34 research outputs found

    The Fiscal Dimension of the Environment Policy

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    Present for the first time on the European order of business at the beginning of the ‘70s, the concern for the environment gains a distinctive nature as the Rome Club signalled the diminishing of the natural resources and the rapid deterioration of the quality of water, air and soil, of climate in general. Starting with 1972 the community environment policy was created and developed as one of the most important common policies. Although it does not match the funding for the regional or the agricultural policies, the environment policy has become important due to the fact that it has to be approached when conceiving and applying the rest of community policies. The sustainable development strategy, the way it was adopted and (re)confirmed at the international summits in the last two decades (Rio – 1992, Johannesburg – 2002 and the Kyoto protocol), has become the main element of action of the environment policy measures. The preoccupation for nature precedes and accompanies all actions and orientations of social and economic policies because it is motivated by the care for the primordial heritage of the future generations: the planet’s health. The environment policy reflects the interest of the entire society in nature and the numerous green movements, environment organizations and political parties, that display a successful raise on the political arena, express the evolution of mentalities and attitudes as well as the degree of accountability of the governors and the governed towards this vital aspect for the present and the future.environment taxes, modern strategy of environment protection, environment investments, environment fund, ecological taxes, spilling/emissions dues, noise dues, product dues

    The Fiscal Dimension of the Environment Policy

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    Present for the first time on the European order of business at the beginning of the ‘70s, the concern for the environment gains a distinctive nature as the Rome Club signalled the diminishing of the natural resources and the rapid deterioration of the quality of water, air and soil, of climate in general. Starting with 1972 the community environment policy was created and developed as one of the most important common policies. Although it does not match the funding for the regional or the agricultural policies, the environment policy has become important due to the fact that it has to be approached when conceiving and applying the rest of community policies. The sustainable development strategy, the way it was adopted and (re)confirmed at the international summits in the last two decades (Rio – 1992, Johannesburg – 2002 and the Kyoto protocol), has become the main element of action of the environment policy measures. The preoccupation for nature precedes and accompanies all actions and orientations of social and economic policies because it is motivated by the care for the primordial heritage of the future generations: the planet’s health. The environment policy reflects the interest of the entire society in nature and the numerous green movements, environment organizations and political parties, that display a successful raise on the political arena, express the evolution of mentalities and attitudes as well as the degree of accountability of the governors and the governed towards this vital aspect for the present and the future.environment taxes, modern strategy of environment protection, environment investments, environment fund, ecological taxes, spilling/emissions dues, noise dues, product dues

    The Fiscal Dimension of the Environment Policy

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    Present for the first time on the European order of business at the beginning of the ‘70s, the concern for the environment gains a distinctive nature as the Rome Club signalled the diminishing of the natural resources and the rapid deterioration of the quality of water, air and soil, of climate in general. Starting with 1972 the community environment policy was created and developed as one of the most important common policies. Although it does not match the funding for the regional or the agricultural policies, the environment policy has become important due to the fact that it has to be approached when conceiving and applying the rest of community policies. The sustainable development strategy, the way it was adopted and (re)confirmed at the international summits in the last two decades (Rio – 1992, Johannesburg – 2002 and the Kyoto protocol), has become the main element of action of the environment policy measures. The preoccupation for nature precedes and accompanies all actions and orientations of social and economic policies because it is motivated by the care for the primordial heritage of the future generations: the planet’s health. The environment policy reflects the interest of the entire society in nature and the numerous green movements, environment organizations and political parties, that display a successful raise on the political arena, express the evolution of mentalities and attitudes as well as the degree of accountability of the governors and the governed towards this vital aspect for the present and the future

    Controversies and Challenges along the Access - Absorption Route of the European Structural Funds

