895 research outputs found
Application of Near-Infrared Spectroscopy in Plant Breeding Programs
The success of plant breeding programs depends on the availability of genetic variation and efficient data collection processes that allow large-scale screenings of genotypes. When genetic variation is present, the goal is to identify those genotypes that are closest to the breeding objectives. In this context, the evaluation of a large number of genotypes requires optimization of the data collection process in order to provide reliable information for making selection decisions. The process of data collection must yield an accurate and precise assessment of genotypes timely because the information is needed to plan the next generation for breeding and cultivar development. Laboratory NIRS is routinely used in the data collection process of many breeding programs, but it requires the withdrawal of field plot samples and involves manual work. Applications of the near-infrared spectroscopy on choppers (NOC) and near-infrared spectroscopy on combine harvester (NOCH) are a step forward to the automation of data collection processes, by which sampling, labor, and sources of error in the data can be reduced. The objective of this thesis research was to assess the potential of NOC and NOCH for application in breeding programs of grain maize, rapeseed, and silage maize. Plot combine harvesters and choppers were equipped with diode-array spectrometers for collection of near-infrared plot spectra, and used to harvest experimental varieties of breeding programs in Central Europe. Two alternative sample presentation designs (conveyor belt and spout) were used for the NOC systems. The NOCH systems used the conveyor belt as sample presentation design. NOCH showed a high potential for determination of dry matter (DM), crude protein (CP), and starch (ST) contents of maize grain. NOCH calibration models yielded standard errors of prediction (SEP) and coefficients of determination of validation (R2V) of 1.2% and 0.95 for DM, 0.3% and 0.88 for CP, and 1.0% and 0.79 for ST, respectively. The potential of NOCH for determination of DM, CP, oil and glucosinolate contents of rapeseed was also high. NOCH calibration models yielded standard errors of cross validation (SECV) and coefficients of determination of cross validation (R2CV) of 0.3% and 0.96 for DM, 0.6% and 0.69 for CP, 0.9% and 0.71 for oil, and 2.2 μmol/g and 0.40 for glucosinolate, respectively. The NOC systems showed high potential for the determination of DM, ST, and soluble sugars (SS) content of silage maize hybrids. The NOC system equipped with a conveyor belt design yielded calibration models with SEP and R2V of 0.9% and 0.93 for DM, and 2.1% and 0.78 for ST, respectively. For the NOC system equipped with the spout design, the SEP and R2V amounted to 1.4% and 0.84 for DM, 2.3% and 0.75 for ST, and 0.9% and 0.81 for SS. The potential of both NOC systems for determination of fiber contents (CF, ADF, and NDF), digestibility and energy-related traits was lower than for DM, ST, and SS. The precision of NOCH for the determination of DM content in maize grain was higher than by traditional drying-oven method. A higher precision of NOCH is also expected for other traits and may also be extended to the NOC systems because the sampling error associated with traditional processes of data collection is reduced drastically by NOC and NOCH. The investigation of the effects caused by the calibration technique, mathematical transformation of the near-infrared spectra, and scatter correction on the development of NOCH calibration models for the prediction of DM, CP, and ST content in maize grain revealed that calibration technique was the most important factor affecting the prediction ability, whereas the importance of mathematical transformation and scatter correction depended on the particular constituent considered. Presently, there exists high uncertainty about the optimal NOC and NOCH sample presentation designs for agricultural harvesters. The dynamic signal range, i.e., the range of spectral values on which predictions are based, and the amount of plot material measured were identified as guide parameters for optimization of sample presentation designs. In addition, calibration transferability between NOC systems with different sample presentation designs proved to be feasible after