48 research outputs found

    Stamped Amphora Handles from Tel Beersheba

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    This article publishes the 39 stamped amphora handles found during excavations conducted at Tel Beersheba between 1969 and 1976. All were found in poorly stratified contexts and so have no real stratigraphic value. They do, however, attest to the importance of Beersheba in the Rhodian economic sphere of the late Hellenistic period and add to our knowledge of Rhodesian fabricants and eponyms of the second century B.C

    Excavations on the Kastro at Kavousi. An Architectural Overview

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    Excavations on the Kastro at Kavousi (P1. 77:a) were conducted over a five-year span between 1987 and 1990 and again in 1992.1 Seasons of study and site conservation took place in 1991 and between 1993 and 1995. Preliminary reports have been published through 1990,2 but these give only a fragmentary picture of the development of the settlement because they do not take into account the excavations of 1992 or the work accomplished during the study seasons. It is now possible to present a fuller picture of the settlement; accordingly, this article provides an overview of the work accomplished to date

    Phasing the Kastro: Abandonment and the Archaeological Record

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    While the processes of settlement abandonment have been a topic of long-standing interest to anthropologists and archaeologists working in the American Southwest, their implications are seldom acknowledged by Aegeanists. On the Kastro in East Crete, a settlement inhabited from Late Minoan IIIC into the Archaic period, variations in artifact type, size, and distribution across the site have not been adequately explained, but may now be reassessed with respect to abandonment processes. Recognition of these processes affects the interpretation of remains associated with both abandonment and deposition resulting from nonabandonment behavior, and also provides criteria for phasing

    The Development of a Domestic Architectural Unit Throughout the Early Iron Age: The Northwest Building on the Kastro, East Crete

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    The Northwest Building is unique among the excavated remains on the Kastro at Kavousi, and perhaps in the archaeological record for the Early Iron Age in all of Greece. Here, the development of an insular architectural unit can be traced continuously throughout the duration of the Early Iron Age, that is, from the beginning of Late Minoan IIIC into the Archaic period

    Excavations in the Archaic Civic Buildings at Azoria in 2005-2006

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    Continuing excavation on the South Acropolis at Azoria in northeastern Crete has exposed buildings of Archaic date (7th–early 5th century b.c.) that served communal or public functions. Work conducted in 2005 and 2006 completed the exploration of Late Archaic levels within the Communal Dining Building (putative andreion complex), the Monumental Civic Building, and the adjacent Service Building. These contexts and their assemblages, especially the animal and plant remains, permit the characterization of diverse dining practices and the interpretation of patterns of food production and consumption. Both the Communal Dining Building and the Monumental Civic Building show extensive evidence of communal feasting and the integration of cult

    Excavations at Azoria, 2002

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    This report summarizes the results of the first season of excavation at Azoria in eastern Crete and provides an overview of the project's goals and problem orientation. Work in 2002 concentrated on the peak of the South Acropolis and the occupational phases of the seventh-sixth centuries B.C. The recovery of a possible andreion complex suggests the urban character of the site in the sixth century and forms a starting point for discussing the political economy of the Archaic city. The excavations revealed important evidence for the organization of the sixth-century settlement and for the complex stratigraphic history of the site, including the Final Neolithic, Late Prepalatial, Early Iron Age, Archaic, and Hellenistic periods

    Excavation of Archaic Houses at Azoria in 2005-2006

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    This article reports on the excavation of Archaic houses (6th-early 5th century b.c.) in 2005 and 2006 at Azoria in eastern Crete. Five houses are discussed: four on the South Acropolis on the periphery of the civic center, and one on the North Acropolis. Well-preserved floor deposits provide evidence for room functions and permit a preliminary analysis of domestic space. The houses fill a lacuna in the published record of the 6th and early 5th centuries b.c. and contribute to our understanding of the form of Archaic houses in the Aegean and the integration of domestic space into an urban context