1,342 research outputs found

    Viscoresistive MHD Configurations of Plasma in Accretion Disks

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    We present a discussion of two-dimensional magneto-hydrodynamics (MHD) configurations, concerning the equilibria of accretion disks of a strongly magnetized astrophysical object. We set up a viscoresistive scenario which generalizes previous two-dimensional analyses by reconciling the ideal MHD coupling of the vertical and the radial equilibria within the disk with the standard mechanism of the angular momentum transport, relying on dissipative properties of the plasma configuration. The linear features of the considered model are analytically developed and the non-linear configuration problem is addressed, by fixing the entire disk profile at the same order of approximation. Indeed, the azimuthal and electron force balance equations are no longer automatically satisfied when poloidal currents and matter fluxes are included in the problem. These additional components of the equilibrium configuration induce a different morphology of the magnetic flux surface, with respect to the ideal and simply rotating disk.Comment: 19 pages, 4 figures. To appear on the Proceedings of the Second Italian-Pakistani Workshop on Relativistic Astrophysic

    Minisuperspace Model for Revised Canonical Quantum Gravity

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    We present a reformulation of the canonical quantization of gravity, as referred to the minisuperspace; the new approach is based on fixing a Gaussian (or synchronous) reference frame and then quantizing the system via the reconstruction of a suitable constraint; then the quantum dynamics is re-stated in a generic coordinates system and it becomes dependent on the lapse function. The analysis follows a parallelism with the case of the non-relativistic particle and leads to the minisuperspace implementation of the so-called {\em kinematical action} as proposed in \cite{M02} (here almost coinciding also with the approach presented in \cite{KT91}). The new constraint leads to a Schr\"odinger equation for the system. i.e. to non-vanishing eigenvalues for the super-Hamiltonian operator; the physical interpretation of this feature relies on the appearance of a ``dust fluid'' (non-positive definite) energy density, i.e. a kind of ``materialization'' of the reference frame. As an example of minisuperspace model, we consider a Bianchi type IX Universe, for which some dynamical implications of the revised canonical quantum gravity are discussed. We also show how, on the classical limit, the presence of the dust fluid can have relevant cosmological issues. Finally we upgrade our analysis by its extension to the generic cosmological solution, which is performed in the so-called long-wavelength approximation. In fact, near the Big-Bang, we can neglect the spatial gradients of the dynamical variables and arrive to implement, in each space point, the same minisuperspace paradigm valid for the Bianchi IX model.Comment: 16 pages, no figures, to appear on International Journal of Modern Physics

    Revised Canonical Quantum Gravity via the Frame Fixing

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    We present a new reformulation of the canonical quantum geometrodynamics, which allows to overcome the fundamental problem of the frozen formalism and, therefore, to construct an appropriate Hilbert space associate to the solution of the restated dynamics. More precisely, to remove the ambiguity contained in the Wheeler-DeWitt approach, with respect to the possibility of a (3 + 1)-splitting when the space-time is in a quantum regime, we fix the reference frame (i.e. the lapse function and the shift vector) by introducing the so-called kinematical action; as a consequence the new super-Hamiltonian constraint becomes a parabolic one and we arrive to a Schroedinger-like approach for the quantum dynamics. In the semiclassical limit our theory provides General Relativity in the presence of an additional energy-momentum density contribution coming from no longer zero eigenvalues of the Hamiltonian constraints; the interpretation of these new contributions comes out in natural way as soon as it is recognized that the kinematical action can be recasted in such a way it describes a pressureless, but, in general, non geodesic perfect fluid.Comment: 24 pages, 0 figures, to appear on Int. Jour. Mod. Phys.

    Quantum Dynamics of the Taub Universe in a Generalized Uncertainty Principle framework

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    The implications of a Generalized Uncertainty Principle on the Taub cosmological model are investigated. The model is studied in the ADM reduction of the dynamics and therefore a time variable is ruled out. Such a variable is quantized in a canonical way and the only physical degree of freedom of the system (related to the Universe anisotropy) is quantized by means of a modified Heisenberg algebra. The analysis is performed at both classical and quantum level. In particular, at quantum level, the motion of wave packets is investigated. The two main results obtained are as follows. i) The classical singularity is probabilistically suppressed. The Universe exhibits a stationary behavior and the probability amplitude is peaked in a determinate region. ii) The GUP wave packets provide the right behavior in the establishment of a quasi-isotropic configuration for the Universe.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures; v2: section added, to appear on PR

