134 research outputs found

    Phase separation in fermionic systems with particle-hole asymmetry

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    We determine the ground-state phase-diagram of a Hubbard Hamiltonian with correlated hopping, which is asymmetric under particle-hole transform. By lowering the repulsive Coulomb interaction U at appropriate filling and interaction parameters, the ground state separates into a hole and an electron conducting phases: two different wave vectors characterize the system and charge-charge correlations become incommensurate. By further decreasing U another transition occurs at which the hole conducting region becomes insulating, and conventional phase separation takes place. Finally, for negative U the whole system eventually becomes a paired insulator. It is speculated that such behavior could be at the origin of the incommensurate superconducting phase recently discovered in the 1D Hirsch model. The exact phase boundaries are calculated in one dimension.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Detecting the tunneling rates for strongly interacting fermions on optical lattices

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    Strongly interacting fermionic atoms on optical lattices are studied through a Hubbard-like model Hamiltonian, in which tunneling rates of atoms and molecules between neighboring sites are assumed to be different. In the limit of large onsite repulsion U, the model is shown to reproduce the t-J Hamiltonian, in which the J coefficient of the Heisenberg term depends on the particle-assisted tunneling rate g: explicitly, J=4g2/UJ=4 g^2/U. At half-filling, g drives a crossover from a Brinkman-Rice paramagnetic insulator of fully localized atoms (g=0) to the antiferromagnetic Mott insulator of the standard Hubbard case (g=t). This is observed already at the intermediate coupling regime in the number of doubly occupied sites, thus providing a criterion to extract from measurements the effective value of g.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Entanglement in extended Hubbard models and quantum phase transitions

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    The role of two-point and multipartite entanglement at quantum phase transitions (QPTs) in correlated electron systems is investigated. We consider a bond-charge extended Hubbard model exactly solvable in one dimension which displays various QPTs, with two (qubit) as well as more (qudit) on-site degrees of freedom involved. The analysis is carried out by means of appropriate measures of bipartite/multipartite quantum correlations. It is found that all transitions ascribed to two-point correlations are characterized by an entanglement range which diverges at the transition points. The exponent coincides with that of the correlation length at the transitions. We introduce the correlation ratio, namely, the ratio of quantum mutual information and single-site entanglement. We show that at T=0, it captures the relative role of two-point and multipartite quantum correlations at transition points, generalizing to qudit systems the entanglement ratio. Moreover, a finite value of quantum mutual information between infinitely distant sites is seen to quantify the presence of off-diagonal long-range order induced by multipartite entanglement.Comment: 14 pages, 8 figures, 2 table

    Recent results on integrable electronic models

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    We review the approach of generalized permutator to produce a class of integrable quantum Hamiltonians, as well as the technique of Sutherland species (SS) to map a subclass of it into solvable spinless fermions models. In particular, we apply the above scheme to construct integrable interacting electron Hamiltonians: first we review the extended Hubbard case, discussing both ground state and thermodynamics; then we pass to constrained fermion models, generating 56 integrable cases, among which both supersymmetric t-J model and infinite U Hubbard model are obtained, as well as other physically interesting cases, such as a particular t-V model. For the latter we describe how the complete spectrum can be gained by means of SS technique. Finally we speculate about possible applications to spin S models.Comment: Review article; 12 pages, 4 figures. Appeared on Recent Research Developements in Physics 5, 513-534 (Transworld Research Network, India, 2004

    Bipartite entanglement of quantum states in a pair basis

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    The unambiguous detection and quantification of entanglement is a hot topic of scientific research, though it is limited to low dimensions or specific classes of states. Here we identify an additional class of quantum states, for which bipartite entanglement measures can be efficiently computed, providing new rigorous results. Such states are written in arbitrary d×dd\times d dimensions, where each basis state in the subsystem A is paired with only one state in B. This new class, that we refer to as pair basis states, is remarkably relevant in many physical situations, including quantum optics. We find that negativity is a necessary and sufficient measure of entanglement for mixtures of states written in the same pair basis. We also provide analytical expressions for a tight lower-bound estimation of the entanglement of formation, a central quantity in quantum information.Comment: 8 pages, 10 figure

    Low energy quantum regimes of 1D dipolar Hubbard model with correlated hopping

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    We apply the bosonization technique to derive the phase diagram of a balanced unit density two-component dipolar Fermi gas in a one dimensional lattice geometry. The considered interaction processes are of the usual contact and dipolar long-range density-density type together with peculiar correlated hopping terms which can be generated dynamically. Rigorous bounds for the transition lines are obtained in the weak coupling regime. In addition to the standard bosonization description, we derive the low energy phase diagram taking place when part of the interaction is embodied non-perturbatively in the single component Hamiltonians. In this case the Luttinger liquid regime is shown to become unstable with respect to the opening of further gapped phases, among which insulating bond ordered wave and Haldane phases, the latter with degenerate edge modes.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figur

    Hidden XY structure of the bond-charge Hubbard model

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    The repulsive one-dimensional Hubbard model with bond-charge interaction (HBC) in the superconducting regime is mapped onto the spin-1/2 XY model with transverse field. We calculate correlations and phase boundaries, realizing an excellent agreement with numerical results. The critical line for the superconducting transition is shown to coincide with the analytical factorization line identifying the commensurate-incommensurate transition in the XY model.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Brane parity orders in the insulating state of Hubbard ladders

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    The Mott insulating state of the Hubbard model at half-filling could be depicted as a spin liquid of singly occupied sites with holon-doublon quantum fluctuations localized in pairs. In one dimension the behavior is captured by a finite value of the charge parity string correlator, which fails to remain finite when generalized to higher dimensions. We recover a definition of parity brane correlator which may remain nonvanishing in presence of interchain coupling, by assigning an appropriate fractional phase to the parity breaking fluctuations. In case of Hubbard ladders at half-filling, we find that the charge parity brane is non-zero at any repulsive value of interaction. The spin parity brane instead becomes nonvanishing in the even-leg case, in correspondence to the onset of the spin gapped D-Mott phase, which is absent in the odd-leg case. The behavior of the parity correlators is also analyzed by means of a numerical DMRG analysis of the one- and two-leg ladder.Comment: Main article: 5 pages, 1 figure. Supplementary information: 4 pages, 8 figure

    Symmetry protected topological phases of 1D interacting fermions with spin-charge separation

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    The low energy behavior of a huge variety of one-dimensional interacting spinful fermionic systems exhibits spin-charge separation, described in the continuum limit by two sine-Gordon models decoupled in the charge and spin channels. Interaction is known to induce, besides the gapless Luttinger liquid phase, eight possible gapped phases, among which are the Mott, Haldane, charge-/spin-density, and bond-ordered wave insulators, and the Luther Emery liquid. Here we prove that some of these physically distinct phases have nontrivial topological properties, notably the presence of degenerate protected edge modes with fractionalized charge/spin. Moreover, we show that the eight gapped phases are in one-to-one correspondence with the symmetry-protected topological (SPT) phases classified by group cohomology theory in the presence of particle-hole symmetry P. The latter result is also exploited to characterize SPT phases by measurable nonlocal order parameters which follow the system evolution to the quantum phase transition. The implications on the appearance of exotic orders in the class of microscopic Hubbard Hamiltonians, possibly without P symmetry at higher energies, are discussed.Comment: latest version: 8 pages, 1 Tabl
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