merging spectra from both NOC systems in the calibration set. In conclusion, NOC and NOCH show high potential for replacing laboratory NIRS analysis of several traits in a plant breeding context and yield a more accurate and precise evaluation of field plot characteristics. Therefore, technological applications of the electromagnetic radiation is predicted to have a high impact in plant breeding, precision farming, and agriculture.Der Erfolg von Pflanzenzüchtungsprogrammen hängt vom Vorhandensein genetischer Variation und effizienten Prozessen zur Datenerhebung ab. Bei vorhandener genetischer Variation ist es das Ziel, unter einer großen Zahl an Genotypen diejenigen zu identifizieren, die den Zuchtzielen am Nächsten kommen. Die Untersuchung einer großen Zahl an Genotypen erfordert eine Optimierung der Datenerhebungsprozesse, damit die Selektionsentscheidungen auf zuverlässigen Informationen basieren. Der Prozess der Datenerhebung muss eine präzise Bewertung der Genotypen zu einer bestimmten Zeit hervorbringen, da diese Information zur Planung der nächsten Zuchtgeneration benötig wird. Untersuchungen mit Nahinfrarotspektroskopie (NIRS) im Labor werden routinemäßig bei der Datenerhebung in vielen Zuchtprogrammen eingesetzt. Allerdings erfordert diese Technik die Probenahme von Pflanzenmaterial und Handarbeit. Die Anwendung der Nahinfrarotspektroskopie auf Häckslern (NOC) und Mähdreschern (NOCH) ist ein Schritt zur Automatisierung der Datenerhebung bei die Probenahme, der Arbeitsaufwand und die Fehlerquellen bei der Datenerhebung reduziert werden können. Das Ziel dieser Doktorarbeit war es, das Anwendungspotential von NOC und NOCH in Zuchtprogrammen für KörnermaisSilomais und Raps zu untersuchen. Zur Ernte von Experimentalsorten aus Zuchtprogrammen Mitteleuropas wurden Parzellenmähdrescher und Häcksler mit Diode-array Spektrometern ausgerüstet. So konnten direkt bei der Ernte Nahinfrarotspektren des Ernteguts aufgenommen werden. Beim NOC System wurden Spektren der Proben an zwei verschiedenen Positionen des Häckslers erfasst, am Förderband und am Auswurfrohr. Beim NOCH System wurden nur auf dem Förderband Spektren gemessen. Bei Körnermais zeigte NOCH ein hohes Potential zur Bestimmung von Trockensubstanz- (DM), Rohprotein- (CP) und Stärkegehalt (ST). Die Kalibrierungsmodelle mit NOCH lieferten einen Standardfehler der Vorhersage (SEP) von 1,2% und ein Bestimmtheitsmaß der Validierung (R2V) von 0,95 für DM, 0,3% bzw. 0,96 für CP und 1,0% bzw. 0,79 für ST. Bei Raps zeigte NOCH ein hohes Potential zur Bestimmung von DM, CP, Öl- und Glucosinolatgehalten. Die Kalibrierungsmodelle lieferten Standardfehler der Kreuzvalidierung (SECV) und Bestimmtheitsmaße für die Kreuzvalidierung (R2CV) von 0,3% bzw. 0,96 für DM, 0,6% bzw. 0,69 für CP, 0,9% bzw. 0,71 für den Ölgehalt und 2,2 µmol/g bzw. 0,40 für den Glucosinolatgehalt. Bei Silomais zeigte NH ein hohes Potential zur Bestimmung von TS, ST und den Gehalt an löslichen Zuckern (SS) bei Hybriden. Das NOC System, das am Förderband Spektren erfasste, lieferte Kalibrierungsmodelle mit SEP und R2V von 0,9% bzw. 0,93 für DM und 2,1% bzw. 0,78 für ST. Das NOC System, das am Auswurfrohr Spektren erfasste, lieferte Werte für SEP und R2V von 1,4% bzw. 0,84% für DM, 2,3% bzw. 0,75 für ST und 0,9% bzw. 0,81 für SS. Das Potential beider NH Systeme war für die Bestimmung der Merkmale Rohfasergehalt, Verdaulichkeit und Merkmale, die mit Energiegehalt zusammenhängen, niedriger als für die Merkmale DM, ST und SS. Die Genauigkeit für die TS-Gehaltbestimmung von Maiskörnern war mit NM höher als bei der traditionellen Ofenmethode. Eine höhere Genauigkeit wird auch für andere Merkmale erwartet und könnte auch auf das NOC System erweitert werden, da der Versuchsfehler, der bei traditioneller Datenerfassung gemacht wird, durch NOCH und NOC drastisch reduziert wird. Unsere Untersuchungen ergaben ein großen Einfluß der eingesetzten Kalibrationstechnik auf die Güte der Vohersage für DM, CP und ST Gehalt bei Körnermais. Im Gegensatz dazu hängt die Bedeutung der mathematischen Transformation und Streunungskorrektur von der jeweiligen Situation ab. Derzeit herrscht Unsicherheit darüber, welches die optimalen Stichprobentechniken für NOC und NOCH sind. Der dynamische Signalbereich, d.h. der Bereich von Spektralwerten auf dem Vorhersagen basieren, und die Menge an untersuchtem Pflanzenmaterial konnten