48 research outputs found

    Determinación e incidencia del fondo geoquímico de las pizarras areniscosas del Tremadociense sobre las concentraciones minerales. Zócalo de la rama sur de la Ibérica. (Prov. de Soria y Zaragoza)

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    The metallogenic study carried out in the upper formations of the Tremadocian on the occidental branch of the bedrock of the Iberian Range, has allowed us to classify as sinsedimentary - epigenetic many of the mineral occurrences of Pb, Cu, Zn, Ag and Sb present. As these occurrences are associated with the sandy shales ("micropsammofilitas-psammitas"), their geochemical background (in Pb, Cu, Zn, Ag and Sb) could be determined as well as their infIuence on the concentration of minerals present. The elements, were anaIysed in more than 240 sandy shales fram: La Alameda (Soria); Embid de Ariza, Bubierca and Pardos (Zaragoza). The background on these clements was shown to be higher than that of the sandstones; compared with the shales, the concentration of Pb and Zn was slightly higher (16-25 p.p.m. and 92-115 p.p.m. respectively) and substantially so in the case of Ag (0.31-0.77 p.p.m.) and Sb (6-15 p.p.m.). The concentration of Cu was the same. The Iines of regression corroborate the evidence of the metallogenic studies. The geochemical metallotect, together with the tectonic and stratigraphical metallotects represent necessary, but not sufficient conditions to justify the mineral concentrations in La Alameda and Bubierca; we must also employ the paleogeographical metallotect resulting in the formation of shallow.El estudio metalogénico realizado en las formaciones superiores dcl Tremadociense, pertenecientes a la rama occidental del zócalo de la Cordillera Ibérica, ha permitido clasificar, como sinsedimentarios-epigenéticos a muchos de los indicios minerales de Pb, Cu, Zn, Ag y Sb. Al ir ligados cstos últimos a pizarras areniscosas (micropsammofilitas-psammitas) se ha determinado el fondo geoquímico (en Pb, Cu, Zn, Ag y Sb) en ellas y la incidencia que tiene sobre las concentraciones minerales. Se analizan estos elementos en más de 240 pizarras arcniscosas procedentes de: La Alameda (Soria); Embid de Ariza, Bubierca y Pardos (Zaragoza). El fondo obtenido para estos elementos es superior al que corresponde a las areniscas; respecto a las pizarras. el fondo es ligeramente superior para el Pb (16-25 p.p.m.) y el Zn (92-115 p.p.m.); muy superior para la Ag (0.31-0.77 p.p.m.) y el Sb (6-15 p.p.m.) y ligeramente del mismo orden para el Cu. Las rectas de regresión confirman los estudios metalogénicos. El metalotecto geoquímico, junto con los metaloctectos tectónico y litoestratigráfico, constitiyen condiciones necesarias para justificar las concentraciones minerales en La Alameda y Bubierca pero no suficientes. debiendo invocar además el metalotecto paleogeográfico relacionado con la formación de un alta fondo

    Leveraging Natural History Data in One- and Two-Arm Hierarchical Bayesian Studies of Rare Disease Progression

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    peer reviewedThe small sample sizes inherent in rare and pediatric disease settings offer significant challenges for clinical trial design. In such settings, Bayesian adaptive trial methods can often pay dividends, allowing the sensible incorporation of auxiliary data and other relevant information to bolster that collected by the trial itself. Previous work has also included the use of one-arm trials augmented by the participants’ own natural history data, from which the future course of the disease in the absence of intervention can be predicted. Patient response can then be defined by the degree to which post-intervention observations are inconsistent with the predicted “natural” trajectory. While such trials offer obvious advantages in efficiency and ethical hazard (since they expose no new patients to a placebo, anathema to patients or their parents and caregivers), they can offer no protection against bias arising from the presence of any “placebo effect,” the tendency of patients to improve merely by being in the trial. In this paper, we investigate the impact of both static and transient placebo effects on one-arm responder studies of this type, as well as two-arm versions that incorporate a small concurrent placebo group but still borrow strength from the natural history data. We also propose more traditional Bayesian changepoint models that specify a parametric functional form for the patient’s post-intervention trajectory, which in turn allow quantification of the treatment benefit in terms of the model parameters, rather than semi-parametrically in terms of a response relative to some “null” model. We compare the operating characteristics of our designs in the context of an ongoing investigation of centronuclear myopathies (CNMs), a group of congenital neuromuscular diseases whose most common and severe form is X-linked, affecting approximately 1 in 50,000 newborn boys. Our results indicate our two-arm responder and changepoint methods can offer protection against placebo effects, improving power while protecting the trial’s Type I error rate. However, further research into innovative trial designs as well as ongoing dialog with regulatory authorities remain critically important in rare disease research

