31 research outputs found

    Biological interactions in depression: Insights from preclinical studies

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    Major depressive disorder (MDD) is considered a major global health burden, being the single largest contributor to global disability and suicides. Because of its complex multifactorial nature and the variety of symptoms observed in this disorder, still around 50% of MDD patients show no or incomplete response to pharmacological therapies. In this regard, studying the molecular interactions and risk factors of MDD is a key step to improve our knowledge of the etiology and the differences in the treatment response between patients. This thesis aimed to investigate the contribution of several underlying biological processes on the development of depressive behavior in animal models, such as steroidal hormone and monoamine signaling and neuroinflammation. We found that PET imaging is a useful tool to study the effects of sex hormones in the brain in a menopausal animal model, but that chronic stress was not a strong risk factor for developing depressive symptoms in this model. In addition, we showed in a stress model of depression that repeated social defeat induced neuroinflammation, but that this effect was not counteracted by the fast antidepressant ketamine or caffeine. In this animal model, we also showed that social stress caused delayed changes in dopaminergic and serotonergic transmission when depressive symptoms had already resolved. Finally, we observed that antidepressant therapy during pregnancy had a detrimental effect on cognition in the offspring. In conclusion, this thesis provides insight in different interactions between systems and risk factors, contributing to the general knowledge of MDD

    The Amygdala and Anxiety

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    The amygdala has a central role in anxiety responses to stressful and arousing situations. Pharmacological and lesion studies of the basolateral, central, and medial subdivisions of the amygdala have shown that their activation induces anxiogenic effects, while their inactivation produces anxiolytic effects. Many neurotransmitters and stress mediators acting at these amygdalar nuclei can modulate the behavioral expression of anxiety. These mediators may be released from different brain regions in response to different types of stressors. The amygdala is in close relationship with several brain regions within the brain circuitry that orchestrates the expression of anxiety. Recent developments in optogenetics have begun to unveil details on how these areas interact

    Restraint stress increases hemichannel activity in hippocampal glial cells and neurons

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    Stress affects brain areas involved in learning and emotional responses, which may contribute in the development of cognitive deficits associated with major depression. These effects have been linked to glial cell activation, glutamate release and changes in neuronal plasticity and survival including atrophy of hippocampal apical dendrites, loss of synapses and neuronal death. Under neuro-inflammatory conditions we recently unveiled a sequential activation of glial cells that release ATP and glutamate via hemichannels inducing neuronal death due to activation of neuronal NMDA/P2X7 receptors and pannexin1 hemichannels. In the present work, we studied if stress-induced glia activation is associated to changes in hemichannel activity. To this end, we compared hemichannel activity of brain cells after acute or chronic restraint stress in mice. Dye uptake experiments in hippocampal slices revealed that acute stress induces opening of both Cx43 and Panx1 hemichannels in astrocytes, which were further increased by chronic stress; whereas enhanced Panx1 hemichannel activity was detected in microglia and neurons after acute/chronic and chronic stress, respectively. Moreover, inhibition of NMDA/P2X7 receptors reduced the chronic stress-induced hemichannel opening, whereas blockade of Cx43 and Panx1 hemichannels fully reduced ATP and glutamate release in hippocampal slices from stressed mice. Thus, we propose that gliotransmitter release through hemichannels may participate in the pathogenesis of stress-associated psychiatric disorders and possibly depression

    Prenatal fluoxetine impairs non-hippocampal but not hippocampal memory in adult male rat offspring

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    Fluoxetine is often prescribed to treat depression during pregnancy. Rodent studies have shown that fluoxetine exposure during early development can induce persistent changes in the emotional behavior of the offspring. However, the effects of prenatal fluoxetine on memory have not been elucidated. This study evaluates the memory of adult male offspring from rat dams orally administered with a clinically relevant dose of 0.7 mg/kg fluoxetine from 9 weeks before pregnancy to 1 week before delivery. Hippocampal-dependent (Morris Water Maze, MWM) and non-hippocampal-dependent (Novel Object Recognition, NOR) memory paradigms were assessed. Anxiety- and depressive-like symptoms were also evaluated using the Open Field Test, Tail Suspension Test and Sucrose Preference Test. Male rats exposed to fluoxetine during gestation displayed NOR memory impairments during adulthood, as well as increased anxiety- and depressive-like symptoms. In the MWM, the offspring of fluoxetine-treated dams did not show learning deficits. However, a retention impairment was found on remote memory, 15 days after the end of training. Molecular analyses showed increased expression of NMDA subunit NR 2B , and a decrease in NR2A-to- NR2B ratio in the temporal cortex, but not in the hippocampus, suggesting changes in NMDA receptor composition. These results suggest that in utero exposure to fluoxetine induces detrimental effects on non-hippocampal memory and in remote retention of hippocampal-dependent memory, which is believed to be stored in the temporal cortex, possibly due to changes in cortical NMDA receptor subunit stoichiometry. The present results warrant the need for studies on potential remote memory deficits in human offspring exposed to fluoxetine in utero

