159 research outputs found

    Multiple Mating, Sperm Competition and the Fertility Component of Fitness in Drosophila-Pseudoobscura

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    Those aspects of an organism\u27s biology that influence the number of progeny produced make up the fertility component of its fitness. The fertility of both male and female Drosophila pseudoobscura is influenced by multiple matings. In the former, rates of multiple matings and the genotypes of females\u27 other mates interact to affect male fitness. Female fecundity and productivity increases with multiple matings, while longevity declines. Mating rates could be the result of these conflicting selection pressures. Density is a non-genetic factor influencing multiple mating. The mechanisms by which multiple matings increase female fertility is not the same in different species of Drosophila. In D. melanogaster, subsequent matings appear to replenish diminished sperm stores, while in D. pseudoobscura, females may absorb sperm for use as a nutrient. These differences emphasize that there need not be single model systems even within a genus

    Hypertension in the Spontaneously Hypertensive Rat is Linked to the Y-Chromosome

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    The objective of our study was to determine the genetic influence on blood pressure in spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR), and normotensive Wistar-Kyoto (WKY) rats using genetic crosses. Blood pressure was measured by tail sphygmomanometry from 8 to 20 weeks of age. Blood pressure was significantly higher from 12 to 20 weeks in the male offspring derived from WKY mothers x SHR fathers as compared with male offspring derived from SHR mothersxWKY fathers (180±4 versus 160±5 mm Hg, /?\u3c0.01). There was no significant difference between the blood pressure of the F, females, further supporting Y chromosome linkage and not parental imprinting. The blood pressure data from F2 males derived from reciprocal crosses of parental strains were consistent with the presence of a Y-Iinked locus, but not with an X-linked locus controlling blood pressure. The data strongly suggest that hypertension in the SHR has two primary components of equal magnitude, one consisting of a small number of autosomal loci with a second Y-linked component

    Genetic-Divergence Between the Wistar-Kyoto Rat and the Spontaneously Hypertensive Rat

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    A method of restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis was used to estimate the amount of genetic divergence between the spontaneously hypertensive rat (SHR) strain and the Wistar-Kyoto (WKY) strain. DNA from each strain was digested with eight restriction endonucleases and hybridized with six single copy gene sequences. The number of hybridization bands in each digestion was used to estimate the total number of bases analyzed and RFLPs were scored as single mutations. Divergence was then estimated by dividing the number of mutations by the number of bases analyzed. In a total of 808 bases analyzed in WKY rats, a minimum of 13 mutations were scored in SHR, which yields a nucleotide divergence of 1 change per 62 bp. This is an extremely high amount of divergence given the known origin of these two strains and is comparable to the maximum divergence possible between unrelated humans

    Separate Sex-Influenced and Genetic Components in Spontaneously Hypertensive Rat Hypertension

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    Previous results from our laboratory indicated two major genetic components of spontaneously hypertensive rat (SHR) hypertension, an autosomal component and a Y chromosome component. Two new substrains, SHR/a and SHR/y, were developed using a series of backcrosses to isolate each of these components. The SHR/a substrain has the autosomal loci and X chromosome from the SHR strain and the Y chromosome from the Wistar-Kyoto (WKY) rat strain. The SHR/y substrain has only the Y chromosome from the SHR and autosomal loci and X chromosome from the WKY strain. Throughout these breeding programs parents were chosen at random without selection for blood pressure. Males of both substrains maintained blood pressures over 180 mm Hg. Comparisons of blood pressure in these new substrains with the original parental strains can be used to determine the relative proportions of each genetic component in hypertension. The Y chromosome component contributes 34 mm Hg, which is the difference between SHR/y male and WKY male blood pressure. The total autosomal component contributes 46 mm Hg, which is the difference between SHR/a male and WKY male blood pressure. The autosomal component is a sex-influenced trait; males in the SHR/a strain have significantly higher pressures than SHR/a females. Of the 46 mm Hg estimated for the autosomal component, 41 mm Hg is the result of these loci interacting with male phenotypic sex. This sex-influenced component is separate and distinct from the Y chromosome component

    Inconsistent Divergence of Mitochondrial-DNA in the Spontaneously Hypertensive Rat

