33 research outputs found


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    Pollinic characterization of species of the botanic family Rutaceae Juss. Caracterização polínica de espécies da família botânica Rutaceae Juss.

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    Species of the family Rutaceae Juss are used in the food and pharmaceutical industry, for their edible fruits and multiple medicinal properties. Aiming to complete the characterization of commercially important fruit species grown in Brazil, of melissopalynological interest, the following species were analyzed: Citrus deliciosa Ten., C. grandis (L.) Osbeck, C. limettioides Tan., C. limon (L.) Burm, C. paradisi Macfad., Citrus x sinensis var. açucar (L.) Osbeck x Citrus sinensis var. sanguinea (Engl.) Engl. and Fortunella japonica (Thunb.) Swingle. The pollen grains were prepared by acetolysis method for permanent slides. The pollen grains of all species showed up in monads, isopolars, with reticulate exine, prolate-spheroidal predominant form, mainly under circular and rectangular ambitus, radial and bilateral symmetry, average size, exine thickness from 1.68 to 3.20 μm, number of apertures between 3 to 5. Variations in relation to characterization of the group may be related to changes due to random or purposeful crosses for selection and improvement of crop plants. Keywords: Bee plant; citrus; pollen; slide collection

    Diptera survey in human corpses in the north of the state of Santa Catarina, Brazil

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    Aiming to verify the species associated with the decomposition process carried out by necrophagous insects in human bodies, 11 species of dipterans were collected in 10 distinct cadavers from April 2014 to March 2016, resulting in individuals of the families Calliphoridae (Calliphora lopesi (Mello, 1962), Chrysomya megacephala (Fabricius, 1794), Chrysomya albiceps (Wiedemann, 1819), Hemilucilia segmentaria (Fabricius, 1805), Hemilucilia semidiaphana (Rondani, 1850), Lucilia cuprina (Wiedemann, 1830) and Lucilia eximia (Wiedemann, 1819)), Sarcophagidae (Peckia (Euboettcheria) australis (Fabricius, 1805) and Peckia (Sarcodexia) lambens (Wiedemann, 1830)), Muscidae (Muscidae sp.) and Stratiomyidae (Hermetia illucens (L. 1758)). Regarding the seasonality, dipterans were found in corpses in the four seasons, with distinct richness in each one. Dipterans were observed in corpses in all phases of decomposition (coloration, gaseous, colliquative and remains), the greater richness being verified in the gaseous phase. The data demonstrate differences in ecological succession, evidencing specialization of the insects found in relation to seasonality and the decomposition phase

    Diversidade de avifauna urbana em Joinville, Santa Catarina

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    Visando complementar dados sobre a avifauna urbana de Joinville, foram realizados, de outubro de 2016 a maio de 2018, caminhamentos dentro da área do campus da Universidade da Região de Joinville, com identificação das espécies por visualização, registros fotográficos e playback. Foram levantadas 107 espécies (mais de 17% do total de espécies de Santa Catarina). As famílias Tyranidae e Thraupidae apresentaram a maior riqueza. Nove espécies encontram-se em algum nível de ameaça, 12 são consideradas endêmicas do Brasil e, destas, três são endêmicas de mata atlântica. Verificaram-se espécies migratórias das famílias Accipitridae, Hirundinidae, Motacillidae, Tyrannidae e Vireonidae. Observou-se nidificação das espécies Gallinula galeata e Tyrannus savana, além de indivíduos imaturos de Herpsilochmus rufimarginatus e Pyrocephalus rubinus. Foi registrada a ocorrência de indivíduos de Fluvicola nengeta, espécie rara em Santa Catarina, e de duas espécies exóticas: Estrilda astrild e Passer domesticus. Notou-se a ausência de Sporophila frontalis, apontada para a área em estudos anteriores. Predominaram espécies insetívoras, onívoras e frugívoras, decrescentemente. Os índices de diversidade e equabilidade mostraram valores relevantes. A curva de acumulação de espécies e os estimadores de riqueza indicam maiores valores de diversidade. Áreas de conservação próximas ao campus podem explicar a riqueza avifaunística

    Le peuplement d’abeilles et la flore associée en forêt pluviale de plaine et en mangrove dans le sud du Brésil