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    According to Copenhagen criteria, any country formulating its option to adhere at the European Union has the obligation to meet a series of requirements: - the consolidation and the stability of the fundamental institutions that guarantee the lawful state and the human rights; - a functional and competitive market economy on the model of the traditional developed economies; - the reform of the administrative structures in order to ensure the country’s compatibility with the status of member state, which involves assuming, accepting and reaching the objectives of the Union from a political, economic and monetary perspective. Therefore, the social and economic convergence and cohesion constitutes the essential working principles of the Union and, at the same time, they contain the quintessence of the operating reason of the structural European funds, equally oriented during the pre- and post-adherence stage, as true and efficient tools of implementation of the regional policies. Co-opted in this continental construction at a moment of real integration effervescence, which took place simultaneously with the expansion of the Union’s space, Romania stated its pro-western option without hesitation and, as a result, it aligned its entire social and economic organism to the European institutional and behavioral biorhythm.Structural European Funds; Access; Absorption;, Communitary Budget

    Convergence to EMU through the Test of the Public Finance –Romania’s Budgetary Deficit and Public Debt

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    The convergence criteria group together those macro variables whose dimensions mean to put in good use, to potentiate and to strengthen the major benefits of integration, as their configuration, either before and especially after the adhesion in EU, represents strict and compulsory requirements for each state. The very reason stands in the strategic target of adopting euro currency, as an advanced phase of the integration which thus brings together the negative integration – meaning the abolition of the various obstacles in common market functioning -, with the positive integration – that means that minimum action of the public authority mainly aimed to ensure the coordination and harmonization of the economic policies. Either budgetary deficit and public debt contain the quintessence of the convergence efforts in taking into account the public finance, since both indicators exhaustively mirror the government’s administration and interventionism, and reflect its practices and macroeconomic policies strategies. At the same time, they contain information and facilitate estimation and prognosis concerning not only that country’s estate and future, but the Union’s stability and future as well, since it represents an integrated system of many countries, a unitary whole of common goals and interests. The globalization is the outstanding economy’s characteristic either in present and future tense, which is a fact obviously confirmed by the propagated negative effects of the recent financial crises. The increasing importance of evaluating each country’s budgetary deficit and public debt, as much as each country is a part of a whole, is henceforth a reliable link for the member states of this great system. The globalization also favours the access and the extension of a multitude and various risks, which are able to penetrate through any split of any size. These public finance indicators are instruments enabled to operate as a primary and decisive court meant to signal and to preview the threatens against the system’s structure and stability, to prevent and remove these dangers, and also to heal long-term and bad effects.budgetary deficit, public debt, the convergence criteria

    Romanian Pattern in Absorption and Management of European Structural Funds : A Critical Analysis

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    Abstract. The decisions in the cohesion policy have a significant impact upon the offer and supply, in a way that, under the influence of the multipliers, they constantly reconfigure the components of the internal consumption (such as investments, private consumption and imports), and the components of the final output and national income as well. Because of the short-term synergy effects of these actions, which determines the structure and the quality of the potential offer, the substantiation of these decisions ensure more importance and complexity concerning the responsibility of the macroeconomic management. The allotting of cohesion and structural funds is one of the significant directions of implementation of the budgetary policy of redistribution through the European Union budget. As essential instruments in making the expenses for structural adjustment and harmonization operations, these funds are meant to homogenize and consolidate an as high as possible social and economic standard in that particular beneficiary states. Since the greatest part of these funds is directed through the central national budgets, these have to be large enough and the governmental management – sufficiently well structured and responsible, so as to ensure both the necessary co-funding in applying the projects, and the implementation of the wish for prosperity of the fund benefiting community.structural funds, cohesion policy, institutional responsibility, access, absorption

    Romanian Pattern in Absorption and Management of European Structural Funds - A Critical Analysis -

