3 research outputs found
Proizvodnja octa iz plodova biljke Myrciaria jaboticaba pomoću imobiliziranih bakterija octenog vrenja
Cell immobilization comprises the retention of metabolically active cells inside a polymeric matrix. In this study, the production of jabuticaba (Myrciaria jaboticaba) vinegar using immobilized Acetobacter aceti and Gluconobacter oxydans cells is proposed as a new method to prevent losses of jabuticaba fruit surplus. The pulp of jabuticaba was processed and Saccharomyces cerevisiae CCMA 0200 was used to ferment the must for jabuticaba wine production. Sugars, alcohols (ethanol and glycerol) and organic acids were assayed by high-performance liquid chromatography. Volatile compounds were determined by gas chromatography-flame ionization detector. The ethanol content of the produced jabuticaba wine was approx. 74.8 g/L (9.5 % by volume) after 168 h of fermentation. Acetic acid fermentation for vinegar production was performed using a mixed culture of immobilized A. aceti CCT 0190 and G. oxydans CCMA 0350 cells. The acetic acid yield was 74.4 % and productivity was 0.29 g/(L·h). The vinegar had particularly high concentrations of citric (6.67 g/L), malic (7.02 g/L) and succinic (5.60 g/L) acids. These organic acids give a suitable taste and flavour to the vinegar. Seventeen compounds (aldehydes, higher alcohols, terpene, acetate, diether, furans, acids, ketones and ethyl esters) were identified in the jabuticaba vinegar. In conclusion, vinegar was successfully produced from jabuticaba fruits using yeast and immobilized mixed cultures of A. aceti and G. oxydans. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study to use mixed culture of immobilized cells for the production of jabuticaba vinegar.Imobilizacija stanica podrazumijeva zadržavanje metabolički aktivnih stanica unutar polimernog matriksa. U radu je predložena nova metoda proizvodnje octa iz plodova biljke Myrciaria jaboticaba pomoću imobiliziranih stanica bakterija Acetobacter aceti i Gluconobacter oxydans, za sprečavanje gubitaka u proizvodnji tog voća zbog viška plodova. Fermentacijom voćne pulpe pomoću kvasca Saccharomyces cerevisiae CCMA 0200 nastao je mošt, koji je zatim upotrijebljen za proizvodnju vina. Koncentracije šećera, alkohola (etanola i glicerola) i organskih kiselina u vinu određene su visokodjelotvornom tekućinskom kromatografijom, a koncentracije hlapljivih spojeva plinskom kromatografijom s plameno- -ionizacijskim detektorom. Koncentracija etanola u proizvedenom vinu bila je otprilike 74,8 g/L (volumni udjel 9,5 %) nakon 168 sati fermentacije. Pomoću mješovite kulture imobilizoranih stanica bakterija A. aceti CCT 0190 i G. oxydans CCM 0350 proizveden je ocat. Dobiven je prinos octene kiseline od 74,4 %, a produktivnost je postupka iznosila 0,29 g/(L·h). Proizvedeni ocat imao je izrazito velike koncentracije limunske (6,67 g/L), jabučne (7,02 g/L) i sukcinske kiseline (5,60 g/L). Te su mu organske kiseline dale prikladan okus i aromu. Identificirano je 17 različitih spojeva (aldehida, viših alkohola, terpena, acetata, dietera, furana, kiselina, ketona i etilnih estera) u octu. Zaključeno je da je ocat uspješno proizveden iz plodova biljke Myrciaria jaboticaba pomoću kvasca i imobilizirane mješovite kulture A. aceti i G. oxydans. Prema našim saznanjima, ovo je prvo istraživanje u kojem su za proizvodnju octa iz plodova biljke Myrciaria jaboticaba upotrebljene imobilizirane stanice mješovite kulture bakterija
Vinegar Production from Jabuticaba (Myrciaria jaboticaba) Fruit Using Immobilized Acetic Acid Bacteria
Cell immobilization comprises the retention of metabolically active cells inside a polymeric matrix. In this study, the production of jabuticaba (Myrciaria jaboticaba) vinegar using immobilized Acetobacter aceti and Gluconobacter oxydans cells is proposed as a new method to prevent losses of jabuticaba fruit surplus. The pulp of jabuticaba was processed and Saccharomyces cerevisiae CCMA 0200 was used to ferment the must for jabuticaba wine production. Sugars, alcohols (ethanol and glycerol) and organic acids were assayed by high-performance liquid chromatography. Volatile compounds were determined by gas chromatography-flame ionization detector. The ethanol content of the produced jabuticaba wine was approx. 74.8 g/L (9.5 % by volume) after 168 h of fermentation. Acetic acid fermentation for vinegar production was performed using a mixed culture of immobilized A. aceti CCT 0190 and G. oxydans CCMA 0350 cells. The acetic acid yield was 74.4 % and productivity was 0.29 g/(L·h). The vinegar had particularly high concentrations of citric (6.67 g/L), malic (7.02 g/L) and succinic (5.60 g/L) acids. These organic acids give a suitable taste and flavour to the vinegar. Seventeen compounds (aldehydes, higher alcohols, terpene, acetate, diether, furans, acids, ketones and ethyl esters) were identified in the jabuticaba vinegar. In conclusion, vinegar was successfully produced from jabuticaba fruits using yeast and immobilized mixed cultures of A. aceti and G. oxydans. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study to use mixed culture of immobilized cells for the production of jabuticaba vinegar