    The role of the time gauge in the 2nd order formalism

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    We perform a canonical quantization of gravity in a second-order formulation, taking as configuration variables those describing a 4-bein, not adapted to the space-time splitting. We outline how, neither if we fix the Lorentz frame before quantizing, nor if we perform no gauge fixing at all, is invariance under boost transformations affected by the quantization.Comment: 4 pages, Proceedings of the II Stueckelberg Worksho

    Dark Matter Prediction from Canonical Quantum Gravity with Frame Fixing

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    We show how, in canonical quantum cosmology, the frame fixing induces a new energy density contribution having features compatible with the (actual) cold dark matter component of the Universe. First we quantize the closed Friedmann-Robertson-Walker (FRW) model in a sinchronous reference and determine the spectrum of the super-Hamiltonian in the presence of ultra-relativistic matter and a perfect gas contribution. Then we include in this model small inhomogeneous (spherical) perturbations in the spirit of the Lemaitre-Tolman cosmology. The main issue of our analysis consists in outlining that, in the classical limit, the non-zero eigenvalue of the super-Hamiltonian can make account for the present value of the dark matter critical parameter. Furthermore we obtain a direct correlation between the inhomogeneities in our dark matter candidate and those one appearing in the ultra-relativistic matter.Comment: 5 pages, to appear on Modern Physics Letters

    Linear Two-Dimensional MHD of Accretion Disks: Crystalline structure and Nernst coefficient

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    We analyse the two-dimensional MHD configurations characterising the steady state of the accretion disk on a highly magnetised neutron star. The model we describe has a local character and represents the extension of the crystalline structure outlined in Coppi (2005), dealing with a local model too, when a specific accretion rate is taken into account. We limit our attention to the linearised MHD formulation of the electromagnetic back-reaction characterising the equilibrium, by fixing the structure of the radial, vertical and azimuthal profiles. Since we deal with toroidal currents only, the consistency of the model is ensured by the presence of a small collisional effect, phenomenologically described by a non-zero constant Nernst coefficient (thermal power of the plasma). Such an effect provides a proper balance of the electron force equation via non zero temperature gradients, related directly to the radial and vertical velocity components. We show that the obtained profile has the typical oscillating feature of the crystalline structure, reconciled with the presence of viscosity, associated to the differential rotation of the disk, and with a net accretion rate. In fact, we provide a direct relation between the electromagnetic reaction of the disk and the (no longer zero) increasing of its mass per unit time. The radial accretion component of the velocity results to be few orders of magnitude below the equatorial sound velocity. Its oscillating-like character does not allow a real matter in-fall to the central object (an effect to be searched into non-linear MHD corrections), but it accounts for the out-coming of steady fluxes, favourable to the ring-like morphology of the disk.Comment: 15 pages, 1 figure, accepted for publication on Modern Physics Letters

    On the coupling between spinning particles and cosmological gravitational waves

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    The influence of spin in a system of classical particles on the propagation of gravitational waves is analyzed in the cosmological context of primordial thermal equilibrium. On a flat Friedmann-Robertson-Walker metric, when the precession is neglected, there is no contribution due to the spin to the distribution function of the particles. Adding a small tensor perturbation to the background metric, we study if a coupling between gravitational waves and spin exists that can modify the evolution of the distribution function, leading to new terms in the anisotropic stress, and then to a new source for gravitational waves. In the chosen gauge, the final result is that, in the absence of other kind of perturbations, there is no coupling between spin and gravitational waves.Comment: 4 pages, to appear in Proceedings of the II Stueckelberg Workshop - Int. J. Mod. Phys.

    Inhomogeneous de Sitter Solution with Scalar Field and Perturbations Spectrum

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    We provide an inhomogeneous solution concerning the dynamics of a real self interacting scalar field minimally coupled to gravity in a region of the configuration space where it performs a slow rolling on a plateau of its potential. During the inhomogeneous de Sitter phase the scalar field dominant term is a function of the spatial coordinates only. This solution specialized nearby the FLRW model allows a classical origin for the inhomogeneous perturbations spectrum.Comment: 9 pages, no figures, to appear on Mod.Phys.Lett.

    Quantum mechanics over a q-deformed (0+1)-dimensional superspace

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    We built up a explicit realization of (0+1)-dimensional q-deformed superspace coordinates as operators on standard superspace. A q-generalization of supersymmetric transformations is obtained, enabling us to introduce scalar superfields and a q-supersymmetric action. We consider a functional integral based on this action. Integration is implemented, at the level of the coordinates and at the level of the fields, as traces over the corresponding representation spaces. Evaluation of these traces lead us to standard functional integrals. The generation of a mass term for the fermion field leads, at this level, to an explicitely broken version of supersymmetric quantum mechanics.Comment: 11 pages, Late
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