24 research outputs found

    The exploitation of animal resources in Șoimuș-La Avicola (Ferma 2) settlement (Romania)

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    The aim of this paper is to present an interesting archaeological assemblage discovered during archaeological research at the settlement of Șoimuș-La Avicola (Ferma 2) (Romania). So far, this is the only example of a Turdaș culture osseous assemblage published. It is numerically representative, with 901 pieces, of which 796 are bone, 94 antler, 8 tooth and 3 valve. Among the bone pieces, a high standardisation in the selection of blanks is noticeable, with Bos taurus ribs being prevalent. At the same time, the techniques and procedures vary only a little within the groups, which allows for the identification of typological series. The recovery of all the products and sub-products resulting from the operational sequences of raw material transformation and the analysis of the wear and technological traces led us to try to reconstruct a behavioural model of the ways raw material was acquired, processing techniques and activities developed with them, or in other words to outline the economic and cultural features of the Șoimuș-La Avicola (Ferma 2) community.Namen članka je predstaviti zanimiv arheološki zbir, ki smo ga odkrili pri arheološkem raziskovanju naselbine Șoimuș-La Avicola (Ferma 2) v Romuniji. To je edini primer objavljenega kostnega zbira kulture Turdaș. Zbir sestavlja 901 kosov, od tega 796 kosti, 94 ostankov rogovja, 8 zob in 3 lupine školjk. Pri izbiri kosti prepoznamo visoko stopnjo standardizacije, prevladujejo pa rebra vrsta Bos taurus. Poleg tega je le malo variacij znotraj skupin pri izbiri tehnike in postopkih izdelave orodij, kar omogoča prepoznavanje tipoloških serij. S pomočjo analize vseh izdelkov in pod-izdelkov iz analize operacijske sekvence spremembe naravnih surovin in analize uporabe ter tehnoloških sledov lahko poskušamo rekonstruirati načine, kako so v preteklosti pridobivali surovine, kakšne so bile tehnike izdelave in druge aktivnosti povezane z obdelavo kosti; z drugimi besedami, lažje zaobjamemo gospodarske in kulturne značilnosti skupnosti na najdišču Șoimuș-La Avicola (Ferma 2)

    A hoard of astragals discovered in the Copper Age settlement at Iepureşti, Giurgiu County, Romania

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    This article presents the discovery of 25 abraded and perforated ovicaprid astragals in a burned house at the Gumelnita Copper Age settlement at Iepuresti in Southern Romania. They were analysed in terms of their processing, of the taphonomic processes that affected them (burning), and of their spatial distribution. These astragals were also analysed in the wider context of more or less similar discoveries made mainly south and east of the Carpathian Mountains, in Romania, but also south of the Danube, in Bulgaria.V članku predstavljamo odkritje 25 odrgnjenih in preluknjanih gležnjic/astragalov ovce/ koze v požgani hiši na bakrenodobni naselbini kulture Gumelnita pri kraju Lepuresti v južni Romuniji. Preučili smo obdelavo, tafonomske procese (žganje) in prostorsko razporeditev teh najdb. Gležnjice/astragale smo preučevali tudi v širšem kontekstu bolj ali manj podobnih najdb, ki so jih izdelovali v glavnem južno in vzhodno od Karpatov v Romuniji, a tudi južno od Donave v Bolgariji

    L’art mobilier paléolithique et mésolithique de Roumanie et de la République Moldova - connexions culturelles avec l'Europe Centrale et Orientale

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    The Upper Paleolithic and Mesolithic Portable Art of Romania and of the Republic of Moldova. At present, the specialized circles admit the fact that portable art objects have commonly been created by all human societies beginning with the Upper Paleolithic (and, according to the most recent finds, even by the human groups previous to Homo sapiens) up to the so-called “ primitive” societies that are contemporary to us. The list of the functions they accomplish in these societies demonstrates that they are capable of offering various information on the human groups and individuals that created them. The objective of the present approach is to draw a few defining elements of the art of the area under analysis, for a possible identification of the ethnic groups, of the social stratification and of the exchange systems practiced at that time.Mărgărit Monica. L’art mobilier paléolithique et mésolithique de Roumanie et de la République Moldova - connexions culturelles avec l'Europe Centrale et Orientale. In: Annales d'Université "Valahia" Târgovişte. Section d'Archéologie et d'Histoire, Tome 12, Numéro 2, 2010. pp. 117-137

