637 research outputs found

    Phase diagram of the bose Hubbard model

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    The first reliable analytic calculation of the phase diagram of the bose gas on a dd-dimensional lattice with on-site repulsion is presented. In one dimension, the analytic calculation is in excellent agreement with the numerical Monte Carlo results. In higher dimensions, the deviations from the Monte Carlo calculations are larger, but the correct shape of the Mott insulator lobes is still obtained. Explicit expressions for the energy of the Mott and the ``defect'' phase are given in a strong-coupling expansion.Comment: RevTeX 3.

    Study of the charge correlation function in one-dimensional Hubbard heterostructures

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    We study inhomogeneous one-dimensional Hubbard systems using the density matrix renormalization group method. Different heterostructures are investigated whose configuration is modeled varying parameters like the on-site Coulomb potential and introducing local confining potentials. We investigate their Luttinger liquid properties through the parameter K_rho, which characterizes the decay of the density-density correlation function at large distances. Our main goal is the investigation of possible realization of engineered materials and the ability to manipulate physical properties by choosing an appropriate spatial and/or chemical modulation.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figure

    Lattice susceptibility for 2D Hubbard Model within dual fermion method

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    In this paper, we present details of the dual fermion (DF) method to study the non-local correction to single site DMFT. The DMFT two-particle Green's function is calculated using continuous time quantum monte carlo (CT-QMC) method. The momentum dependence of the vertex function is analyzed and its renormalization based on the Bethe-Salpeter equation is performed in particle-hole channel. We found a magnetic instability in both the dual and the lattice fermions. The lattice fermion susceptibility is calculated at finite temperature in this method and also in another recently proposed method, namely dynamical vertex approximation (DΓ\GammaA). The comparison between these two methods are presented in both weak and strong coupling region. Compared to the susceptibility from quantum monte carlo (QMC) simulation, both of them gave satisfied results.Comment: 10 pages, 11 figure

    Fictive Impurity Approach to Dynamical Mean Field Theory: a Strong-Coupling Investigation

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    Quantum Monte Carlo and semiclassical methods are used to solve two and four site cluster dynamical mean field approximations to the square lattice Hubbard model at half filling and strong coupling. The energy, spin correlation function, phase boundary and electron spectral function are computed and compared to available exact results. The comparision permits a quantitative assessment of the ability of the different methods to capture the effects of intersite spin correlations. Two real space methods and one momentum space representation are investigated. One of the two real space methods is found to be significantly worse: in it, convergence to the correct results is found to be slow and, for the spectral function, nonuniform in frequency, with unphysical midgap states appearing. Analytical arguments are presented showing that the discrepancy arises because the method does not respect the pole structure of the self energy of the insulator. Of the other two methods, the momentum space representation is found to provide the better approximation to the intersite terms in the energy but neither approximation is particularly acccurate and the convergence of the momentum space method is not uniform. A few remarks on numerical methods are made.Comment: Errors in previous versions corrected; CDMFT results adde

    Spin-charge separation in ultra-cold quantum gases

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    We investigate the physical properties of quasi-1D quantum gases of fermion atoms confined in harmonic traps. Using the fact that for a homogeneous gas, the low energy properties are exactly described by a Luttinger model, we analyze the nature and manifestations of the spin-charge separation. Finally we discuss the necessary physical conditions and experimental limitations confronting possible experimental implementations.Comment: 4 pages, revtex4, 2 eps figure

    Finding the Minimum-Weight k-Path

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    Given a weighted nn-vertex graph GG with integer edge-weights taken from a range [−M,M][-M,M], we show that the minimum-weight simple path visiting kk vertices can be found in time \tilde{O}(2^k \poly(k) M n^\omega) = O^*(2^k M). If the weights are reals in [1,M][1,M], we provide a (1+ε)(1+\varepsilon)-approximation which has a running time of \tilde{O}(2^k \poly(k) n^\omega(\log\log M + 1/\varepsilon)). For the more general problem of kk-tree, in which we wish to find a minimum-weight copy of a kk-node tree TT in a given weighted graph GG, under the same restrictions on edge weights respectively, we give an exact solution of running time \tilde{O}(2^k \poly(k) M n^3) and a (1+ε)(1+\varepsilon)-approximate solution of running time \tilde{O}(2^k \poly(k) n^3(\log\log M + 1/\varepsilon)). All of the above algorithms are randomized with a polynomially-small error probability.Comment: To appear at WADS 201
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