in unserer Studie als Leitparameter zur Optimierung der Stichprobennahme identifiziert werden. Die Transferierbarkeit von Kalibrationen zwischen NOC Systemen mit verschiedenen Stichprobentechniken erwies sich als aussichtsreich, wenn zuvor die Spektren der beiden Systeme im Kalibrationsdatensatz zusammengelegt wurden. Zusammenfassend läßt sich sagen, dass sowohl NOC als auch NOCH ein hohes Potential aufweisen, NIRS Untersuchungen im Labor für die verschiedensten Merkmale zu ersetzen. Dieses Vorgehen würde eine exaktere Messung wichtiger Merkmale in Feldversuchen ermöglichen. Deshalb erwarten wir, dass in Zukunft die technologische Anwendung von elektomagneteischer Strahlung einen großen Einfluß auf die Landwirtschaft und im besonderen auf die Pflanzenzüchtung haben wird
On the Modernisation of Weber’s Electrodynamics
This work is an attempt to modernise Weber’s electrodynamics to make it compatible with the high-velocity regime, and with the existence of a limiting velocity, c. For this purpose, starting from the law of energy conservation and the mass–energy equivalence, new expressions for potential energy and for kinetic energy are derived jointly which are consistent with an ultimate velocity of the value of c. The new potential energy, already reported by Phipps, becomes Weber’s expression in the limit of low velocities. The new kinetic energy differs from the relativistic expression, but, like the latter, it also becomes the Newtonian expression in the limit of low velocities. New expressions for force and linear momentum are also derived which complete a new mechanics. Phipps’ potential energy and new kinetic energy are applied to the problem of two interacting charges in a radial motion and orbital motion. The new framework is also applied to the problem of a charge moving between the two plates of a charged capacitor, obtaining a result similar to that obtained by means of Maxwell–Lorentz electromagnetism and relativistic mechanics. The metaphysical considerations that clearly differentiate the conventional framework from the new framework proposed here are discussed
Estudio de factibilidad para la implementación de un centro de ensambles en una empresa comercializadora y distribuidora, caso de análisis P.T.I.S.A
El presente trabajo pretende determinar la factibilidad operativa y financiera para la implementación de un proceso de ensamble de indicadores de falla y equipos receptores de información en la empresa PTI S.A., el cual permitiría reducir los tiempos de entrega, disminuir los costos y aumentar las utilidades de la empresa.The objective of the present work is to determine the operational and financial feasibility for the implementantion of an assembly process for Remote Indicator Systems equipment in PTI S.A. This Project will reduce delivery times, costs and will increase the companie´s profits.Ingeniero (a) IndustrialPregrad
The exhibition of the female body as a sexual object in graphic advertising. Comparative study of two brands of jewelry
La tendencia alcista en las denuncias por publicidad sexista registrada por el Observatorio para la Imagen de las Mujeres demuestra la vigencia de la utilización del cuerpo de la mujer como recurso promocional. El fenómeno de la globalización propicia que las repercusiones negativas de estas campañas trasciendan de un ámbito puramente local. En primer lugar, este trabajo de investigación analiza el material icónico de una campaña publicitaria de la compañía I love Ugly denunciada por emplear el cuerpo de la mujer como reclamo sexual. Las imágenes se lanzan en una red social, lo que supone una exposición mundial pero permite la interacción con los usuarios. El estudio del material gráfico, mediante el empleo de la metodología del análisis de contenido, permite registrar los códigos visuales que otorgan el cariz discriminatorio, vejatorio y de dominio del hombre sobre la mujer, que queda relegada a mero objeto o reclamo sexual. Se realiza una comparación con otra campaña, también etiquetada como sexista, perteneciente al mismo sector de la joyería, lanzada por la compañía brasileña Natan Jewelry. Aunque se encuentran similitudes en el código visual empleado, se concluye el uso de estrategias comunicativas distintas, si bien las dos campañas publicitarias exponen un mensaje denigrante para las mujeres.The growing trend in denunciations by sexist advertising