24 research outputs found


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    HNV agricultural systems were first described as agricultural systems of predominantly low intensity which imply a relatively complex relation with the environment. They preserve important habitats on both cultivated and grazed land and they include diverse landscape elements such as hedgerows, fruit trees, or lakes/ponds. In the European Union Strategy framework of mitigating climate change, protecting the environment, and ensuring public health, following researches that undertook the task to build the first national soil data base from the high natural value areas (HNV). One of the eligible area for HNV compensatory payments, where was analyzed the fertility state of soils is located in the Suceava area. It was studied in six depth profiles and six adjacent agrochemical samples collected from the 0-20 cm layer. Chemical analyses showed that the soils prove to be rather poor, but within the limits frequently encountered in such areas, with an acceptable level of fertility and good conditions for characteristic plants growth. Cationic exchange capacity is generally low. Excessive nitrates quantities were determined in the upper horizon of two of the analyzed profiles. Both of these profiles belong to the HNV administered territory therefore; compliance with the set of rules regarding HNV eligibility should be more attentively monitored

    The exploitation of animal resources in Șoimuș-La Avicola (Ferma 2) settlement (Romania)

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    The aim of this paper is to present an interesting archaeological assemblage discovered during archaeological research at the settlement of Șoimuș-La Avicola (Ferma 2) (Romania). So far, this is the only example of a Turdaș culture osseous assemblage published. It is numerically representative, with 901 pieces, of which 796 are bone, 94 antler, 8 tooth and 3 valve. Among the bone pieces, a high standardisation in the selection of blanks is noticeable, with Bos taurus ribs being prevalent. At the same time, the techniques and procedures vary only a little within the groups, which allows for the identification of typological series. The recovery of all the products and sub-products resulting from the operational sequences of raw material transformation and the analysis of the wear and technological traces led us to try to reconstruct a behavioural model of the ways raw material was acquired, processing techniques and activities developed with them, or in other words to outline the economic and cultural features of the Șoimuș-La Avicola (Ferma 2) community.Namen članka je predstaviti zanimiv arheološki zbir, ki smo ga odkrili pri arheološkem raziskovanju naselbine Șoimuș-La Avicola (Ferma 2) v Romuniji. To je edini primer objavljenega kostnega zbira kulture Turdaș. Zbir sestavlja 901 kosov, od tega 796 kosti, 94 ostankov rogovja, 8 zob in 3 lupine školjk. Pri izbiri kosti prepoznamo visoko stopnjo standardizacije, prevladujejo pa rebra vrsta Bos taurus. Poleg tega je le malo variacij znotraj skupin pri izbiri tehnike in postopkih izdelave orodij, kar omogoča prepoznavanje tipoloških serij. S pomočjo analize vseh izdelkov in pod-izdelkov iz analize operacijske sekvence spremembe naravnih surovin in analize uporabe ter tehnoloških sledov lahko poskušamo rekonstruirati načine, kako so v preteklosti pridobivali surovine, kakšne so bile tehnike izdelave in druge aktivnosti povezane z obdelavo kosti; z drugimi besedami, lažje zaobjamemo gospodarske in kulturne značilnosti skupnosti na najdišču Șoimuș-La Avicola (Ferma 2)

    Regional Disparities related to Socio-Economic Determinants of Agriculture in the Romanian Plain

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    The structure and pattern of agriculture in Romania has been facing significant changes over the past decades in relation to the contextual social, political and economic transformations. The current study is seeking to assess the determinants of agriculture in the main agricultural region of Romania (Romanian Plain) based on selected socioeconomic factors. The authors selected nine socio-economic indicators (agricultural surface, labour renewal index, economic dependency index, economically active population, employment in agriculture, vitality index, share of young labour, share of female population and roads and railway density) which were aggregated into an index of socio-economic determinants of agriculture. Overall, the final index values revealed spatial differences which enabled a certain separation between the eastern, central and western parts of the Romanian Plain: socio-economic favourability for agriculture in the central and, to some extent, in the eastern parts and a significantly reduced favourability in the western area. The current research could become an important step for in-depth assessments of environmental and socio-economic determinants of agriculture, developing strategies and supporting policies at different spatial scales

    A Research - Civil Society Joint Approach for Soil Conservation in High Natural Value Areas

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    Since the existing information on soils level of fertility in the High Natural Value (HNV) eligible area is scarce, a partnership was concluded between a mixed team of soil scientists and civil society environmentalists within the frame of a research project aiming to: (i) appraise the stakeholders perception and views on the importance of soil conservation and environmental friendly land management, (ii) assess the level of fertility in HNV eligible areas and start building-up the first national HNV soil data base and (iii) identify the most relevant soil indicators for designing an expeditious HNV soil monitoring system. The results revealed the strong agreement of the civil society on the recently issued agricultural policies supporting practices under agri-environment measures and a fair existing level of the soil conservation under HNV practices, as long as land and soil careful administration and resource-efficient management are constantly pursued

