10 research outputs found

    Posttransplantation malignancy in a patient presenting with weight loss and changed bowel habits: a case report

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    BACKROUND: Advancements in immunosuppressive therapy have significantly improved patient and graft survival following renal transplantation. This is paralleled by an increasing occurrence of posttransplantation malignancy. CASE PRESENTATION: We report on a patient who presented with a history reminding of colon cancer seven years after receiving a kidney transplant. Initial diagnostic imaging seemed to confirm this diagnosis showing a constricting colonic lesion. To our surprise, colonoscopy findings were unremarkable. Review of the imaging studies revealed that the tumor-like picture was caused by the renal graft impressing the intestine. The following search for malignancy in other locations resulted in the diagnosis of glioblastoma multiforme of which the patient died several weeks later. CONCLUSION: Follow-up of renal transplant patients must include screening tests directed at tumor detection. Imaging studies and other tests in this patient group should be interpreted by physicians who are familiar with transplant related peculiarities

    Anaesthesia with medetomidine-ketamine-isoflurane with and without midazolam, in eight captive Chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) premedicated with oral zuclopenthixol

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    In 8 captive adult chimpanzees of various ages premedicated with oral zuclopenthixol anaesthesia was induced intramuscularly with a combination of medetomidine and ketamine (40 or 50 µg/kg and 5 mg/kg, IM, respectively), with and without midazolam (0.05 mg/kg), and maintained with isoflurane in oxygen. At the end of the procedure, sedation was reversed with atipamezole (0.25 mg/kg, IM) and sarmazenil (0.005 mg/kg, IM) when midazolam had been administered. Oral zuclopenthixol resulted in tranquillization of the whole group and only one animal required a second dart injection to achieve adequately deep anaesthesia. Effective and reliable anaesthesia was achieved in all apes; the depth of hypnosis was stable and sudden arousal did not occur. Physiological parameters remained within normal ranges in the majority of the animals; however, manageable anaesthesia-related complications, namely apnoea after darting, hypotension, hypoventilation, hypoxemia and prolonged recovery, occurred in 6 out of 8 animals. The use of monitoring devices was essential to guarantee adequate management of these complications

    The use of bougie-guided insertion of a laryngeal mask airway device in neonatal piglets after unexpected complications

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    After marked airway obstruction with laryngeal mask (LM) placement in neonate piglets, anatomical observations in cadavers revealed a large epiglottis advancing markedly over the soft palate. CT imaging in vivo confirmed that the LM pushes the epiglottis caudally thereby obstructing the larynx. As a new approach, in 20 piglets a flexible PVC bougie placed under laryngoscopy was used to guide the LM to the correct position at the larynx. Placement of the bougie was easy and the LM was positioned successfully in all piglets at first attempt. In 14 piglets, the epiglottis was positioned dorsal to the soft palate before LM insertion and had to be pushed downwards to advance the bougie. In case of failure of LM placement with potential airway obstruction, the use of a bougie to guide the LM over the epiglottis was simple, rapid, and improved the success rate without complication

    Preemptive carprofen for peri-operative analgesia in dogs undergoing Tibial Plateau Leveling Osteotomy (TPLO): a prospective, randomized, blinded, placebo controlled clinical trial

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    Eighteen client-owned dogs undergoing Tibial Plateau Leveling Osteotomy (TPLO) were included in this blinded clinical study and randomly assigned to one of two treatment groups. Group C (carprofen) received intravenous (IV) carprofen, 4 mg/kg, prior to anesthesia, whereas group P (placebo) received IV saline. General anesthesia was maintained with isoflurane in oxygen and a constant rate infusion (CRI) of sufentanyl IV. Intra-operatively, assessment of nociception was based on changes in physiological parameters and on the analgesics requirement, whereas in the post-operative period evaluation of pain was performed by using a Hellyer and Gaynor pain score and by comparing the doses of rescue buprenorphine required by the two treatment groups. Although no statistically significant differences in intra-operative sufentanyl doses were found between treatment groups, group C had superior cardiovascular stability, and lower post-operative pain scores and rescue buprenorphine doses than group P. Our results indicate that administration of carprofen prior to surgery was effective in improving peri-operative analgesia in dogs undergoing TPLO

    Successful treatment of an intrathoracic bronchogenic cyst in a Holstein-Friesian calf

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    A 5-½-month-old female Holstein-Friesian calf was presented with a history of recurring ruminal tympany and poor development. The absence of lung sounds on the right hemithorax suggested a right-sided intrathoracic pathology. Radiography and computed tomography revealed a large thin-walled cavernous lesion with a gas-fluid interface which almost completely filled the right thoracic cavity. Fluid aspirated from the lesion was clear, yellowish and odorless. These findings led to the diagnosis of a bronchogenic cyst. Thoracotomy was performed under general anesthesia. The cyst strongly adhered to the adjacent lung tissue. After removal of the free wall, the adjacent lung tissue was sealed using surgical stapling instruments, and the non-removable part of the wall was curetted and rinsed. The intensive postoperative management included antibiotic therapy, oxygen supplementation and regional lidocaine infusion. Anti-inflammatory drugs were administered for further pain control. The calf recovered well and was released from the clinic on postoperative day 11. Intra- or extrathoracic bronchogenic cysts result from abnormal budding during the embryonic development of the tracheobronchial system. Successful treatment of this calf despite the size of the lesion and the invasive character of the surgical intervention indicates that resection of bronchogenic cysts in cattle may be an option for valuable animals

