930 research outputs found
Effects of climate change scenarios on red and white tempranillo grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.): plant growth and grapes respond to a combination of elevated CO2, temperature and drought
Authors thank the Innovine Project (Combining innovation in vineyard management and genetic diversity for a sustainable European viticulture (Call FP7-KBBE-2012-6, Proposal Nº 311775-INNOVINE)), the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation [grant number BFU2011-26989] and Gobierno de Aragón (A03 research group) for financial support, Asociación de Amigos de la Universidad de Navarra for PhD Thesis grant.Peer Reviewe
Differential Immune-Reactivity and Subcellular Distribution Reveal the Multifunctional Character of Profilin in Pollen as Major Effect of Sequences Polymorphism
Trabajo presentado al Annual Meeting of the American Society of Agronomy and Crop Science Society and Soil Science Society of America, celebrado en Cincinnati (USA) del 21 al 24 de octubre de 2012.Profilin, one of the major allergen (Ole e 2) of olive (Olea europaea L.) pollen, are broadly distributed actin-monomer-binding proteins (ABP). They display a major regulatory role in actin cytoskeleton dynamics, driving cell morphogenesis, sexual reproduction, and translating signals into cellular responses to different environmental stresses. Plants exhibit multiple profilin isoforms w ith distinctive biochemical properties, and differentially regulated. How ever, it is still an open question w hether these profilin isoforms, generated by multiple gene sequence polymorphism, are functionally different, as well as the role of that polymorphism in pollen allergy. Particularly, in differential epitopes generation, profilin isoforms sensitization and cross-reactivity among cultivars, and even among species. In the present study, w e have used mature pollen from olive, birch, hazel, timothy-grass, and maize, in addition to olive germinating pollen and seeds, w ith the aim to analyze the immune-reactivity and subcellular localization of profilin by using polyclonal and specific isoforms antibodies against olive and maize profilins.
The results show ed immune-reactivity differences betw een the five species analyzed, betw een olive cultivars, as w ell as between reproductive and vegetative profilins. Furthermore, the existence of different profilin isoforms w as revealed along pollen germination stages. A differential subcellular distribution of profilin isoforms w as found in olive pollen. They w ere localized in the nucleus, pollen aperture regions, pollen and tube w alls and pollen tip, in addition to a general cytoplasmic distribution, in comparison to controls. Data suggest that profilin family might contain numerous functionally distinctive isoforms, spatial-temporal differentially expressed and regulated during vegetative development, pollen maturation and pollen tube grow th. Furthermore, differential immune-reactivity revealed in the study might point out the involvement of common shared and specific epitopes, generated by sequence polymorphism, in differential olive pollen cultivar sensitization of allergenic patients, and cross-reaction to pollen from different species.This study was supported by the following European Regional Development Fund cofinanced grants: MCINN BFU 2004-00601/BFI, BFU 2008-00629, BFU2011-22779, CICE (Junta de Andalucía) P2010-CVI15767, P2010-AGR6274, P2011-CVI-7487, P2011-CVI-7487, and by the coordinated project Spain/Germany MEC HA2004-0094.Peer reviewe
Los documentos de idoneidad técnica como potenciales incentivadotes de la industrialización de la construcción.
