientific literature. It is interpreted through the types of design proposed by van Aken (2004): object design, plan design and process design. A bibliometric study of the word “design” were employed. The results of this study show that the concept of design has evolved over time from an object-design and process-design perspective to a plan-design and theorisation-of-design perspective.Le mot «design» est un concept qui devient de plus en plus utilisé dans la littérature scientifique, dans l’industrie et dans la vie quotidienne des individus en général. Cependant, malgré son importance, il n’y a pas de consensus sur sa signification. Aussi bien en théorie qu’en pratique, il existe des définitions multiples et diverses, qui devraient être cohérentes pour faciliter les échanges et la collaboration entre toutes les parties prenantes. Cet article cherche à identifier et à comparer les concepts de design existants dans la littérature scientifique. Une étude bibliométrique du mot «design» a été réalisée avec la prise en compte des trois types de design proposés par van Aken (2004) : design objet, design plan et design process. Les résultats de cette étude montrent que le concept de design a évolué au fil du temps, passant d’une perspective de design d’objets et de processus à une perspective de design de plan et de théorisation du design

    Festfutterverzehr und Gewichtsentwicklung von Mutterkuhkälbern

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    Im Rahmen einer Praxiserhebung wurden Daten zum Festfutterverzehr und zur Lebendgewichtsentwicklung von Mutterkuhkälbern von der Geburt bis im Alter von 305 Tagen erhoben und analysiert. Daraus wurden Schätzformeln zur Gewichtsentwicklung und zum Festfutterverzehr von Mutterkuhkälbern in der Schweiz abgeleitet. Es zeigte sich, dass das Alter und Geschlecht der Kälber sowie der Rassentyp der Mutter die Gewichtsentwicklung von Mutterkuhkälbern beeinflussen. Letzteres dürfte auf Unterschiede in der Milchleistung der Mutter zurückzuführen sein. Kälber mit F1-Müttern (Mast- × Milchrasse) nahmen bis zum 150. Tag 13 % mehr zu als reine Mastrassentiere, in der zweiten Altersphase waren es sogar 23 %. Von der Geburt bis zum Alter von 150 Tagen wurde eine Verzehrssteigerung von 0 auf 3,4 kg TS/Tag Festfutter berechnet, für die Altersphase von 151 bis 305 Tagen eine von 3,5 auf 7,0 kg TS/Tag. Die Formeln zur Schätzung des Festfutterverzehrs von Mutterkuhkälbern beinhalten die Faktoren Lebendgewicht (LG) oder Alter der Kälber sowie in der zweiten Altersphase zusätzlich den Rassentyp der Mutter. Die Milchleistung der Mutterkühe scheint auch den Festfutterverzehr ihrer Kälber zu beeinflussen. Kälber mit F1-Müttern haben ab einem Alter von 150 Tagen wesentlich weniger Festfutter aufgenommen als reine Mastrassentiere. Bis zum Alter von 150 Tagen sind die ermittelten Werte zum summierten Grundfutterverzehr von Mutterkuhkälbern mit den Richtwerten in den Grundlagen für die Düngung landwirtschaftlicher Kulturen (GRUD) vergleichbar. Von der Geburt bis zum Alter von 305 Tagen war der summierte Grundfutterverzehr jedoch um 32 % höher (793 vs. 600 kg TS) als derjenige der GRUD, wobei das LG ebenfalls um 19 % höher war (418 vs. 350 kg). Der summierte Grundfutterverzehr ist aufgrund dieser Differenzen im LG nicht direkt mit den Werten der GRUD vergleichbar

    Ingestion d’aliments solides et évolution du poids des veaux de vaches allaitantes

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    Des données relatives à l’ingestion d’aliments solides et à l’évolution du poids vif de veaux de vaches allaitantes – de la naissance jusqu’à l’âge de 305 jours – ont été relevées et analysées dans le cadre d’une étude de terrain. Ces données ont servi à établir des formules d’estimation de l’évolution du poids et de l’ingestion d’aliments solides par les veaux de vaches allaitantes en Suisse. Il est apparu que l’âge et le sexe des veaux, ainsi que la race de la mère, influencent l’évolution du poids des veaux. L’effet de la race de la mère sur l’évolution du poids des veaux pourrait être dû à des différences de production laitière. L’augmentation du poids des veaux de mères F1 (race à viande × race laitière) jusqu’au 150e jour était supérieure de 13 % à celle des animaux de race à viande, et même de 23 % durant la 2e tranche d’âge. La consommation d’aliments solides a augmenté de 0 à 3,4 kg MS/jour de la naissance à 150 jours, et de 3,5 à 7,0 kg MS/jour pour la tranche d’âge de 151 à 305 jours. La formule d’estimation de la consommation d’aliments solides des veaux de vaches allaitantes comprend les facteurs poids vif (PV) ou âge des veaux ainsi que, durant la 2e tranche d’âge, le type de race de la mère. La production laitière des mères semble aussi influencer la consommation d’aliments solides de leurs veaux. Les veaux de mères F1 ont consommé nettement moins d’aliments solides dès l’âge de 150 jours que les animaux de race à viande pure. Jusqu’à l’âge de 150 jours, les valeurs obtenues concernant la consommation cumulée de ration de base des veaux de vaches allaitantes sont comparables aux valeurs indicatives figurant dans les Principes de fertilisation des cultures agricoles (PRIF). Cependant, de la naissance à l’âge de 305 jours, la consommation cumulée de ration de base était supérieure de 32 % à celle des PRIF (793 contre 600 kg MS), mais le PV était également supérieur de 19 % (418 contre 350 kg). En raison de ces différences de PV, la consommation cumulée de ration de base n’est donc pas directement comparable aux valeurs des PRIF

    Unexpected role for the human Cx37 C1019T polymorphism in tumour cell proliferation

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    Connexins are a large family of proteins that form gap junction channels allowing exchange of ions and small metabolites between neighboring cells. They have been implicated in pathological processes such as tumourigenesis in which they may act as tumour suppressors. A polymorphism in the human connexin37 (Cx37) gene (C1019T), resulting in a non-conservative amino acid change in the regulatory C-terminus (CT) of the Cx37 protein (P319S) has been suggested to be implicated in predisposition to angiosarcomas. In this study, we have used communication-deficient HeLa and SK-HEP-1 cells transfected with Cx37-319S, Cx37-319P or empty vector. We showed that the expression of Cx37-319P limited proliferation of HeLa and SK-HEP-1 cells, whereas Cx37-319S expression was without effect. Using an in vitro kinase assay, we demonstrated phosphorylation of Cx37 CT by glycogen synthase kinase-3 (GSK-3), a kinase known to be implicated in cell proliferation and cancer. GSK-3-induced phosphorylation was associated with reduced gap junctional intercellular communication (GJIC) as measured by microinjection of the tracer neurobiotin. Inhibition of GSK-3 by LiCl or SB415286 reduced phosphorylation of Cx37-319P and increased GJIC. This latter effect on GJIC involved the beta and not the alpha isoform of GSK-3. In contrast, GSK-3 inhibitors were without effect on HeLa cells expressing Cx37-319S. In conclusion, our data indicate functional effects of the Cx37 C1019T polymorphism on GJIC that might contribute to tumour cell growt
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