29 research outputs found

    A Methodological Approach Exploiting Modern Techniques for Forest Road Network Planning

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    A well-developed road network allows all forest activities, including wood harvesting, firefighting and recreational activities. However, forest road construction and maintenance involve economic and environmental costs. For these reasons, forest road network planning is a fundamental phase of forest management, maximising the benefits and reducing costs and impacts. Thanks to modern technologies in data collection both for terrestrial and forest characteristics, new methods and tools have been developed to improve and facilitate road planning. The aim of this study was the development of a Decision Support System for helping managers during forest road network planning, exploiting Multi-Criteria Analysis, an Analytic Hierarchy Process and Geographic Information Systems. Three steps characterised the study: Þ an in-depth survey of the existing forest road network Þ an accessibility evaluation, based on a commonly applied Italian definition, taking into account the morphological characteristics of the land Þ an estimation of the accessibility requirements through the analysis of experts’ opinions, defined as Road Needs Index, based on different factors These phases were applied to a forest property located in northern Italy, and some improvements were proposed simulating a manager’s approach during planning. The results showed interesting features in accessibility evaluation, which identified three different classes of accessibility, represented in a map. The estimation of Road Needs Index assigned a class regarding road requirements to each forest management unit: »low«, »medium«, »high« and »very high«. This information was merged, becoming a useful tool to identify the forest areas with the highest problems in relation to the forest road network

    Treebar Maps: Schematic Representation of Networks at Scale

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    Many data sets, crucial for today's applications, consist essentially of enormous networks, containing millions or even billions of elements. Having the possibility of visualizing such networks is of paramount importance. We propose an algorithmic framework and a visual metaphor, dubbed treebar map, to provide schematic representations of huge networks. Our goal is to convey the main features of the network's inner structure in a straightforward, two-dimensional, one-page drawing. This drawing effectively captures the essential quantitative information about the network's main components. Our experiments show that we are able to create such representations in a few hundreds of seconds. We demonstrate the metaphor's efficacy through visual examination of extensive graphs, highlighting how their diverse structures are instantly comprehensible via their representations.Comment: 27 pages, 32 figures, 1 tabl

    A methodological approach exploiting modern techniques for forest road network planning

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    A well-developed road network allows all forest activities, including wood harvesting, firefighting and recreational activities. However, forest road construction and maintenance involve economic and environmental costs. For these reasons, forest road network planning is a fundamental phase of forest management, maximising the benefits and reducing costs and impacts. Thanks to modern technologies in data collection both for terrestrial and forest characteristics, new methods and tools have been developed to improve and facilitate road planning. The aim of this study was the development of a Decision Support System for helping managers during forest road network planning, exploiting Multi-Criteria Analysis, an Analytic Hierarchy Process and Geographic Information Systems. Three steps characterised the study: Þ an in-depth survey of the existing forest road network Þ an accessibility evaluation, based on a commonly applied Italian definition, taking into account the morphological characteristics of the land Þ an estimation of the accessibility requirements through the analysis of experts’ opinions, defined as Road Needs Index, based on different factors These phases were applied to a forest property located in northern Italy, and some improvements were proposed simulating a manager’s approach during planning. The results showed interesting features in accessibility evaluation, which identified three different classes of accessibility, represented in a map. The estimation of Road Needs Index assigned a class regarding road requirements to each forest management unit: »low«, »medium«, »high« and »very high«. This information was merged, becoming a useful tool to identify the forest areas with the highest problems in relation to the forest road network

    Analysis of Helicopter Activities in Forest Fire-Fighting

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    In Southern European countries wildfires are the most natural threat to forests and wooded areas. Over the last decade, public and scientific debates on forest fire management have increased. Helicopters and airtankers are extremely effective fire suppression means, but they are also very expensive. Studies on the improved performance of suppression for the enhancement of firefighting organization are still needed. Consequently to make a plan for the distribution of financial resources to be divided between fire suppression and fire prevention actions in terms of fuel management is not possible. The aim of this study is to compare the helicopter’s forest fire-fighting activity in Tuscany (central Italy) over two periods: between 1998–2000 and 2001–2005 when five and ten helicopters were respectively assigned. For both periods (1998–2000 and 2001–2005) the following were analyzed: the number of forest fires and the burned area with or without helicopter intervention and the position of the helicopter bases in relation to the fire. The results showed that a fleet of 10 helicopters is oversized, in relation to the fire regime of Tuscany, suggesting the need to evaluate a reduction in the fleet. Financial resources may be thus made available for more profitable fire prevention activities, such as, active fuel management. The results also showed where there is the need to improve the helicopter efficiency via the re–management as regards the positioning of their bases

    Subordinazione avverbiale, congiunzioni subordinanti e coordinazione

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    Oggetto del lavoro è un’analisi delle frasi avverbiali finite in un corpus di italiano parlato, costituito dal LIP, dall’Ar.Co.Dip e dal C-ORAL-ROM, per verificare l’eventuale vicinanza di alcune di esse con la coordinazione. Nel modello della Functional Grammar (FG), al quale ci si riferisce, le subordinate avverbiali sono distinte in base al loro ambito di modificazione, inteso come livello della frase rispetto al quale la subordinata apporta un’informazione aggiuntiva. Ciò vuol dire che, ad esempio, l’etichetta generica di subordinate avverbiali causali copre una fenomenologia linguistica eterogenea, nella quale la nozione di “causa” si esprime secondo tipi di rapporti diversi tra la frase principale e quella subordinata. Questo lavoro si incentra in particolare sulla distinzione tra la modificazione al livello del contenuto proposizionale e quella al livello dell’atto linguistico, in quanto questi due livelli condividono alcuni tratti con la coordinazione. Ci si propone di verificare, in special modo: - quali sono i parametri di classificazione che permettono di distinguere il livello di modificazione della proposizione da quello dell’atto linguistico, con particolare riferimento alle frasi causali e condizionali in un corpus di italiano parlato; - quali sono i tratti formali e fuzionali che accomunano queste subordinate alle strutture coordinate o, viceversa, le distinguono da esse; - in quale ordine reciproco si collocano le avverbiali sul livello della proposizione e quelle sul livello dell’atto linguistico lungo un continuum ideale tra coordinazione e subordinazione; - se c’è, infine, in italiano una specializzazione delle congiunzioni subordinanti che introducono le causali e le condizionali per ciascuno dei livelli considerati