    Ultrasound-guided retrobulbar nerve block in horses: a cadaveric study

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    Objective  To develop an ultrasound-guided technique for retrobulbar nerve block in horses, and to compare the distribution of three different volumes of injected contrast medium (CM) (4, 8 and 12 mL), with the hypothesis that successful placement of the needle within the retractor bulbi muscle cone would lead to the most effective dispersal of CM towards the nerves leaving the orbital fissure. Study design  Prospective experimental cadaver study. Animals  Twenty equine cadavers. Methods  Ultrasound-guided retrobulbar injections were performed in 40 cadaver orbits. Ultrasound visualization of needle placement within the retractor bulbi muscle cone and spread of injected CM towards the orbital fissure were scored. Needle position and destination of CM were then assessed using computerized tomography (CT), and comparisons performed between ultrasonographic visualization of orbital structures and success rate of injections (intraconal needle placement, CM reaching the orbital fissure). Results  Higher scores for ultrasound visualization resulted in a higher success rate for intraconal CM injection, as documented on the CT images. Successful intraconal placement of the needle (22/34 orbits) resulted in CM always reaching the orbital fissure. CM also reached the orbital fissure in six orbits where needle placement was extraconal. With 4, 8 and 12 mL CM, the orbital fissure was reached in 16/34, 23/34 and 28/34 injections, respectively. Conclusion and clinical relevance  The present study demonstrates the use of ultrasound for visualization of anatomical structures and needle placement during retrobulbar injections in equine orbits. However, this approach needs to be repeated in controlled clinical trials to assess practicability and effectiveness in clinical practice

    Polymelia in a chimeric Simmental calf: nociceptive withdrawal reflex, anaesthetic and analgesic management, anatomic and genetic analysis

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    Abstract Background Polymelia is a congenital defect characterized by one or more supernumerary legs. The genetics and aetiology of this condition in cattle have not yet been thoroughly investigated even though several case reports do exist. The model of the nociceptive withdrawal reflex (NWR) has been characterized in several species to study spinal nociceptive processing. It is a polysynaptic spinal reflex that can be elicited by noxious electrical stimulation and recorded by electromyography. Thorough nociceptive examination and preventive analgesic management has not yet been an aspect in the perioperative management of polymelia cases. Case presentation A 4-month-old female Simmental calf was presented with notomelia. The animal was in good health and showed no neurologic deficiencies. Preoperatively, computed tomography was performed to gain more detailed anatomical information. To evaluate the sensitivity of the accessory limb, NWR testing was performed and revealed a connection of the afferent reflex pathway of the accessory limb to the efferent of the normal limb. The accessory limb was surgically removed under general anaesthesia. Intensive care included multimodal pain therapy adapted to the pain intensity scored during regular pain assessment. A gross anatomical dissection as well as a genetic analysis of the accessory limb were performed postoperatively. The calf was identified as a chimera. Conclusion This calf was successfully relieved of its accessory limb. Chimerism has not been described in the congenital defect polymelia. As the accessory limb was pain sensitive and a common nociceptive reflex pathway was identified, thorough perioperative pain management was performed with the intention to prevent chronic neuropathic pain development

    Validation and Application of an HPLC-UV Method for Routine Therapeutic Drug Monitoring of Dalbavancin

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    Dalbavancin is emerging as a promising alternative in the ambulant treatment of gram-positive infections that require long-term antibiotic treatment such as osteomyelitis, prosthetic joint infections, and endocarditis. The aim of the current study was to develop and validate a simple, rapid, and cost-effective high-performance liquid chromatography–ultraviolet spectrometry (HPLC–UV) method for the quantification of dalbavancin. Sample clean-up included a protein precipitation protocol, followed by chromatographic separation on a reverse phase HPLC column (C-18) with gradient elution of the mobile phase. Quantification was performed with the internal standard (caffeine) method. Linear relationships between peak area responses and drug concentrations were obtained in the range of 12.5–400 mg/L. The variation coefficient of precision and the bias of accuracy (both inter- and intraday) were less than 10%. The limit of quantification (LOQ) was 12.5 mg/L. The simple and reliable HPLC–UV assay described is a powerful tool for routine therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) of dalbavancin in human serum in clinical laboratories. With a total process time of approximately 20 min, it allows for accurate and selective quantification up to the expected pharmacokinetic peak concentrations. The method was successfully used to analyze subsequent serum samples of three patients and showed good performance in monitoring serum levels