1,077 research outputs found

    Characterising the impact of surface integrity on the fatigue behaviour of a shot-peened connecting rod

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    The present study focuses on analysing and modelling the influence on fatigue behaviour of the surface of a hot-forged C70 connecting rod which undergoes a shot-blasting treatment. The shot-blasting heavily affects the surface and thus the fatigue properties. In addition, the forging process introduces large defects which also have an effect on the fatigue strength. So as to be able to determine which aspects of the surface integrity are the most influential in fatigue, additional surface states were generated by shot-peening the as-forged surface. The various surface states were thoroughly characterised and then tested in high cycle fatigue in bending. The various aspects studied are the surface roughness and large defects, residual stresses, and microstructure

    Characterising the impact of surface integrity on the fatigue behaviour of forged components

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    The present study focusses on analysing and modelling the influence on fatigue behaviour of the surface of a hot-forged C70 connecting rod which undergoes a shot-blasting treatment. The shot-blasting heavily affects the surface and thus the fatigue properties. In addition, the forging process introduces large defects which also have an effect on the fatigue strength. So as to be able to determine which aspects of the surface integrity are the most influential in fatigue, various surface states were thoroughly characterised and then tested in high cycle fatigue in bending. The various aspects studied are the surface roughness and large defects, residual stresses, microstructure and hardness

    The effect of quenching and defects size on the HCF behaviour of Boron steel

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    This work investigates the effect of natural and artificial surface defects and quenching on the fatigue strength of a Boron steel (22MnB5). A vast experimental campaign has been undertaken to study the high cycle fatigue behaviour and more specifically the fatigue damage mechanisms observed in quenched and untreated materials, under different loading conditions and with differents artificial defects sizes (from 25 ÎŒm to 370 ÎŒm radius). In order to test the sheet metal in shear an original test apparatus is used. The critical defect size is determined to be 100 ± 50 ÎŒm. This critical size does not appear to depend on the loading type or the microstructure of the material (i.e. ferritic–perlitic or martensitic). However, for large defects, the quenched material is more sensitive to the defect size than the untreated material. For a defect size range of 100–300 ÎŒm the slope of the Kitagawa–Takahashi diagram is approximately −1/3 and −1/6 for the quenched and untreated materials respectively. A probabilistic approach that leads naturally to a probabilistic Kitagawa type diagram is developed. This methodology can be used to explain the relationship between the influence of the heat treatment and the defect size on the fatigue behaviour of this steel

    Regionalizing rainfall at very high resolution over la RĂ©union island using a regional climate model.

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    23 pagesInternational audienceRegional climate models (RCMs) should be evaluated with respect to their ability to downscale large-scale climate information to the local scales, which are sometimes strongly modulated by surface conditions. This is the case for La Reunion (southwest Indian Ocean) because of its island context and its complex topography. Large-scale atmospheric configurations such as tropical cyclones (TCs) may have an amplifying effect on local rainfall patterns that only a very high-resolution RCM, forced by the large scales and resolving finescale processes, may simulate properly. This paper documents the capability of the Weather Research and Forecasting Model (WRF) RCM to regionalize rainfall variability at very high resolution (680 m) over La Reunion island for daily to seasonal time scales and year-to-year differences. Two contrasted wet seasons (November-April) are selected: 2000-01 (abnormally dry) and 2004-05 (abnormally wet). WRF rainfall is compared to a dense network of rain gauge records interpolated onto the WRF grid through the regression-kriging (RK) technique. RK avoids the point-to-grid comparison issue, but produces imperfect estimates due to sampling, so its quality also needs to be tested. Seasonal rainfall amounts and contrasts produced by WRF are fairly realistic. At intraseasonal and daily time scales, differences to RK are more sizable. These differences are not easy to interpret in sectors where the rain gauge network is less dense and the quality of RK more uncertain, as over the eastern slopes of Piton de la Fournaise volcano where WRF seems to simulate more realistic rainfall than RK. Finally, the heavy rainfall associated with TC Ando on 6 January 2001, is documented. WRF shows weak disagreements with RK, indicating its capability to regionalize rainfall during extreme events