registered by the Observatory for the Image of Women certifies the full validity of the use of the women’ body as a promotional resource. The phenomenon of the global village causes that the negative consequences of these campaigns transcend of an exclusively local environment. First, this research work examines the graphic material of the I Love Ugly advertising campaign denounced for employing the woman's body as a sexual claim. The images are published on a social network, which is a global exposure but allows interaction with users. The study of the iconic material, through the use of the methodology of the content analysis, allows to register the visual codes that show a discriminatory, humiliating and dominating approach of the man on the woman, that is represented as a sexual object or sexual claim. Then a comparison is made with another campaign, also qualified as sexist, of the same sector of the jewelry, published by the Brazilian company Natan Jewelry. There are similarities in the visual code used in both, but we can conclude that there is a use of different communicative strategies, although the two advertising campaigns show a denigrating message for the women
A way of preserving Caenorhabditis elegans
Aquaculture is a "breeding" of recent implantation that needs many improvement processes. One of the problems that arise is the feeding of fish larvae, which need live food. It has been proven that these fish larvae can be fed from the Caenorhabiditis elegans nematode, which is easy to grow. In order to carry out the industrial application it is necessary to develop a method in which the nematodes are kept as long as possible, thus ensuring their survival. All this to be able to transport them efficiently. (Brüggemann, 2012).One of these methods can be dehydration from salts. In C. elegans the larval stage known as dauer survive desiccation after preconditioning, which consist in a reduction of humidity for several hours (Erkut et al. 2011, Erkut et al. 2013, Honnens et al.2013). It has also been shown that C. elegans can uptake trehalose from the medium increasing resistance to stress. In addition to the trehalose another method to improve the adaptation to stress is that C.elegans is in the larval Dauer state. Another method of preservation that is used is the freezing of these nematodes (WormBook.org).The keys to a successful freeze are using animals at the correct stage of development, the addition of glycerol to the freezing media, and a gradual cooling to -80°C. Freshly starved young larvae (L1-L2 stage) survive freezing best. A 15% final volume of glycerol in the freezing solution is used. Finally the C.elegans are defrosted at room temperature.To observe the results of the dehydration method, we must hydrate the nematodes with M9 solution and see what their survival rate is. For now with this method the results are not totally satisfactory since the nematodes hold very little time in dry state. If you want to observe the results of the survival rate of thawed worms, you have to transfer them to a nutritious medium at a temperature of 20ºC and after 24 hours you count the survival rate of these worms. The results of the thawing is around 10% after a 4 month period.Although the performance of both experiments are not totally satisfactory at the moment, we will try to improve the methodology used to obtain higher survival rates in a longer time in a preserved state. The objective of this work is to find the method and the most effective way to develop the preservation method that obtains the best survival rate and for the longest time
Mejora de los indicadores clave de rendimiento de proceso a través del desarrollo de los recursos humanos
Tesis (Maestría en Dirección de Negocios) -- Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas; Argentina, 2016.Muchos autores sostienen que el capital más importante de las compañías son los recursos humanos. Se considera que el personal que forma parte de la empresa contribuye en gran medida al éxito de los nuevos productos y proyectos. A su vez, sus
ideas muchas veces contribuyen a la reducción de costos y prevención de reclamos. En general, se puede decir que el fortalecimiento de las capacidades de los recursos humanos es esencial para la mejora, estandarización, optimización de los procesos de producción y la mejora de la calidad del producto.
