5,254 research outputs found

    Bike Athlete Performance, Blog 10

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    Student blog posts from the Great VCU Bike Race Book

    Topological defects in 1D elastic waves

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    It has been recently shown theoretically that a topological defect in a 1D periodic potential may give rise to two localized states within the energy gaps. In this work we present an experimental realization of this effect for the case of torsional waves in elastic rods. We also show numerically that three, or even more, localized states can be present if the parameters characterizing the topological defect are suitably varied.Comment: 3 pages, 4 figures, accepted in Physica

    Social learning as a requirement for rural development: The connectivity of Salinas, San Luis Potosí

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    It is postulated that communities using social learning on rural planning will achieve sustainable development. The construction of roads integrates geographic spaces and it is a requirement for competitiveness and development of the communities. In Mexico, the construction of roads and its improvement use existing ways originated by the transfer of cattle or the pathways drawn over past times, without considering any municipal or local development plan. One looked for to define a reference frame on the importance of the ways, first in Mexico, the state of San Luis Potosí and the behavior of investment in the municipality of Salinas de Hidalgo, San Luis Potosí and to outline an intervention method that allows to design criteria for the decision in the road construction using like planning tool the social learning. Any alternative of road selection it is desirable that should include local actors weighting their needs along with the technical criteria as well under an IPMA competence baseline schem

    Actividades contextualizadas: una opción metodológica para fomentar la verbalización estudiantil

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    Este trabajo presenta el resultado de una intervención didáctica, con diversas actividades contextualizadas, se analizan las verbalizaciones orales y escritas ofrecidas por los estudiantes al solucionar variados problemas de índole probabilístico, valorando el papel que desempeña la idónea estructuración de sesiones didácticas, su tratamiento y la metodología empleada para lograr que los discentes expresen sus ideas, opiniones y soluciones con fluidez argumentativa. Palabras claves: Verbalización, contextualización educativa, metodología, innovación. ABSTRACT This paper presents the result of an educational intervention, with various activities which contextualized, analyzes written and oral verbalizations offered by students to solve various problems of probabilistic nature. It also values the role of the ideal structure of didactic sessions, treatment and methodology used to ensure that learners express their ideas, opinions and solutions with fluent arguments. Key words: Verbalizations, educational contextualizations, methodology, innovation

    MATEAYUDA: Una herramienta tecnológica para reforzar aprendizajes matemáticos

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    La tecnología de las comunicaciones pone a nuestro alcance diversos recursos que pueden ser utilizados con distintos fines, entre ellos los educativos. Las herramientas virtuales que hoy en día ofrece internet, permiten un entorno virtual de aprendizaje caracterizado por la participación e interacción colaborativa entre sus miembros, conformando lo que hoy se conoce como la “Web 2.0”. Este trabajo presenta una experiencia innovadora con estudiantes universitarios, al usar una página en Facebook como una potente herramienta para reforzar aprendizajes en la asignatura de Matemática General, demostrando su utilidad a través de los resultados obtenidos. Además, se brindan percepciones estudiantiles sobre el uso de las redes sociales en el ámbito educativo, la ayuda significativa ofrecida con la página creada, las interacciones entre docente-estudiante y el alcance logrado durante el curso

    Investigating the Effects of IT Adoption between Micro-Enterprises from an Ethnic Community in the United States

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    The present research study aims to discover the effects of IT adoption in micro-enterprises in the Latino community in the United States. While the majority of the IT adoption literature considers large organizations, this study relies on Sen’s Capability Approach and an adaptation of Action Research to support the adoption of IT by micro-enterprises. This “IT therapy” process enables IT to be used by micro-entrepreneurs to grow their businesses. Following an analysis of four Latin American micro-enterprises, this paper presents the most predominant outcomes. An assessment is made of the IT solutions implemented in the participating micro-enterprises. This paper contributes with a better understanding of how IT adoption can enable micro-enterprises in ethnic communities to grow. This has implications for governmental and non-governmental agencies supporting technology implementations in local communities. Future research based on the research findings should investigate communities of local enterprises at underserved areas as they adopt technology

    Anderson Localization in Disordered Vibrating Rods

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    We study, both experimentally and numerically, the Anderson localization phenomenon in torsional waves of a disordered elastic rod, which consists of a cylinder with randomly spaced notches. We find that the normal-mode wave amplitudes are exponentially localized as occurs in disordered solids. The localization length is measured using these wave amplitudes and it is shown to decrease as a function of frequency. The normal-mode spectrum is also measured as well as computed, so its level statistics can be analyzed. Fitting the nearest-neighbor spacing distribution a level repulsion parameter is defined that also varies with frequency. The localization length can then be expressed as a function of the repulsion parameter. There exists a range in which the localization length is a linear function of the repulsion parameter, which is consistent with Random Matrix Theory. However, at low values of the repulsion parameter the linear dependence does not hold.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figure

    Experimentación animal: ¿El fin justifica el medio?

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    Treball presentat a l'assignatura de Deontologia i Veterinària Legal (21223