    Role of Sex Peptide in Drosophila Males

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    Drosophila male sex peptide ACP70A is a small peptide mainly produced in the accessory glands. It elicits a high number of post-mating responses in mated females; yet its function in male physiology is not well known. Here, we explore its role in male sex behavior and pheromone biosynthesis, using males either mutant or RNAi knocked-down for Acp70A. Courtship was severely affected in both Acp70A mutants and Acp70A knocked-down males, with only 2% of the males succeeding copulation. Cuticular hydrocarbon amounts were moderately affected with 25% decrease in sp0 mutant (without Acp70A expression) and 10–22% increase in flies overexpressing Acp70A. Acp70A knock-down either ubiquitously or in the testes surprisingly resulted in an overproduction of hydrocarbons, whose amounts were double of the controls. We tested eight putative “off-target” genes but none of these led to an increase in hydrocarbon amounts. These results show that male courtship behavior is largely dependent on the presence of Acp70A and independent of cuticular hydrocarbons. The presence of potential “off-target” genes explaining the hydrocarbon phenotype is discussed

    A new methodology for designing heat treated components in fatigue

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    This study is dedicated to the effect of the heat treatment on the fatigue strength of an automobile rear axle beam and aims to propose a suitable and reliable methodology for the fatigue design. The rear axle beam is made of sheet metal (22MnB5); the microstructure is initially ferrito-pearlitic before the heat treatment and is martensitic after. A vast experimental campaign has been undertaken to investigate the behaviour, and more specially, the fatigue damage mechanisms observed for both treated and non-treated material, under different loading conditions: tension and shear test with different load ratios. In order to test the sheet metal in shear an original fatigue test apparatus is used. A probabilistic approach using the weakest link concept is introduced to model the fatigue behaviour. This approach leads naturally to a probabilistic Kitagawa type diagram, which in this case explains the relationship between the influence of the heat treatment and the microstructural heterogeneities. Integrate in a numerical model, this methodology permit to predict the effect of a local heat treatment on the fatigue strength of the components

    Les territoires périurbains entre dépendance automobile et ségrégation socio-spatiale, les ménages modestes fragilisés par les coûts de la mobilité

