16 research outputs found

    Evaluation of some Selections Obtained in the Strawberry Breeding Program

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    The strawberry (Fragaria x ananassa Duch.) is a fruit species of interest to growers and consumers due to the early ripening of the fruits, high yields and special nutritional qualities (high content of minerals and vitamins). The paper evaluates the performance of 14 selections from Romanian strawberry breeding and a Romanian cultivar ('Premial') of strawberry under field conditions during 2021-2023. The characteristics evaluated are: phenological data, yield (g/plant), average fruit weight (g), firmness (N), shape, color, soluble solid content and pH. Based on the data obtained, from the 14 selections, it was proposed to introduce into next stages for evaluation those that recorded over 500 g/plant and over 20 g/fruit, namely: '16-3-188', '16-2-12', '16-3-170', '16-3-123'


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    The breeding programs of the European countries are based on biotypes from wild flora, because they are the true sources of genes. These genes are able to print in the future cultivars resistance to diseases, pests and climatic stress, and also fruits with the best flavor and phytoterapeutic resources. In this aim, Research Institute for Fruit Growing Pitesti-Maracineni conducted numerous studies of exploring the wild flora in different areas of the country. Following these expeditions were identified numerous biotypes of cornelian cherry, rosehip and seabuckthorn. All these native biotypes were subjected to studies of phenology, productivity, and quality of fruits. These researches identified the highest productivity in the following biotypes: MS-40 (cornelian cherry), RC-CN (rose hip) and MPR2P3 (seabuckthorn)

    Pollen Viability and Germination Capacity of Some Strawberry Genotypes

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    Pollen viability and germination capacity of strawberry genotypes were investigated using fresh pollen at 24°C. On 2012 environmental conditions of spring, the pollen viability rates showed significant differences from 2.85% up to 84.46% according to different genotypes. Under in vitro conditions the pollen proved different levels of germination using 1.5 g agar + 15 g sucrose + 0,01 g boric acid medium and incubation for 6-8 hours. For preliminary evaluation of strawberry genitors and cross – pollination, both characteristics are important indicators


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    In Romania, the breeding program for currant begun 60 years ago. Till now from autochthon black currant breeding program were obtained six black currant cultivars. The most cultivated Romanian black currant cultivars are Abanos and Deea. But the requirements of the growers and consumers are in continues change. Therefore it is very important the study of local varieties, domestic and foreign ones, to find sources for new varieties resistant to diseases and pathogens also with good quality of fruit, economically valuable. In the present paper we are presenting seven quality indicators to six black currant genotypes to identify new valuable resources for our actual breeding program. The study was conducted at RIFG Pitesti, Romania, during 2011-2034, in a subdivided plot design with factorial arrangement 6x3, after the following experimental scheme: A Factor - genotypes, with six graduations: a1=10-10-40, a2=10-10-38, a3=10-10-10, a4=10-10-42, a5=10-2-16, a6=10-2-3. B Factor-the study year, with 3 graduations b1=2011, b2=2012, b3=2013. For quantifying the fruit quality characteristics, some biometric fruit quality indicators were made. Over the studied period the genotype 10-2-16 recorded the highest size index value (27.53 mm) and the genotype 10-2-3 recorded the lowest value (23.56) to the same indicator. The higher fruits firmness (0.90 N) and average weight of fruits (0.86g) were recorded also to genotype 10-2-16. The data were statistically calculated by ANOVA-method, using Duncan Test. (p=0.05)


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    The fruits quality as a fresh product, must meet the higher quality standards, this is the primary criterion in decision-making of consumers purchase. Even if the fruits appearance is characterized by some properties like size, shape, color, the absence or the presence of the defects, however any factor affecting these traits is very important. Therefore the creation of the genotypes with high commercial impact is one of the main objectives of the breeding research. In order to achieve this objective, in 2000 were achieved 27 cross-combinations. From the hybrids obtained in the process of breeding, the most valuable genotypes were selected and multiplied. In the spring of 2004 these genotypes were planted in an experimental plot and standard cultural practices were applied. In the period 2010-2012 was carried out a study on the biometric quality standards of the fruit in order to identify the most valuable genotypes. Over the studied period the genotype E04/ 5-2 fruits recorded the highest size index value (22.81), the highest average fruit weight (8,22g) and a soluble solids content of 15.27%. The data were statistically processed with Duncan’s multiple range test (p≤0.05)


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    In Romania the blueberry breeding program started in 1982 and till now was conducted by dr. Paulina Mladin. For inducing the variability, different genetic resources of American blueberry cultivars (V. corymbosum, V. angustifolium) were involved in a high number of crosses. For identify the genotype with the best fruit quality, some biometric quality indicators (average fruit weight, size index) and basically chemical compounds of fruits including ascorbic acid, dry matter, ash, soluble solids, total sugar, titratable acidity, tanoid substances, pectic substances, protein crude, phosphorus and potassium were determined. Of the eleven chemical studied properties who reflected the fruits quality, for five of them were found no statistically significant differences. The purpose of this paper work was to evaluate fruit quality and to identify the valuable genotypes resulted from Romanian blueberry breeding program


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    The major factors influencing the strawberries quality are the genotype, culture technology, climatic conditions and harvest time. In Romania consumers like strawberry fruits especially picked in May to June season, in that period having better appearance, nutritional and organoleptic qualities, superior to those that ripen in summer and autumn. In 2012-2014 period at RIFG Pitesti was organized an experiment with seven strawberry cultivars to compare the quality of fruits, some cultivars being already in the commercial culture. The results showed significant differences between cultivars regarding the following quality parameters: the color of the fruits, determined by chroma (C*) recorded values ranging between 23.52 (Magic) and 32.92 (Premial) and the hue angle (hº), values between 21.74 (Clery) and 26.95 (Magic); fruit size determined by the size index registered values between 34.28 (Coral) and 39.2 (Record), average fruit weight ranging from 13.63 g at Coral cultivar and 25.02 g at Record cultivar. At the same time fruit firmness revealed the highest values for Alba (2.98 kgf/cm2) and Clery cultivars (2.78 kgf/cm2); The Coral cultivar noted the strongest aroma and the highest soluble solids content (10.33% Brix)


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    The strawberries are at optimum maturity for consumption when the fruit reaches maximum flavor, juiciness and texture. Strawberry cultivars: Mira, Idea, Benton, Marmolada, Elsanta, Cambridge Favourite were evaluated to determine the influence of harvest time on fruit quality parameters. The results showed significant differences between varieties at harvest time and for the same variety in all parameters investigated. The average weight of the fruit decreased from first to last pick up, the major weight loss was recorded for Mira cv. (13.04 g) and the lowest loss for Cambridge Favourite cv. (2.06 g). The color parameters were changed in the same variety depending on the harvest time