Los documentos de idoneidad técnica como potenciales incentivadotes de la industrialización de la construcción
An enhanced method for dynamic characterization of high-power LEDs for visible light communication applications
Visible light communications (VLC) have been proposed for several applications beyond the traditional indoor scenarios, from vehicular to underwater communications. The common element in all these applications is the use of light-emitting diodes (LEDs) in which the forward current that flows through each LED plays a major role. Therefore, knowing the electrical equivalent of the LEDs is a useful tool for the proper design of the VLC systems. Currently, some measurement instruments exist, such as the LCR (inductance, capacitance, and resistance) meters or impedance analyzers to characterize the main parameters of the LEDs. However, these instruments and measurement procedures are subject to satisfying some requirements, such as a minimum value of the input impedance or the maximum forward current. In this work, the LED LXHL-BW02 is used to obtain its equivalent circuit, using different measurement methods and traditional methods of measurement with our proposed method. The equivalent model is implemented on the simulation tool LTSPICE. Our alternative method can be used for determining the electrical equivalent circuit of LEDs subject to high current variations at very high frequencies, in the MHz range, i.e., in an operating range for VLC applications.This research was co-financed by Comunidad de Madrid and the FSE/FEDER Program
under grant SINFOTON2-CM (S2018/NMT-4326), the Madrid Government (Comunidad de Madrid)
under the Multiannual Agreement with UC3M in the line of “Fostering Young Doctors Research”
(GEOVEOLUZ-CM-UC3M), and in the context of the V PRICIT (Regional Programme of Research
and Technological Innovation, and the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación and Agencia Estatal de
Investigación (PID2019-109072RB-C31) and under the CDTI (Centre for the Development of Industrial
Technology, Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación) throughthe European Regional Development Fund
(ERDF) EXP 00119337/IDI-2019029
Modelling the photosphere of active stars for planet detection and characterizaton
Context. Stellar activity patterns are responsible for jitter effects that are observed at different timescales and amplitudes in the measurements obtained from photometric and spectroscopic time series observations. These effects are currently in the focus of many exoplanet search projects, since the lack of a well-defined characterization and correction strategy hampers the detection of the signals associated with small exoplanets. Aims. Accurate simulations of the stellar photosphere based on the most recent available models for main-sequence stars can provide synthetic photometric and spectroscopic time series data. These may help to investigate the relation between activity jitter and stellar parameters when considering different active region patterns. Moreover, jitters can be analysed at different wavelength scales (defined by the passbands of given instruments or space missions) to design strategies to remove or minimize them. Methods. We present the StarSim tool, which is based on a model for a spotted rotating photosphere built from the integration of the spectral contribution of a fine grid of surface elements. The model includes all significant effects affecting the flux intensities and the wavelength of spectral features produced by active regions and planets. The resulting synthetic time series data generated with this simulator were used to characterize the effects of activity jitter in extrasolar planet measurements from photometric and spectroscopic observations. Results. Several cases of synthetic data series for Sun-like stars are presented to illustrate the capabilities of the methodology. A specific application for characterizing and modelling the spectral signature of active regions is considered, showing that the chromatic effects of faculae are dominant for low-temperature contrasts of spots. Synthetic multi-band photometry and radial velocity time series are modelled for HD 189733 by adopting the known system parameters and fitting for the map of active regions with StarSim. Our algorithm reproduces both the photometry and the radial velocity (RV) curves to good precision, generally better than the studies published to date. We evaluate the RV signature of the activity in HD 189733 by exploring a grid of solutions from the photometry. We find that the use of RV data in the inverse problem could break degeneracies and allow for a better determination of some stellar and activity parameters, for example, the configuration of active regions, the temperature contrast of spots, and the amount of faculae. In addition, the effects of spots are studied for a set of simulated transit photometry, showing that these can introduce variations in Rp/R∗ measurements with a spectral signature and amplitude that are very similar to the signal of an atmosphere dominated by dust
The design and characterisation of sol–gel coatings for the controlled-release of active molecules