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    A l'instar des " choix " rĂ©sidentiels dans leur ensemble et d'autres catĂ©gories de mĂ©nages, le choix de s'installer ou de quitter des territoires pĂ©riurbains dĂ©pendants de l'automobile effectuĂ© par des mĂ©nages modestes est le rĂ©sultat de multiples logiques, Ă  la fois Ă©conomiques, sociales, professionnelles et familiales. Le terme de choix est certes controversĂ© puisque de nombreuses contraintes interviennent dans la dĂ©termination d'une rĂ©sidence et de sa localisation. Cependant, les contraintes et ressources objectives Ă  l'Ɠuvre (revenu disponible, aides diverses, etc.), les mĂ©canismes sociaux, et donc plus subjectifs, façonnent Ă©galement les prĂ©fĂ©rences en termes de logement souhaitable ou dĂ©sirable des mĂ©nages. Aussi, compte tenu des alternatives dont disposent les individus, nous retiendrons que, s'il n'est pas libre, leur capacitĂ© Ă  choisir, dans un univers des possibles, existe. Les mĂ©nages modestes qui ont fait le choix transitoire ou permanent de rĂ©sider dans des territoires pĂ©riurbains dĂ©pendants de l'automobile appartiennent aux classes moyennes, idĂ©al-typiques du paysage pĂ©riurbain. Si ces mĂ©nages ne sont pas pauvres par dĂ©finition, leurs professions, leurs conditions de travail, leur niveau de vie peuvent les rendre plus vulnĂ©rables sur le plan Ă©conomique et social que des mĂ©nages plus aisĂ©s. Ces " petits-moyens " aspirent Ă  la propriĂ©tĂ© et font le choix du pĂ©riurbain pour ce faire. Leurs dĂ©sirs de propriĂ©tĂ© et/ou de vie Ă  la campagne peuvent cependant se heurter aux modes d'habiter qu'induisent, par leurs configurations, les espaces pĂ©riurbains et aux contraintes quotidiennes que gĂ©nĂšre la dĂ©pendance automobile des territoires choisis. Plus sensibles a priori que des classes moyennes plus aisĂ©es aux coĂ»ts de la mobilitĂ© et donc aux effets de la dĂ©pendance automobile, les mĂ©nages modestes prennent-ils en compte cette caractĂ©ristique du territoire dans leur choix de localisation ? Pour quelles raisons viennent-ils s'installer dans des communes dĂ©pendantes de l'automobile ? Les contraintes liĂ©es aux dĂ©placements (coĂ»t, pĂ©nibilitĂ©, complexitĂ©) sont-elles envisagĂ©es par les mĂ©nages ? Dans quelle mesure influencent-elles le fait de venir vivre ou de quitter des territoires dĂ©pendants de l'automobile ? Pour ceux qui y vivent, comment la dĂ©pendance automobile se rĂ©percute-t-elle sur leurs dĂ©placements quotidiens ? Sont-ils conduits Ă  renoncer Ă  des activitĂ©s compte tenu du coĂ»t des mobilitĂ©s ? A l'inverse, pour ceux qui en sont partis, pour quelles raisons ont-ils Ă©tĂ© amenĂ©s Ă  quitter ces territoires ? La dĂ©pendance automobile et les coĂ»ts associĂ©s participent-ils Ă  leur dĂ©cision d'aller vers des territoires plus urbains ? Le fait d'ĂȘtre modeste les condamne-t-il Ă  renoncer au symbole d'une ascension sociale ou, au moins, d'un maintien d'une position sociale ? Au final, la question posĂ©e est la suivante : Quel(s) rĂŽle(s) joue la dĂ©pendance automobile dans les trajectoires rĂ©sidentielles de mĂ©nages modestes vivant ou ayant vĂ©cu dans des territoires pĂ©riurbains ? Pour traiter cette question, nous nous sommes appuyĂ©s sur deux enquĂȘtes qualitatives et sur une exploitation quantitative des donnĂ©es du recensement de la population. Les rĂ©sultats obtenus seront prĂ©sentĂ©s et analysĂ©s successivement et permettront dans un dernier temps de produire une synthĂšse de l'ensemble des rĂ©sultats dans la conclusion gĂ©nĂ©rale. Ainsi, nous verrons dans une premiĂšre partie, basĂ©e sur la rĂ©alisation et l'exploitation d'entretiens (pour plus de dĂ©tail sur la mĂ©thode, cf. les annexes) effectuĂ©s auprĂšs de mĂ©nages modestes que le choix d'Ă©lire domicile dans le pĂ©riurbain en gĂ©nĂ©ral et dans le pĂ©riurbain dĂ©pendant de l'automobile en particulier prend rarement en considĂ©ration les Ă©ventuelles difficultĂ©s que cette dĂ©pendance peut gĂ©nĂ©rer et comment ce choix de localisation se rĂ©percute sur les pratiques de mobilitĂ©s individuelles. Ensuite dans une seconde partie rĂ©alisĂ©e Ă  partir d'une enquĂȘte auprĂšs de mĂ©nages modestes ayant quittĂ© des territoires fortement dĂ©pendants de l'automobile, nous verrons que, la dĂ©cision de quitter ces territoires pour se tourner vers des territoires moins dĂ©pendants (urbain ou pĂ©riurbain) est plus fortement liĂ©e aux bifurcations dans le cycle de vie, Ă  la pĂ©nibilitĂ© des dĂ©placements ainsi qu'Ă  l'ancrage plutĂŽt qu'au coĂ»t estimĂ© de la mobilitĂ© par les individus. Ayant fait le choix d'Ă©tudier de territoires distincts gĂ©ographiquement, l'aire urbaine dijonnaise et la Seine-et-Marne, et de communes avec des niveaux de dĂ©pendance automobiles importants, nous essaierons, dans une troisiĂšme partie, de saisir les Ă©ventuelles diffĂ©rences spatiales qui peuvent influencer la prise en compte de la dĂ©pendance automobile en nous basant sur les deux enquĂȘtes qualitatives prĂ©cĂ©demment utilisĂ©es. Enfin, dans une quatriĂšme partie, nous poursuivrons l'Ă©tude des mĂ©nages dĂ©cidant de quitter les territoires trĂšs dĂ©pendants de l'automobile Ă  partir d'une analyse multivariĂ©e des donnĂ©es du recensement de la population de 2007. Trois hypothĂšses de recherche sont au cƓur de cette partie. La premiĂšre hypothĂšse est que les mĂ©nages ayant des revenus limitĂ©s ont une probabilitĂ© plus forte de quitter les territoires les plus dĂ©pendants de l'automobile. La seconde hypothĂšse est que ces mĂ©nages quittent les communes fortement dĂ©pendante de l'automobile ont une plus forte probabilitĂ© de s'orienter alors vers un territoire oĂč cette dĂ©pendance est plus faible. Enfin, la troisiĂšme hypothĂšse postule que l'accĂšs Ă  un logement social dans le territoire de destination constitue un ressort pour ce type de trajectoires rĂ©sidentielles. Au cƓur de ce travail de recherche se trouve l'articulation entre mobilitĂ© rĂ©currente et territoires dans lesquels rĂ©sident et dĂ©mĂ©nagent les mĂ©nages pĂ©riurbains. Il interroge la durabilitĂ© de l'inscription territoriale des mĂ©nages modestes pĂ©riurbains face Ă  un renchĂ©rissement probable du coĂ»t de l'Ă©nergie et Ă  une montĂ©e des incertitudes Ă©conomiques et questionne les arbitrages auxquels se livrent les mĂ©nages entre coĂ»t de la mobilitĂ© rĂ©currente, coĂ»t du logement et ancrages sociaux et territoriaux (proximitĂ© avec leurs rĂ©seaux sociaux et territoires auxquels ils sont attachĂ©s). Un soin particulier a Ă©tĂ© apportĂ© dans ce travail Ă  la qualification des territoires qui composent le pĂ©riurbain. Le postulat de ce travail comme celui de la consultation est l'hĂ©tĂ©rogĂ©nĂ©itĂ© du pĂ©riurbain ; l'hĂ©tĂ©rogĂ©nĂ©itĂ© est Ă©tudiĂ©e ici Ă  travers le prisme de l'inĂ©gale dĂ©pendance Ă  l'automobile des territoires et des individus. La prise en compte de cette hĂ©tĂ©rogĂ©nĂ©itĂ© doit ĂȘtre Ă  mĂȘme de rĂ©vĂ©ler les dynamiques qui traversent cet espace. Ainsi, le territoire pĂ©riurbain souvent dĂ©fini comme une enclave, recĂšle des lieux et territoires d'appropriation. </br