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    We have recently shown that the spontaneously hypertensive rat (SHR) and the Wistar-Kyoto (WKY) rat differ at a frequency of 1 per 62 bases in their nuclear DNA (Hypertension 1992;19:425-427). Given the origin of these strains this level of divergence was unexpected. To investigate the origin of this nuclear divergence we have examined mitochondrial DNA. Mitochondrial DNA was isolated from SHR and WKY rats, digested with several restriction enzymes, electrophoresed in 1.0% agarose gels, and the fragments visualized with ethidium bromide staining. This approach allowed us to analyze 220 base pairs of mitochondrial DNA. No differences were detected between SHR and WKY rats. Comparison with the King-Holtzman rat strain produced differences at an average of 1 per 52 base pairs. We also examined several SHR and WKY rats from within our colonies and found no differences suggesting intrastrain homogeneity for mitochondrial DNA phenotypes. These data indicate that the SHR and WKY rat share a recent, common maternal ancestor. This result is consistent with the published origins of the SHR and WKY rat strains. Together with the nuclear divergence results, the data suggest that the original Wistar colony from which SHR and WKY rats were derived was probably highly polymorphic for nuclear genes

    Which Sry Locus Is the Hypertensive Y Chromosome Locus?

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    The Y chromosome of the spontaneously hypertensive rat (SHR) contains a genetic component that raises blood pressure compared with the Wistar-Kyoto (WKY) Y chromosome. This research tests the Sry gene complex as the hypertensive component of the SHR Y chromosome. The Sry loci were sequenced in 1 strain with a hypertensive Y chromosome (SHR/Akr) and 2 strains with a normotensive Y chromosome (SHR/Crl and WKY/Akr). Both SHR strains have 7 Sry loci, whereas the WKY strain has 6. The 6 loci in common between SHR and WKY strains were identical in the sequence compared (coding region, 392-bp 5\u27 prime flanking, 1200-bp 3\u27 flanking). Both SHR strains have a locus (Sry3) not found in WKY rats, but this locus is different between SHR/Akr and SHR/Crl rats. Six mutations have accumulated in Sry3 between the SHR strains, whereas the other 6 Sry loci are identical. This pattern of an SHR-specific locus and mutation in this locus in SHR/Crl coinciding with the loss of Y chromosome hypertension is an expected pattern if Sry3 is the Y chromosome-hypertensive component. The SHR/y strain showed a significant increase in total Sry expression in the kidney between 4 and 15 weeks of age. There are significant differences in Sry expression between adrenal glands and the kidney (15 to 30 times higher in kidneys) but no significant differences between strains. These results, along with previous studies demonstrating an interaction of Sry with the tyrosine hydroxylase promoter and increased blood pressure with exogenous Sry expression, suggest the Sry loci as the hypertensive component of the SHR Y chromosome

    Androgen Receptor and the Testes Influence Hypertension in a Hybrid Rat Model

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    The objective of this study was to determine if males with a deficient androgen receptor would develop hypertension when crossed with a hypertensive parent. Female King-Holtzman rats (n = 15), heterozygous for the testicular feminization (Tfm) gene, were crossed with male spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR), and blood pressure was measured weekly from 5-14 weeks in the F1 hybrid males. Approximately 50% of the F1 hybrid males were Tfm males and androgen receptor-deficient, and 50% were normal. Blood pressure in the parent King-Holtzman males, Tfms, and female rats was also followed for the same time period. The F1 normal male hybrids had a significantly higher (p \u3c 0.05) systolic blood pressure than the Tfm hybrid males after 12 weeks (195 +/- 8 versus 170 +/- 8 mm Hg, respectively). Blood pressure in the male and Tfm Holtzman rats was 120 +/- 5 mm Hg and 110 +/- 6 mm Hg, respectively. Castration lowered blood pressure by 38 mm Hg in the hybrid males and 27 mm Hg in the Tfm hybrids. Female F1 hybrids also showed a pressure rise above that of female Holtzman controls (155 +/- 6 mm Hg versus 110 +/- 6 mm Hg, p \u3c 0.01) but lower than the F1 males and Tfm hybrids. Ovariectomized females with testosterone implants did not show an elevation in blood pressure. Plasma electrolytes, norepinephrine, and cholesterol were not significantly different between normal and Tfm hybrid males. The results suggest that the presence of an androgen receptor and a testis-derived factor mediate the blood pressure rise in the hybrid males. A Y chromosome effect or sex-influenced locus may be involved since both the normal and Tfm males had significantly higher blood pressures than their female siblings