    Un modèle d’analyse de l’art mobilier paléolithique

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    Les objets d’art mobilier découverts dans des sites préhistoriques sont souvent «vidés » des informations liées au contexte archéologique. Ils ont été sélectés selon des critères définis surtout par leur caractère exceptionnel par rapport au système de valeurs de la société actuelle. En plus, leur étude a été réduite à la description morphologique, à l’identification des similitudes, en vue de déterminer des «styles » , en vue de les classer dans de différentes catégories typologiques. L’utilisation de taxinomies purement morphologiques pour identifier les types d’objets est à présent intensément critiquée. L’étude des artefacts devrait partir des micro-indices, mais, comme nous n’avons pas de microscope performant, nous établissons les données techniques sur la base des macro-indices. Ainsi, nous pouvons esquisser une fiche générale d’analyse de l’art mobilier paléolithique.Mărgărit Monica. Un modèle d’analyse de l’art mobilier paléolithique. In: Annales d'Université "Valahia" Târgovişte. Section d'Archéologie et d'Histoire, Tome 8-9, 2006. pp. 121-131

    L’industrie en matières dures animales du site énéolithique d´Atmageaua Tătărască (Bulgarie). Données technologiques et fonctionnelles / The osseous industry from the Eneolithic site at Atmageaua Tătărască (Bugaria). A technological and functional study

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    Eneolithic site from Atmageaua Tătărască yelded 63 pieces made of hard animal materials. These are mainly finished pieces with exceptional design (some of the other products and by-products of the technological scheme are also present) made of bone, red deer antler, wild boar and Unio and Cardium valve. This assemblage, coming from the old excavations, was attributed to two Eneolithic cultures (Boian and Gumelnița -phases A1, A2 and B1). Our technological study has allowed the reconstruction of the operational schemes used for the raw materials transformation, as well as the approach of functional hypotheses for these objects.Situl eneolitic de la Atmageaua Tătărască a livrat 63 de piese din materii dure animale. Este vorba, în principal, de piese finite de factură excepțională (sunt, de asemenea, prezente și câteva din celelalte produse și sub-produse ale schemei tehnologice), confecționate din os, corn de cervideu, dinte de mistreț și valvă de Unio și Cardium. Acest material, provenind din vechile săpături, a fost atribuit culturilor eneolitice Boian și Gumelnița – fazele A1, A2 și B1. Demersul nostru tehnologic a permis reconstituirea schemelor operatorii utilizate pentru transformarea materiilor prime, ca și abordarea problemei ipotezelor funcționale pentru aceste obiecte.Mărgărit Monica. L’industrie en matières dures animales du site énéolithique d´Atmageaua Tătărască (Bulgarie). Données technologiques et fonctionnelles / The osseous industry from the Eneolithic site at Atmageaua Tătărască (Bugaria). A technological and functional study. In: Materiale şi cercetãri arheologice (Serie nouã), N°16 2020. pp. 25-48

    Les perles en valves de Unio dans l’habitat énéolithique de Hârşova-tell (département de Constanţa)

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    Abstract : In the settlement from Hârșova-tell has been identified a series of valve-shells of the species Unio, in different processing stages, from entire valve-shells, simply perforated, and irregular chips, to finished pearls, used as decorative objects. The material we studied has been attributed to Gumelnița culture. The goal of such an approach is to recover the processes of raw matter acquisition, production, use and abandon, and sometimes reuse, with a view to understanding the way how the pearls were made and their possible social or symbolical implications.Mărgărit Monica. Les perles en valves de Unio dans l’habitat énéolithique de Hârşova-tell (département de Constanţa). In: Annales d'Université "Valahia" Târgovişte. Section d'Archéologie et d'Histoire, Tome 10, Numéro 1, 2008. pp. 73-79

    The origin and significance of Paleolithic art controversies around several hypotheses

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    Mărgărit Monica. The origin and significance of Paleolithic art controversies around several hypotheses. In: Annales d'Université "Valahia" Târgovişte. Section d'Archéologie et d'Histoire, Tome 6-7, 2004. pp. 61-65

    Technique and style in the european paleolithic art

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    Mărgărit Monica. Technique and style in the european paleolithic art. In: Annales d'Université "Valahia" Târgovişte. Section d'Archéologie et d'Histoire, Tome 2-3, 2000. pp. 83-87