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    The decisions in the cohesion policy have a significant impact upon the offer and supply, in a way that, under the influence of the multipliers, they constantly reconfigure the components of the internal consumption (such as investments, private consumption and imports), and the components of the final output and national income as well. Because of the short-term synergy effects of these actions, which determines the structure and the quality of the potential offer, the substantiation of these decisions ensure more importance and complexity concerning the responsibility of the macroeconomic management. The allotting of cohesion and structural funds is one of the significant directions of implementation of the budgetary policy of redistribution through the European Union budget. As essential instruments in making the expenses for structural adjustment and harmonization operations, these funds are meant to homogenize and consolidate an as high as possible social and economic standard in that particular beneficiary states. Since the greatest part of these funds is directed through the central national budgets, these have to be large enough and the governmental management – sufficiently well structured and responsible, so as to ensure both the necessary cofunding in applying the projects, and the implementation of the wish for prosperity of the fund benefiting community.structural funds, cohesion policy, institutional responsibility, access, absorption

    Performance and Changes Evaluation & Management: Ways of Development in Banking Institutions

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    As best as one can say from historical records, banking is the oldest of all financialservices professions. After a comprehensive history, that included both several decades of totalitarian regime and natural business and banks failures caused by the transitional process, Romania already developed a solid banking system, based upon new modern rules, following hard and thorough routes to catch-up the gap that communism created between the country and the other democratic economies. Usually, identifying a target represents only the beginning of development and consequently, changes. Development presupposes both establishing a purpose and a clear image of reality. Once we understand where we want to go and it is clear where we stand, we can become creative and move forward. The challenge we are facing is to constantly be aware of and to simultaneously understand the reality and our target. The distance between the current reality and the target creates a tension called creative tension, which is the beginning of another creative process during which changes are implemented and new performances are expected. But organizations are not static, they always experience various transformations. Any change, including office rearrangements, transformations of the production process by introducing a different technology and changes in the management are multiple causes, internal and/or external, and generate disorder or even radical turnovers. The issue bellow is an analysis of the performance evaluation and the corresponding steps that a banking institution manager should make in order to prepare changes and thus, to develop the organisation subsequently.banking, banking institution, performance management, changes management, motivation, criteria of performance evaluation, management of people

    Fiscal Evasion – Principal Cause and Consequence of the Romanian Gradual Transition

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    Unknown or almost nonexistent till ’90 years, the phenomenon of tax evasion had abundantly flourished in the Romania’s transitional economy, covering all its fields with black spots, under many, various and harmful appearance. The first laws stipulating the profit and the salary taxes also had revealed the appetite of the contributors for the tax evasion, in a small measure at the beginning, of course, because of the economic spirit of those years. After the regulations for the value added tax and the excise taxes, as well as due to the innumerable modifications of the fiscal legislation, the fiscal evasion knew a considerable development and diversification, greatly stimulated by the controversies between the fiscal and the bureaucratic pressure.tax evasion, tax avoidance, fraud, fiscal ability, fiscal law, black economy

    Romanians’ Public Debts Saga

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    By the end of 2009, a very cold breath of austerity was blowing from the European financial and banking system and thoroughly was touching every Member State’s economy, but only for some of them perspective of this severe situation is called bankruptcy frequently. By the spring of this year (2010 – author’s note), Greece’s financial problems set all the Europeans governments on fire and, according on the most worrying news alerts, Germany was terribly angry and eager to treat this country as an undisciplined schoolchild. Many and heavy financial disasters are forecast for other countries as well, and it seems that Spain’s, Portugal’s or Italy’s Mediterranean structure and behaviour would be the reason, since these countries are in pretty identical trouble just like Greece. The ex-communist recently EU Member States, that are united into the so-called platoon of the emergent economies, rapidly detected their own vulnerabilities and their well-known resources leakages. Then, in the old-time verified and practiced tradition of “cuts and poverty under oppression” which communism taught them well, they were abruptly compelled to conform and to adopt dreadful austerity measures. Although among them, Romania is again a special case, taking into account but the heavy burden of the 80’s unbelievable sacrifices and privations, which the population endured because of the totalitarian decision of paying its whole debt. The paper reveals and analyses that, despite the actual context and the political circumstances which are totally different, Romania applied an unprecedentedly severe plan of cuts and privations, installing a general and bitter sensation of déjà-vu, instead of living and feeling the European membership status