    The Role of the Rodent Insula in Anxiety

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    The human insula has been consistently reported to be overactivated in all anxiety disorders, activation which has been suggested to be proportional to the level of anxiety and shown to decrease with effective anxiolytic treatment. Nonetheless, studies evaluating the direct role of the insula in anxiety are lacking. Here, we set out to investigate the role of the rodent insula in anxiety by either inactivating different insular regions via microinjections of glutamatergic AMPA receptor antagonist CNQX or activating them by microinjection of GABA receptor antagonist bicuculline in rats, before measuring anxiety-like behavior using the elevated plus maze. Inactivation of caudal and medial insular regions induced anxiogenic effects, while their activation induced anxiolytic effects. In contrast, inactivation of more rostral areas induced anxiolytic effects and their activation, anxiogenic effects. These results suggest that the insula in the rat has a role in the modulation of anxiety-like behavior in rats, showing regional differences; rostral regions have an anxiogenic role, while medial and caudal regions have an anxiolytic role, with a transition area around bregma +0.5. The present study suggests that the insula has a direct role in anxiety

    A single dose of ketamine cannot prevent protracted stress-induced anhedonia and neuroinflammation in rats

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    Worldwide, millions of people suffer from treatment-resistant depression. Ketamine, a glutamatergic receptor antagonist, can have a rapid antidepressant effect even in treatment-resistant patients. A proposed mechanism for the antidepressant effect of ketamine is the reduction of neuroinflammation. To further explore this hypothesis, we investigated whether a single dose of ketamine can modulate protracted neuroinflammation in a repeated social defeat (RSD) stress rat model, which resembles features of depression. To this end, male animals exposed to RSD were injected with ketamine (20 mg/kg) or vehicle. A combination of behavioral analyses and PET scans of the inflammatory marker TSPO in the brain were performed. Rats submitted to RSD showed anhedonia-like behavior in the sucrose preference test, decreased weight gain, and increased TSPO levels in the insular and entorhinal cortices, as observed by [11C]-PK11195 PET. Whole brain TSPO levels correlated with corticosterone levels in several brain regions of RSD exposed animals, but not in controls. Ketamine injection 1 day after RSD disrupted the correlation between TSPO levels and serum corticosterone levels, but had no effect on depressive-like symptoms, weight gain or the protracted RSD-induced increase in TSPO expression in male rats. These results suggest that ketamine does not exert its effect on the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis by modulation of neuroinflammation

    Modeling of [F-18]FEOBV Pharmacokinetics in Rat Brain

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    Purpose: [18F]Fluoroethoxybenzovesamicol ([18F]FEOBV) is a radioligand for the vesicular acetylcholine transporter (VAChT), a marker of the cholinergic system. We evaluated the quantification of [18F]FEOBV in rats in control conditions and after partial saturation of VAChT using plasma and reference tissue input models and test-retest reliability. Procedure: Ninety-minute dynamic [18F]FEOBV PET scans with arterial blood sampling were performed in control rats and rats pretreated with 10 μg/kg FEOBV. Kinetic analyses were performed using one- (1TCM) and two-tissue compartmental models (2TCM), Logan and Patlak graphical analyses with metabolite-corrected plasma input, reference tissue Patlak with cerebellum as reference tissue, standard uptake value (SUV) and SUV ratio (SUVR) using 60- or 90-min acquisition. To assess test-retest reliability, two dynamic [18F]FEOBV scans were performed 1 week apart. Results: The 1TCM did not fit the data. Time-activity curves were more reliably estimated by the irreversible than the reversible 2TCM for 60 and 90 min as the influx rate Ki showed a lower coefficient of variation (COV, 14–24 %) than the volume of distribution VT (16–108 %). Patlak graphical analysis showed a good fit to the data for both acquisition times with a COV (12–27 %) comparable to the irreversible 2TCM. For 60 min, Logan analysis performed comparably to both irreversible models (COV 14–32 %) but showed lower sensitivity to VAChT saturation. Partial saturation of VAChT did not affect model selection when using plasma input. However, poor correlations were found between irreversible 2TCM and SUV and SUVR in partially saturated VAChT states. Test-retest reliability and intraclass correlation for SUV were good. Conclusion: [18F]FEOBV is best modeled using the irreversible 2TCM or Patlak graphical analysis. SUV should only be used if blood sampling is not possible