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    Ce travail propose une première caractérisation de la biodiversité de l’apifaune (groupe des apiformes) et de la flore dans une zone protégée du sud du Brésil. Notamment, nous avons observé les interactions entre abeilles et fleurs dans les deux biotopes de la zone, la plaine côtière et la mangrove. Pour cela nous avons échantillonné les abeilles par des captures au filet entomologique et des piégeages dans des coupelles colorées. Nous avons dénombré 60 espèces d’abeilles appartenant aux familles Apidae, Megachilidae et Halictidae. La courbe de raréfaction des espèces d'abeilles s´est maintenue en hausse et les estimateurs de richesse montrent 84 et 104 espèces potentielles. Les familles Colletidae et Andrenidae n´ont pas été rencontrées. Des espèces d’abeilles cleptoparasites ont été collectées: Leiopodus lacertinus (Protepeolini), Sphecodes sp. (Halictini) et Coelioxys sp. (Megachilini). Des nids de Trigona braueri, Tetragonisca angustula, Oxytrigona tataíra, Plebeia saiqui (Meliponini), Euglossa iopoecila (Euglossini) et Melitoma segmentaria (Emphorini) ont été trouvés dans les arbres. Une espèce d’abeille de distribution restreinte, Euglossa anodorhynchi (Euglossini) et une nouvelle occurrence, Paroxystoglossa brachycera (Augochlorini), ont été recensées. L’apifaune est très similaire (coefficient de similarité) à celles déjà notées pour d’autres plaines côtières de la région. Les abeilles ont visité 49 espèces de plantes de 28 familles, spécialement Asteraceae, Convolvulaceae et Anacardiaceae. Des interactions d’abeilles ont été vérifiées avec des espèces botaniques de mangrove : Avicennia schaueriana Stapf & Leechm. ex Moldenke (Acanthaceae), Laguncularia racemosa (L.) CFGaertn. (Combretaceae) et Talipariti pernambucense Arruda (Bovini) (Malvaceae).The present paper is a first characterization of apifauna richness in relation to flora in a protected area in southern Brazil. For that bee-plant interactions were observed in the two main habitats of the area: coastal plain and mangrove. Bees were sampled with entomological nets and pan traps. The survey resulted in 60 species of the families Apidae, Megachilidae and Halictidae. The bee species sampling sufficiency curve remained on the rise and the richness estimators showed 84 and 104 potential species. Colletidae and Andrenidae families were not found. Cleptoparasites bee species were sampled: Leiopodus lacertinus (Protepeolini), Sphecodes sp. (Halictini) and Coelioxys sp. (Megachilini). Nests of Trigona braueri, Tetragonisca angustula, Oxytrigona tataíra, Plebeia saiqui (Meliponini), Euglossa iopoecila (Euglossini) and Melitoma segmentaria (Emphorini) were found in trees. A bee species with restricted distribution, Euglossa anodorhynchi (Euglossini) and a new occurrence, Paroxystoglossa brachycera (Halictidae, Augochlorini), were found. Bee fauna was very similar (coefficient of similarity) to that of other coastal plain environments in the study area. Bees visited 49 plant species of 28 families, especially Asteraceae, Convolvulaceae and Anacardiaceae. There were interactions of bees with plant species of mangrove habitats: Avicennia schaueriana Stapf & Leechm. ex Moldenke (Acanthaceae), Laguncularia racemosa (L.) C.F.Gaertn. (Combretaceae) and Talipariti pernambucense Arruda (Bovini) (Malvaceae

    The bee community (Hymenoptera, Apidae) of Ilha Grande, Babitonga bay, Santa Catarina State, Brazil: structure, insularity and interaction network

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    Island biotic communities tend to be less diverse than mainland communities. This work aimed to describe the bee community of Ilha Grande, Babitonga Bay, Santa Catarina, Brazil, and its interactions with floral resources. Entomological net-sweeps were used to collect bees in flight or on flowering plants for 7 hours a day, monthly, for two years. A total of 785 specimens were sampled in the field, belonging to 50 species or morphotypes with four indeterminate individuals. The most representative subfamilies were Apinae (58.59%), Halictinae (40.43%), Colletinae (0.8%) and Megachilinae (0.1%), while the most abundant species were Apis mellifera (305 individuals), Dialictus sp. 1 (182) and Dialictus sp. 2 (32). The presence of Apis mellifera decreased diversity throughout the year. Relative abundance and richness of Halictinae were greater on the island on mainland. Richness of Apinae was lower on the island than that on the mainland due to the absence of Meliponina. A total of 55 botanical species were identified in association with bees, with Schinus terebinthifolius (105 visits) being the most visited. Interaction network metrics indicate an asymmetric, nested, and poorly specialized network. The results corroborate the Theory of Island Biogeography and demonstrate little interference/favoring of some taxa as well as the absence of others

