202 research outputs found

    Evaluation Of A Program To Reduce Back Pain In Nursing Personnel.

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    To evaluate the effectiveness of a program designed to reduce back pain in nursing aides. Female nursing aides from a university hospital who had suffered episodes of back pain for at least six months were included in the study. Participants were randomly divided into a control group and an intervention group. The intervention program involved a set of exercises and an educational component stressing the ergonomic aspect, administered twice a week during working hours for four months. All subjects answered a structured questionnaire and the intensity of pain was assessed before and after the program using a visual analogue scale (VAS). Student's t-test or the Wilcoxon Rank Sum Test for independent samples, and Chi-square test or the Exact Fisher test for categorical analysis, were used. The McNemar test and the Wilcoxon matched pairs test were used to compare the periods before and after the program. There was a statistically significant decrease in the frequency of cervical pain in the last two months and in the last seven days in the intervention group. There was also a reduction in cervical pain intensity in the two periods (2 months, 7 days) and lumbar pain intensity in the last 7 days. The results suggest that a program of regular exercise with an emphasis on ergonomics can reduce musculoskeletal symptoms in nursing personnel.35356-6

    Ácaro-vermelho-das-palmeiras no Estado do Pará.

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    O ácaro-vermelho-das-palmeiras Raioella indica Hirst (Acari: Tenuipalpidae) é uma espécie invasora, reportada no Brasil em 2009 no Estado de Roraima e atualmente encontra-se presente em alguns Estados das regiões Norte, Nordeste, Sudeste e Sul. No Estado do Pará R. indica foi constatado no município de Juruti, localizado na mesorregião do Baixo Amazonas. Com o objetivo de delimitar a área de ocorrência do ácaro no Estado, foram realizados levantamentos quanto à presença de R. indica em municípios do Baixo Amazonas. Inspeções com coletas de material (folhas com ácaros) foram realizadas por fiscais da Agência de Defesa Agropecuária do Pará, em plantas de coqueiro, bananeira, açaizeiro e palmeiras ornamentais, em áreas urbana e rural dos municípios. No laboratório de Entomologia da Embrapa Amazônia Oriental os ácaros foram montados em meio de Hoyer para posterior identificação. Foram analisadas 56 amostras referentes aos municípios de Alenquer, Curuá, Monte Alegre, Óbidos, Santarém e Terra Santa, com a confirmação da presença de R. indica nesses municípios

    Formulação do feromônio sexual do percevejo-marrom Euschistus heros: eficiência de atração, vida útil e raio de ação.

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    Social mobilization against large hydroelectric dams: A comparison of Ethiopia, Brazil, and Panama

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    Large‐scale hydroelectric dams have—throughout their history—had adverse impacts on local population groups, natural resources, and entire eco‐systems furthering resistance and protest against them. In this paper, we aim to investigate the impact of social mobilization against large‐scale dams by considering political opportunity structures, actor constellations, and frames. We comparatively analyze three case studies in varying political systems, that is, Gibe III in Ethiopia, Belo Monte in Brazil, and Barro Blanco in Panama. Our investigation is based on field research in these countries comprising data collection of governmental reports, newspaper articles, materials published by civil society organizations, and semi‐structured interviews. The analysis reveals that the impact of mobilization against dams is certainly limited in contexts with authoritarian governments. In democratic contexts, the impact depends on the degree of external involvement, as well as the ability of movements to avoid fracture, especially in view of temporal dimensions of large infrastructure projects