80 research outputs found

    Hommage Ă  Paul Dallier

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    Le reboisement sur rootage en plein et sur, bourrelets

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    Study of degradation mechanisms of black anodic films in simulated space environment

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    Black anodic films are used on aluminium alloys in space applications to provide specific thermo-optical properties to the surface. During the process, thermal and/or residual stresses can lead to crazing of the film in particular conditions. After thermal cycling performed to simulate the space environment, cases of film flaking have been observed. This constitutes potential risks for the satellite lifetime. Peel-test and scratch-test have been used to evaluate the evolution of the adhesion during ageing. For example, we showed that this phenomenon is due to crack propagation occurring at the beginning of ageing. A finite element model has then been developed to study more accurately the propagation mode of these cracks. Thermal stresses are likely to propagate cracks through the film in pure opening mode. When cracks are long enough, thermal stresses can generate propagation parallel to the interface. This would result in the decrease of the measured adhesion with a possibility of flaking

    Racines culturelles de la dépendance alcoolique en Irlande dans l'autobiographie de la mère de Brendan Behan

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    In order to explore the psychogenesis of alcoholic addiction, M. Monjauze analyses the autobiography of Kathleen Behan who had an alcoholic husband and several alcoholic sons, including the writer Brendan Behan. A cultural approach and a psychopathological approach emphasize the continuation of certain characteristics of Celtic culture by the Catholic culture which was superimposed. The resulting compromise may have excluded the erotic elements in the relationship, but otherwise tolerated alcoholisation under the aegis of an implicit matriarchy.Afin d'éclairer la psychogénèse de la dépendance alcoolique, M. Monjauze analyse l'autobiographie de Kathleen Behan, Irlandaise qui a eu un mari et plusieurs fils alcooliques, dont l'auteur Brendan Behan. Une lecture culturelle et une lecture psychopathologique mettent l'accent sur le maintien de certains éléments de la culture celtique par la culture catholique qui s'y est superposée. Le compromis qui en résulte aurait exclu les composantes érotiques de la relation, mais toléré en revanche l'alcoolisation sous l'égide d'un matriarcat implicite.Monjauze Michèle. Racines culturelles de la dépendance alcoolique en Irlande dans l'autobiographie de la mère de Brendan Behan. In: Études irlandaises, n°15-2, 1990. pp. 55-64

    Les alcooliques au test des trois personnages

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    Monjauze Michèle. Les alcooliques au test des trois personnages. In: Bulletin de psychologie, tome 45 n°406, 1992. Les méthodes projectives et leurs applications pratiques. pp. 466-469

    L'alcoolisme et la création

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    Monjauze Michèle. L'alcoolisme et la création. In: Bulletin de psychologie, tome 46 n°410, 1993. Psychologie de l'art. Tome I. pp. 253-260
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