    Bee community and trophic resources in Joinville, Santa Catarina

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    Aiming to verify the relationships between native bees and floral resources in an urban area, their interactions were observed in Joinville, state of Santa Catarina, southern Brazil. Observations were established, lasting 8 hours daily, during different periods from 2009 to 2015. Bees and plants, after preparation, were identified and registered in a database. We sampled 3,073 bees, all of which 1042 were wild native species. The collected bees are included in 34 species and 44 morphospecies (Halictinae-35, Megachilinae-17, Apinae non corbiculate-15, Apinae corbiculate- 10, Andreninae-1). With the exception of Apis mellifera, the most abundant bee taxa sampled were Trigona spinipes (330 individuals), Xylocopa brasilianorum (92) and Pseudaugochlora graminea (92). Euglossini females and species poorly sampled in inventories such as Leiopodus lacertinus, Thygater (Thygater) armandoi, Anthodioctes megachiloides and Coelioxys aculeaticeps were captured. The bees were sampled over 83 botanical species of 38 families. The most visited botanical families were Lamiaceae and Asteraceae. The richness of the studied area is lower than those of other nearby compared places, indicating probably a decrease of the apifauna. The found diversity previews the place as a possible refuge

    Diversidade de abelhas silvestres (Hymenoptera: Apoidea) em floresta ombrófila mista em Santa Catarina, Brasil

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    Em floresta ombrófila mista (FOM), a apifauna silvestre é relevante em diversidade. Visando conhecer a apifauna de Rio Negrinho (SC), realizou-se um levantamento das espécies de abelhas e suas fontes florais em FOM. O estudo ocorreu em duas áreas rurais: área I (Fazenda Velha), com cultivos, pastagens, reflorestamentos, matas ciliares e fragmentos de FOM nativa, e área II (Mosteiro Trapista), com área verde de entorno. As abelhas foram coletadas com redes entomológicas e pratos armadilhas. As plantas associadas às abelhas foram fotografadas e coletadas. Todos os materiais foram processados para preservação e identificação. As coletas ocorreram de agosto de 2018 a julho de 2019. Amostraram-se 983 indivíduos de 72 táxons de abelhas e 55 espécies de plantas (48 gêneros e 30 famílias). O índice de diversidade de ShannonWiener resultou em 1,43 (área I) e 1,95 (área II). A dominância de Simpson (1-D) resultou em 0,62 (área I) e 0,69 (área II). A equabilidade de Pielou resultou em 0,41 (área I) e 0,49 (área II). As curvas de acumulação de espécies não se estabilizaram para nenhuma das duas áreas. Os estimadores de riqueza Jackknife 1 e 2, Bootstrap e Chao 2 indicam riqueza maior do que a amostrada. As redes de interações evidenciaram 472 interações para a área I e 342 para a área II. O conhecimento sobre a apifauna e as plantas melíferas da região oferece informações concretas para a conservação e a recuperação de ecossistemas de floresta ombrófila mista

    Pollinic characterization of Raulinoa echinata R. S. Cowan (Rutaceae), Dyckia brevifolia Baker and Dyckia ibiramensis Reitz (Bromeliaceae), reophyte and saxicolous endemic species of river Itajaí-Açu, Santa Catarina, Brazil

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    Aiming to contribute with elements about the reproduction of the reophytes Raulinoa echinata, Dyckia brevifolia and Dyckia ibiramensis as well as to support their taxonomic definition,  their pollinic characterization was carried out. Fresh pollen grains were prepared by acetolysis. Observations occurred on a light microscope and a scanning electron microscope. Measures were done of the polar (P) and equatorial diameters (E) and thickness of the exine and are expressed as means in micrometers. R. echinata: monad; radial symmetry; medium size; P=49,07±3,33; E=33,95±3,94; prolate (ratio P / E); ambitus subtriangular; 3-aperturated with long colpi and lalongate endoapertures; exine striated with  thickness 1.54 ± 0,32. Dyckia brevifolia: monad; bilateral symmetry; medium size; P=25,16 ± 3,02; E=43,16±3,50 x 28,12±3,26; ambitus elliptical; monoaperturated with one long sulcus; exine reticulate with thickness 1,66 ± 0,31. D. ibiramensis: monad; bilateral symmetry; medium size; P=29,54±3,17; E=42,36±3,60 x 28,43±3,38; ambitus elliptical; monoaperturated with one long sulcus; exine reticulate with thickness 1,73 ± 0,28. Data obtained can allow to verify hydrophily for the three species as well as suggest Raulinoa proximity with Metrodorea and Esenbeckia (both Pilocarpinae) and confirm D. brevifolia e D. ibiramensis to Pitcairnioideae.