La potenciación de los recursos humanos de una empresa no sólo se logra con capacitación, sino también con mayor motivación, una mejor organización y comunicación.Fil: Montes, Juan Manuel. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas; Argentina
Estudios sobre Agricultura y conocimiento tradicional en México
La agricultura es una de las actividades importantes para las comunidades rurales en México. Diversas situaciones impactan directamente a los campesinos y sus sistemas agrícolas. Por ejemplo, los productores con agricultura de temporal, son los menos favorecidos con determinadas políticas internacionales como el Tratado de Libre Comercio (TLC), cuyo potencial productivo se ha reducido a niveles de 1.2 por ciento. En las últimas dos décadas se ha dado fuerte impulso a los cultivos comerciales como hortalizas, frutas y flores ocasionando impactos a los productores rurales (Escalante et al. 2007 y 2008). Los campesinos en México se han enfrentado a diferentes situaciones complejas como los impactos de la modernización del sector agropecuario, los proyectos de desarrollo, la expansión de la industria y las áreas urbanas sobre las rurales y los procesos de mundialización de la economía (González 2007). Ante la situación que atraviesa el sector agrícola, es de vital importancia reconsiderar los sistemas agrícolas tradicionales que practican los campesinos. Los estudio sobre agricultura tradicional mexicana han demostrado la diversidad de sistemas que los campesinos han practicado durante cientos de años. Algunos estudios evidencian la historia del control del agua, la tecnología de riego, el manejo de las plantas, la intensificación del uso del suelo, las formas de organización sociopolítica, el mercado y los tipos de asentamientos humanos (Donkin 1979; Palerm 1980; Palerm y Wolf 1980; Doolittle 2004). Otros estudio más específicos se relacionan con el control de procesos erosivos del suelo, el manejo del suelo, la biodiversidad, el conocimiento ecológico tradicional, las estrategias y manejo de agua de riego y de humedales (González 1992; Maimone et al. 2006; Ocampo y Escobedo 2006; Miranda et al. 2009; Pérez 2014). Por consiguiente, el objetivo de este trabajo es presentar cinco estudios de caso que abordan el estudio de la agricultura y el conocimiento tradicional en México, indicando las diferentes temáticas en cuanto al uso y manejo de la agricultura, los suelos, las plantas y la fauna
Self-organization in biological systems
En este trabajo estudiaremos el comportamiento del potencial de acción a lo largo de una membrana celular, como ejemplo de autoorganización temporal en un sistema vivo. Para comprender la fenomenología del potencial de acción, simularemos, en primer lugar, el modelo de Hodgkin y Huxley. Este modelo, pionero de los modelos biofísicos sobre membranas excitables, explica los cambios que causan en el potencial de acci´on del ax´on gigante de calamar, la aplicación de corrientes sobre la membrana. Hodgkin y Huxley proponen que el comportamiento del potencial se puede explicar en base a un circuito eléctrico equivalente de la membrana, donde las conductancias iónicas se determinan por la ley de Ohm, describiendo el sistema por medio de cuatro ecuaciones diferenciales acopladas. En segundo lugar, estudiaremos el modelo de Fitz-Hugh Nagumo, que reduce las ecuaciones del modelo de Hodgkin y Huxley, con el fin de poder llevar a cabo un estudio analítico del sistema reducido. En una tercera etapa, y sobre el modelo de Fitz-Hugh Nagumo, realizaremos perturbaciones periódicas a la corriente externa que regula el impulso nervioso y observaremos distintas respuestas en el sistema perturbado, desde desdoblamientos del periodo hasta acoplamiento con el sistema autónomo. Todas las simulaciones y figuras recogidas en esta memoria se realizaron usando el software MATLAB.In this work, we will study the behavior of the action potential along a cell membrane, as an example of temporary self-organization in a living system. To understand the
phenomenology of the action potential, we will simulate, in the first stage, Hodgkin and
Huxley model. This model is the pioneer of biophysical models of excitable membranes
and explains the changes caused in the action potential on the squid giant axon due to the
application of currents to the membrane. Hodgkin and Huxley propose that the behavior
of the potential can be explained using an equivalent electrical circuit of the membrane,
where the ionic conductances are determined by Ohm’s law, and the system is described
by a system of four coupled differential equations.