    Laparoscopic myomectomy – The importance of surgical techniques

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    Laparoscopy is a routine procedure for benign gynecological tumors. Although the laparoscopic approach for myomas is a common procedure, it can be challenging. To improve outcomes, research regarding port access, suture type, morcellation, and complication management remains ongoing. Myomectomy is the main surgical option for patients seeking uterus-sparing procedures to maintain future fertility. The laparoscopic technique is the most important in these cases, given that possible complications can impact fertility and pregnancy outcomes. Herein, we reviewed and collated the available data regarding different suture techniques, including advantages, difficulties, and possible long-term impacts

    A unifying modelling of multiple land degradation pathways in Europe

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    Land degradation is a complex socio-environmental threat, which generally occurs as multiple concurrent pathways that remain largely unexplored in Europe. Here we present an unprecedented analysis of land multi-degradation in 40 continental countries, using twelve dataset-based processes that were modelled as land degradation convergence and combination pathways in Europe’s agricultural (and arable) environments. Using a Land Multi-degradation Index, we find that up to 27%, 35% and 22% of continental agricultural (~2 million km2) and arable (~1.1 million km2) lands are currently threatened by one, two, and three drivers of degradation, while 10–11% of pan-European agricultural/arable landscapes are cumulatively affected by four and at least five concurrent processes. We also explore the complex pattern of spatially interacting processes, emphasizing the major combinations of land degradation pathways across continental and national boundaries. Our results will enable policymakers to develop knowledge-based strategies for land degradation mitigation and other critical European sustainable development goals

    Urban Development and the (Re)use of the Communist-Built Industrial and Agricultural Sites after 1990. The Showcase of Bucharest–Ilfov Development Region

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    Urban development and changing the patterns of industry and agriculture had caused the foremost spatial and functional transformations of the post-communist period in Romania. These changes have resulted in increased land consumption, often including the reuse of abandoned or non-residential built-up areas (e.g., industrial, agricultural). By integrating spatial and statistical data, the current analysis has revealed as key features: spatial shrinkage, fragmentation, functional diversification, tertiarization and change of patterns. Using a functional change matrix, five main (re)use types have been identified and quantified: maintenance, conversion, replacement, abandonment, and demolition. Overall, between 1990 and 2018, over 50% functional losses have been recorded


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    Since the decentralization of the Romanian governmental agricultural advisory and extension system in 2010, most of the former network continues to perform as Chambers of Agriculture subordinated to the local public administration of the County Councils. Beyond the inadequate number of professional staff to cover a significant proportion of Romania’s farms, the present usage of the term agricultural chamber does not correspond with its original meaning. Recently, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development has taken important steps towards the provision of the legal frame for independent Chambers as well the organization of the election process for farmers’ representation. The paper provides a short overview of the last decade changes in the advisory and extension system and focuses on the outputs of two joint World Bank and Romanian Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development projects aiming, among other objectives, to reform, back up and strengthens the Romanian agricultural advisory and extension system. Within the frame of the projects, new actors have emerged on the market: (i) Training and Information Centres (TICs) set up in the main regions in Romania, as knowledge resource bases for improvement and updating the professional capacity of the extension, food safety and research specialists (ii) Integrated Agricultural Offices (designed on the model “one stop shopâ€) established in 4 pilot areas, that bring together under a single roof, agricultural advisory and administration services and (iii) socio-economic guidance service capacities and mechanisms established in 15 counties, seeking to increase the ability of the agricultural population to sustainably manage its income and assets under consideration of national and EU support programs

    Quality of Organic Vegetables Grown in Two Certified Sites on the Outskirts of Bucharest Municipality

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    Soil fertility properties, irrigation water quality, mineral nutrition, and some vegetables mineral composition were studied in the frame of a project regarding yield quality monitoring in certified organic vegetable farms, in two farms placed on the outskirts of Bucharest Municipality which provide products for the town’s organic market. Chemical analysis of the soil samples collected from the two farms reflects a good fertility, close to the natural one of this region soils, with well-balanced organic matter, total nitrogen, accessible phosphorus and potassium contents. The nitrates contents concord with the plants nutrition demands and don’t present the risk to accumulate in vegetables or to leach into the groundwater. Slightly increased microelements, both total and soluble forms, occur. Soil microbiological properties are favorable for vegetable plants growth. A good biodiversity is noticed. There are differences between soil properties in open field and greenhouses, induced both by the type and degree of mechanical works and materials applied for fertilization and plant protection. Good conditions are generally created for plants mineral nutrition. Mineral nutrition status of the vegetables grown in organic conditions, assessed by the leaves mineral composition, doesn’t differ from the one of the vegetables grown in conventional conditions. The vegetables (fresh material) harvested from the two studied farms have good, even high, concentrations of mineral elements important for the yield nutritional quality. The excessive microelements quantities noticed in soil don’t transfer in the yield, so the latter quality and nutritional properties are not altered