    Predictability of the Evolution of the Soil Structure using Water Flow Modeling for a Constructed Technosol

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    International audienceThis paper focuses on the rela on between the structure of a constructed Technosol and its hydraulic characteris cs during its early pedogenesis. The method is based on a 3-yr comparison of, on one hand, experimental measurements from an in situ gravita on lysimeter and, on the other hand, a modeling approach with HYDRUS-1D. The change of water fl ow pa erns with me was described. It was consistent with previous results for constructed Technosol aggrega on. Apart from seasonal varia ons, the specifi city of the hydraulic func oning of the constructed Technosol was shown to be due to the nature of its technogenic parent materials. The in situ evolu on of the hydrodynamics has been established and partly linked to external factors (climate, vegeta on). The direct modeling and the op miza on of the parameters over fi rst a 3-yr period and then three 9-mo periods accurately represented global water fl ow trends at the pedon scale. However it failed to simulate precisely the main events, such as massive leachate ou low. An evolu on with me of some of the hydraulic proper es was shown, expressing the structuring of the soil. The existence of two dis nct me-scales (slow and steady/fast and cyclic) of the evolu on of hydraulic parameters was then formulated as a new hypothesis. Abbrevia ons: Hz, horizon; TDR, me domain refl ectometry

    Competition between surface defects and residual stresses on fatigue behaviour of shot peened forged components

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    The present study focuses on analysing and modelling the influence on fatigue behaviour of the surface of a hot-forged C70 connecting rod which undergoes a shot-blasting treatment. The shot-blasting heavily affects the surface and thus the fatigue properties. In addition, the forging process induces large defects which also have an effect on the fatigue strength. So as to be able to determine which aspects of the surface integrity are the most influential in fatigue, various surface states were thoroughly characterised and then tested in high cycle fatigue in bending. The various aspects studied are the surface roughness and large defects, residual stresses, microstructure and hardness. The aim of this work is to develop a fatigue design approach that can take into account both the effect of the surface defects and that of the residual stresses on fatigue