    Effect of dopamine D2 receptor antagonists on [18F]-FEOBV binding

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    The interaction of dopaminergic and cholinergic neurotransmission in, e.g., Parkinson's disease has been well established. Here, D2 receptor antagonists were used to assess changes in [18F]-FEOBV binding to the vesicular acetylcholine transporter (VAChT) in rodents using positron emission tomography (PET). After pretreatment with either 10 mg/kg haloperidol, 1 mg/kg raclopride, or vehicle, 90 min dynamic PET scans were performed with arterial blood sampling. The net influx rate (Ki) was obtained from Patlak graphical analysis, using a metabolite-corrected plasma input function and dynamic PET data. [18F]-FEOBV concentration in whole-blood or plasma and the metabolite-corrected plasma input function were not significantly changed by the pretreatments (adjusted p > 0.07, Cohen's d 0.28-1.89) while the area-under-the-curve (AUC) of the parent fraction of [18F]-FEOBV was significantly higher after haloperidol treatment (adjusted p = 0.022, Cohen's d = 2.51) than in controls. Compared to controls, the AUC of [18F]-FEOBV, normalized for injected dose and body weight, was nonsignificantly increased in the striatum after haloperidol (adjusted p = 0.4, Cohen's d = 1.77) and raclopride (adjusted p = 0.052, Cohen's d = 1.49) treatment, respectively. No changes in the AUC of [18F]-FEOBV were found in the cerebellum (Cohen's d 0.63-0.74). Raclopride treatment nonsignificantly increased Ki in the striatum 1.3-fold compared to control rats (adjusted p = 0.1, Cohen's d = 1.1) while it reduced Ki in the cerebellum by 28% (adjusted p = 0.0004, Cohen's d = 2.2) compared to control rats. Pretreatment with haloperidol led to a nonsignificant reduction in Ki in the striatum (10%, adjusted p = 1, Cohen's d = 0.44) and a 40-50% lower Ki than controls in all other brain regions (adjusted p < 0.0005, Cohen's d = 3.3-4.7). The changes in Ki induced by the selective D2 receptor antagonist raclopride can in part be quantified using [18F]-FEOBV PET imaging. Haloperidol, a nonselective D2/σ receptor antagonist, either paradoxically decreased cholinergic activity or blocked off-target [18F]-FEOBV binding to σ receptors. Hence, further studies evaluating the binding of [18F]-FEOBV to σ receptors using selective σ receptor ligands are necessary

    Impact of an Adenosine A2A Receptor Agonist and Antagonist on Binding of the Dopamine D2 Receptor Ligand [11C]raclopride in the Rodent Striatum

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    Adenosine A2A and dopamine D2 receptors in the basal ganglia form heterotetrameric structures that are involved in the regulation of motor activity and neuropsychiatric functions. The present study examines the A2A receptor-mediated modulation of D2 receptor binding in vivo using positron emission tomography (PET) with the D2 antagonist tracer [11C]raclopride. Healthy male Wistar rats (n = 8) were scanned (60 min dynamic scan) with [11C]raclopride at baseline and 7 days later following an acute administration of the A2A agonist CGS21680 (1 mg/kg), using a MicroPET Focus-220 camera. Nondisplaceable binding potential (BPND) values were calculated using a simplified reference tissue model (SRTM), with cerebellum as the reference tissue. SRTM analysis did not show any significant changes in [11C]raclopride BPND (p = 0.102) in striatum after CGS21680 administration compared to the baseline. As CGS21680 strongly affects hemodynamics, we also used arterial blood sampling and a metabolite-corrected plasma input function for compartment modeling using the reversible two-tissue compartment model (2TCM) to obtain the BPND from the k3/k4 ratio and from the striatum/cerebellum volume of distribution ratio (DVR) in a second group of animals. These rats underwent dynamic [11C]raclopride scans after pretreatment with a vehicle (n = 5), a single dose of CGS21680 (1 mg/kg, n = 5), or a single dose of the A2A antagonist KW6002 (1 mg/kg, n = 5). The parent fraction in plasma was significantly higher in the CGS21680-treated group (p = 0.0001) compared to the vehicle-treated group. GCS21680 administration significantly reduced the striatal k3/k4 ratio (p < 0.01), but k3 and k4 estimates may be less reliable. The BPND (DVR-1) decreased from 1.963 ± 0.27 in the vehicle-treated group to 1.53 ± 0.55 (p = 0.080) or 1.961 ± 0.11 (p = 0.993) after the administration of CGS21680 or KW6002, respectively. Our study suggests that the A2A agonist CGS21680, but not the antagonist KW6002, may reduce the D2 receptor availability in the striatum