2,180 research outputs found

    Lexical and Derivational Meaning in Vector-Based Models of Relativisation

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    Sadrzadeh et al (2013) present a compositional distributional analysis of relative clauses in English in terms of the Frobenius algebraic structure of finite dimensional vector spaces. The analysis relies on distinct type assignments and lexical recipes for subject vs object relativisation. The situation for Dutch is different: because of the verb final nature of Dutch, relative clauses are ambiguous between a subject vs object relativisation reading. Using an extended version of Lambek calculus, we present a compositional distributional framework that accounts for this derivational ambiguity, and that allows us to give a single meaning recipe for the relative pronoun reconciling the Frobenius semantics with the demands of Dutch derivational syntax.Comment: 10 page version to appear in Proceedings Amsterdam Colloquium, updated with appendi

    A Frobenius Algebraic Analysis for Parasitic Gaps

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    The interpretation of parasitic gaps is an ostensible case of non-linearity in natural language composition. Existing categorial analyses, both in the typelogical and in the combinatory traditions, rely on explicit forms of syntactic copying. We identify two types of parasitic gapping where the duplication of semantic content can be confined to the lexicon. Parasitic gaps in adjuncts are analysed as forms of generalized coordination with a polymorphic type schema for the head of the adjunct phrase. For parasitic gaps affecting arguments of the same predicate, the polymorphism is associated with the lexical item that introduces the primary gap. Our analysis is formulated in terms of Lambek calculus extended with structural control modalities. A compositional translation relates syntactic types and derivations to the interpreting compact closed category of finite dimensional vector spaces and linear maps with Frobenius algebras over it. When interpreted over the necessary semantic spaces, the Frobenius algebras provide the tools to model the proposed instances of lexical polymorphism.Comment: SemSpace 2019, to appear in Journal of Applied Logic

    Structural Ambiguity and its Disambiguation in Language Model Based Parsers: the Case of Dutch Clause Relativization

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    This paper addresses structural ambiguity in Dutch relative clauses. By investigating the task of disambiguation by grounding, we study how the presence of a prior sentence can resolve relative clause ambiguities. We apply this method to two parsing architectures in an attempt to demystify the parsing and language model components of two present-day neural parsers. Results show that a neurosymbolic parser, based on proof nets, is more open to data bias correction than an approach based on universal dependencies, although both setups suffer from a comparable initial data bias

    Constructive Type-Logical Supertagging with Self-Attention Networks

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    We propose a novel application of self-attention networks towards grammar induction. We present an attention-based supertagger for a refined type-logical grammar, trained on constructing types inductively. In addition to achieving a high overall type accuracy, our model is able to learn the syntax of the grammar's type system along with its denotational semantics. This lifts the closed world assumption commonly made by lexicalized grammar supertaggers, greatly enhancing its generalization potential. This is evidenced both by its adequate accuracy over sparse word types and its ability to correctly construct complex types never seen during training, which, to the best of our knowledge, was as of yet unaccomplished.Comment: REPL4NLP 4, ACL 201

    Inflation and Higgs Phenomenology in a Model Unifying the DFSZ Axion with the Majoron

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    The Two-Higgs-Doublet-Standard Model-Axion-Seesaw-Higgs-Portal inflation (2hdSMASH) model consisting of two Higgs doublets, a Standard Model (SM) singlet complex scalar and three SM singlet right-handed neutrinos can embed axion dark matter, neutrino masses and address inflation. We report on an investigation of the inflationary aspects of 2hdSMASH and its subsequent impact on low energy phenomenology. In particular, we identify inflationary directions for which the parameter values required for successful inflation do not violate perturbative unitarity and boundedness-from-below conditions. By analyzing the renormalization-group flow of the parameters we identify the necessary and sufficient constraints for running all parameters perturbatively and maintaining stability from the electroweak to the PLANCK scale. We determine typical benchmark points satisfying theoretical and experimental constraints which can be potentially probed by future colliders.Comment: 71 pages, 18 figures, 7 table
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