The controlled release of active agents from a matrix has become increasingly important for oral, transdermal or implantable therapeutic systems, due to the advantages of safety, efficacy and patient convenience. Controlled-release hybrid (organic-inorganic) sol-gel coating synthesis has been performed to create a sol with an active molecule included (procaine). Synthesis procedures included acid-catalysed hydrolysis, sol preparation, the addition of a procaine solution to the sol, and the subsequent gelation and drying. The alkoxide precursors used were triethoxyvinylsilane and tetraethyl-orthosilicate (TEOS) in molar ratios of 1:0, 9:1, 8:2 and 7:3. After the determination of the optimal synthesis parameters, the material was physicochemically characterised by silicon-29 nuclear magnetic resonance (²⁹Si-NMR) and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, contact angle analysis and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy tests. Finally, the materials were assayed in vitro for their ability to degrade by hydrolysis and to release procaine in a controlled manner. The sustained release of procaine over a 3-day period was demonstrated. A close correlation between release and degradation rates suggests that film degradation is the main mechanism underlying the control of release. Electrochemical analysis reveals the formation of pores and water uptake during the degradation. The quantity of TEOS is one of the principal parameters used to determine the kinetics of degradation and procaine release.The supports of the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness through project IPT-010000-2010-004 and of the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) through ‘‘UFI11/56’’ are kindly acknowledge
The Mesolithic materials of the Cova del Mas del Gelat (Alcoi, l’Alcoià, Alacant)
El jaciment arqueològic de la Cova del Mas del Gelat (Alcoi, Alacant) és conegut des de fa més de trenta anys. L’estudi del sílex i de les restes faunístiques recuperades al jaciment confirmen l’existència d’un nivell mesolític. Els utensilis lítics són tècnicament semblants als d’altres estacions de la regió, i també la fauna ens ofereix informació relacionada amb la seua cronologia holocènica, evidències que amplien la nostra informació sobre el complex cultural mesolític regional. Paraules clau: Holocé. Materials mesolítics. Restes de fauna. País ValenciàThe archaeological site of the Cova del Mas del Gelat in Alcoi (Alacant, Spain) has been known for more than thirty years. The study of flint and faunal remains recovered at the site give us a cultural horizon similar to other Mesolithic sites of the region. We are dealing with lithic tools that are technically close to those from other sites of the Valencian Central region. Faunal remains offer us an interesting information related to their Holocenic chronologies as well. Furthermore, all these new pieces of evidence and the preliminary results give us some more information about the regional trend
of these Mesolithic cultural complexes.
Key words: Holocene. Mesolithic artifacts. Faunal remains. Valencia Region.El yacimiento arqueológico de la Cova del Mas del Gelat (Alcoi, Alacant) es conocido desde hace más de treinta años. El estudio del sílex y los restos de fauna recuperados en el yacimiento, confirman la existencia de un nivel mesolítico. Los útiles líticos son técnicamente semejantes a los de otras estaciones de la región, y también la fauna nos ofrece información relacionada con su cronología holocénica, evidencias que amplían nuestra información sobre el complejo cultural mesolítico regional.
Palabras clave: Holoceno. Materiales mesolíticos. Restos de fauna. País Valencià
Estudio de tráfico sobre una plataforma de virtualización
Copy topologies characteristics of real net-works in virtual scenario, it is a recent tech-nology and in constant development. This virtualization, get “machines”, scenarios, hardware and other factors size the ser vice of ser vices of networks. In this investigation, there is examined the implementation of a virtualization platform of users ser vices in a company which principal head offi ce in Co-lombia, It is in the Bogota city. The platform suffering from a direct way the bandwidth of the company’s branches channels, affecting the user s productivity and the company it-self. This article describes the study of the virtualization impact, from the traffi c pers-pective, with the purpose of demonstrating that company’s branches are capable to en-largement in the channel capacity and which ones might support the virtualization with the current capacity, so that unnecessar y expenses are not generated, transported on having extended the channels of indiscrimi-nate form.La reproducción de características topológicas de redes reales en escenariosvirtuales, es una tecnología reciente y en constante desarrollo.Esta virtualización, comprende “máquinas”, escenarios, herramientasy demás factores que dimensionan la prestación de servicios de redes.En este trabajo, se examina la implementación de una plataforma devirtualización de los servicios de los usuarios en una empresa cuyasede principal en Colombia, se encuentra en la ciudad de Bogotá. Dichaplataforma afecta de manera directa el ancho de banda de los canalesde las sucursales de la empresa, afectando la productividad delos usuarios y de la empresa misma. Este artículo describe el estudiodel impacto de la virtualización, desde la perspectiva del tráfi co, con lafi nalidad de evidenciar qué sucursales son susceptibles a ampliaciónen la capacidad del canal y cuales podrían soportar la virtualización conla capacidad actual, de modo que no se generen gastos innecesarios,acarreados al ampliar los canales de forma indiscriminada
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