    Root-growth Inhibition of the Holorganic Layer of Moder Humus Under Spruce (picae-abies Karst) and Beech (fagus-silvatica L) .2. Biological Test and Organic-analysis of the Soil Solution

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    A test of root growth inhibition of spruce and beech roots, according to Lynch's procedure (1977), shows the inhibitory effects of soil solution extracted from the holorganic layers (Of2-Oh) under beech and spruce. Molecular gel filtration of soil solutions shows that the molecular weights vary over a wide range, from less than 100 to over 40,000 daltons. Chemical analysis, using CGC, HPLC and sometimes MS shows only negligible concentrations of simple aliphatic (C1-C5) and aromatic acids in the free state. Using the fraction scheme of Forsyth (1977) and the carbazole procedure, it is shown that uronic acids represent only a small percentage of the carboxylic acids, and have no inhibitory effects on root growth. By analogy with results of other authors, the presence of polycarboxylic acids in the soil solution are considered to be the main cause of root growth inhibition

    Distribución geoquímica de elementos traza en los sulfuros pirita y cinabrio y en las intercalaciones pizarrosas de la capa de San Nicolás. Yacimiento de Almaden (Ciudad Real)

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    The &#194;&#171;Cuarcita del Criadero&#194;&#187; of the Almad&#233;n ore Deposit is formed by two quartzitic zones, one upper and the other lower, separated by the denominated intermediate shales. The Upperr Quartzitic Zone comprises of the banging to the foot wall: the mineralized Iayer of &#194;&#171;San Nicol&#225;s&#194;&#187;, the mineralized layer of &#194;&#171;San Francisco&#194;&#187; and the Intermediate Quartzites whereas the Lower Quartzitic Zone contains the mineralized layer of &#194;&#171;San Pedro&#194;&#187;. In the present paper, we investigate, by means of plasma emission spectrometry by inductive coupling the distribution of certain trace elements, thirteen in pyrites, twelve in cinnabars and seventeen in the shaly strata of the mineralized layer of &#194;&#171;San Nicol&#225;s&#194;&#187;, in order to establish the geochemical character of the pyrite, cinnabar and of the shaly strata just as the origin of the two sulphides.<br><br>La &#194;&#171;Cuarcita del Criadero&#194;&#187; del yacimiento de Almad&#233;n est&#225; constituida por dos niveles cuarc&#237;ticos, superior e inferior, separados por las denominadas pizarras intermedias. La Cuarcita superior agrupa de techo a muro: la Capa de San Nicol&#225;s, la Capa de San Francisco y las Cuarcitas intermedias, mientras la Cuarcita inferior contiene la Capa de San Pedro. En el presente trabajo se estudian, mediante el an&#225;lisis por espectrometria de emisi&#243;n de plasma por acoplamiento inductivo, la distribuci&#243;n de ciertos elementos traza, trece en piritas, doce en cinabrios y diecisiete en interlaciones pizarrosas de la Capa de San Nicol&#225;s, para establecer el car&#225;cter geoqu&#237;mico de la pirita, del cinabrio y del material pizarrooso intercalado as&#237; como la g&#233;nesis de los dos sulfuros

    Penile urethral stricture disease

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