    From Rat to Human: Regulation of Renin-Angiotensin System Genes by Sry

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    The testis determining protein, Sry, has functions outside of testis determination. Multiple Sry loci are found on the Y-chromosome. Proteins from these loci have differential activity on promoters of renin-angiotensin system genes, possibly contributing to elevation of blood pressure. Variation at amino acid 76 accounts for the majority of differential effects by rat proteins Sry1 and Sry3. Human SRY regulated rat promoters in the same manner as rat Sry, elevating Agt, Ren, and Ace promoter activity while downregulating Ace 2. Human SRY significantly regulated human promoters of AGT, REN, ACE2, AT2, and MAS compared to control levels, elevating AGT and REN promoter activity while decreasing ACE2, AT2, and MAS. While the effect of human SRY on individual genes is often modest, we show that many different genes participating in the renin-angiotensin system can be affected by SRY, apparently in coordinated fashion, to produce more Ang II and less Ang-(1–7)

    Analysis of Sry Duplications On the Rattus Norvegicus Y-Chromosome

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    Background: Gene copy number variation plays a large role in the evolution of genomes. In Rattus norvegicus and other rodent species, the Y-chromosome has accumulated multiple copies of Sry loci. These copy number variations have been previously linked with changes in phenotype of animal models such as the spontaneously hypertensive rat (SHR). This study characterizes the Y-chromosome in the Sry region of Rattus norvegicus, while addressing functional variations seen in the Sry protein products. Results: Eleven Sry loci have been identified in the SHR with one (nonHMG Sry) containing a frame shift mutation. The nonHMGSry is found and conserved in the related WKY and SD rat strains. Three new, previously unidentified, Sry loci were identified in this study (Sry3BII, Sry4 and Sry4A) in both SHR and WKY. Repetitive element analysis revealed numerous LINE-L1 elements at regions where conservation is lost among the Sry copies. In addition we have identified a retrotransposed copy of Med14 originating from spliced mRNA, two autosomal genes (Ccdc110 and HMGB1) and a normal mammalian Y-chromosome gene (Zfy) in the Sry region of the rat Y-chromosome. Translation of the sequences of each Sry gene reveals eight proteins with amino acid differences leading to changes in nuclear localization and promoter activation of a Sry-responsive gene. Sry-beta (coded by the Sry2 locus) has an increased cytoplasmic fraction due to alterations at amino acid 21. Sry gamma has altered gene regulation of the Sry1 promoter due to changes at amino acid 76. Conclusions: The duplication of Sry on the Rattus norvegicus Y-chromosome has led to proteins with altered functional ability that may have been selected for functions in addition to testis determination. Additionally, several other genes not normally found on the Y-chromosome have duplicated new copies into the region around the Sry genes. These suggest a role of active transposable elements in the evolution of the mammalian Y-chromosome in species such as Rattus norvegicus

    Contribution of Autosomal Loci and the Y Chromosome to the Stress Response in Rats

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    Stress is a critical contributor to cardiovascular diseases through its impact on blood pressure variability and cardiac function. Familial clustering of reactivity to stress has been demonstrated in human subjects, and some rodent models of hypertension are hyperresponsive to stress. Therefore, the present study was designed to uncover the genetic determinants of the stress response. We performed a total genome linkage search to identify the loci of the body temperature response to immobilization stress in a set of recombinant inbred strains (RIS) originating from reciprocal crosses of spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR) with a normotensive Brown Norway Lx strain. Two quantitative trait loci (QTLs) were revealed on chromosomes (Chrs) 10 and 12 (logarithm of odds scores, 2.2 and 1.3, respectively). The effects of these QTLs were enhanced by a high sodium diet (logarithm of odds scores, 4.0 and 3.3 for Chrs 10 and 12, respectively), which is suggestive of a salt-sensitive component for the phenotype, Congenics for Chr 10 confirmed both the QTL and the salt effect in RIS. Negatively associated loci were also identified on Chrs 8 and 11. Interaction between the loci of Chrs 10 and 12 was demonstrated, with the rat strains bearing SHR alleles at both loci having the highest thermal response to stress. Furthermore, the Y Chr of SHR origin enhanced the response to immobilization stress, as demonstrated in 2 independent models, RIS and Y Chr consomics. However, its full effect requires autosomes of the SHR strain. These findings provide the first evidence for the genetic determination of reactivity to stress with interactions between autosomal loci and between the Y and autosomal Chrs that contribute to the explanation of the 46% of variance in the stress response