Secondly, we will study the Fitz-Hugh Nagumo model, which reduces the equations of
the Hodgkin and Huxley model, to be able to carry out an analytical study of the reduced
In the third stage, and based on the Fitz-Hugh Nagumo model, we will aplicate periodic perturbances on the external current that regulates the nervous impulse, and we
will observe different responses in the disturbed system, from the unfolding of the period
until coupling with the autonomous system.
All simulations and figures collected in this work were performed using the MATLAB
software.Universidad de Sevilla. Grado en Físic
Redesigning a Foreign Language Learning Task Using Mobile Devices: A Comparative Analysis between the Digital and Paper-Based Outcomes
The introduction of mobile devices such as smartphones provides new opportunities to enhance the teaching-learning process of a foreign language. However, its use can affect not only the students' type and form of writing but also their ability to achieve the academic competencies targeted. Thus, aspects such as the development of linguistic and communicative competencies could be affected. In this paper, a comparative analysis of two different versions (a paper and a digital version) of the same learning task is carried out in order to analyze the impact of each on the development of students' linguistic and communicative competencies. The study is conducted with undergraduate students enrolled in a course called German II. Modern Language I (level A1.2, Common European Framework of Reference for Languages). The results obtained illustrate, on the one hand, the advantages of the paper version for developing students' linguistic competence and, on the other hand, that the digital version, despite facilitating students' interaction amongst each other, does not seem to be more suitable for developing students' communicative competence. Future studies will, therefore, focus on identifying those features that might increase the potential of the digital version for fostering the targeted competencies
Small particle-size talc is associated with poor outcome and increased inflammation in thoracoscopic pleurodesis
Rationale: Talc is very effective for pleurodesis, but there is concern about complications, especially acute respiratory distress syndrome. Objectives: It was the aim of this study to investigate if talc with a high concentration of small particles induces greater production of cytokines, and if pleural tumor burden has any influence on the local production and spillover of cytokines to the systemic circulation and eventual complications. Methods: We investigated 227 consecutive patients with malignant effusion submitted to talc pleurodesis. One hundred and three patients received 'small-particle talc' (ST; containing about 50% particles <10 ¿m) and 124 received 'large-particle talc' (with <20% particles <10 ¿m). Serial samples of both pleural fluid and blood were taken before and 3, 24, 48 and 72 h after thoracoscopy. Also, mesothelial cells were stimulated with both types of talc in vitro. Measurements and Results: Interleukin-8, tumor necrosis factor-¿, vascular endothelial growth factor, basic fibroblast growth factor and thrombin-antithrombin complex were measured in all samples. Early death (<7 days after talc) occurred in 8 of 103 patients in the ST and in 1 of 124 in the 'large-particle talc' group (p = 0.007). Patients who received ST had significantly higher proinflammatory cytokines in pleural fluid and serum after talc application, and also in supernatants of the in vitro study. Pleural tumor burden correlated positively with proinflammatory cytokines in serum, suggesting that advanced tumor states induce stronger systemic reactions after talc application. Conclusions: ST provokes a strong inflammatory reaction in both pleural space and serum, which is associated with a higher rate of early deaths observed in patients receiving it.Instituto de Salud Carlos III FIS 04/028
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