62 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Metode Problem Based Learning pada Materi Redoks di Kelas X SMA Negeri 1 Wori

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    The purpose of this study, to determine whether there are differences in student learning outcomes in using the Problem Based Learning method with the lecture method. During approximately 1 month different methods were applied in 2 classes, namely the Problem Based Learning class and the Lecture class with a total of 25 students each, then to see the learning outcomes a post-test was conducted. The results showed the value of t arithmetic = 2.92> t table 2.010, so that the conclusion Ha is accepted and H0 is rejected, it means there are differences in student learning outcomes using the Problem Based Learning method with those using the lecture method on redox material

    Factors associated with problem drinking among women employed in food and recreational facilities in northern Tanzania.

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    BACKGROUND: There is growing evidence that alcohol consumption is associated with increased risk of HIV infection. To determine factors associated with problem drinking, we analyzed data collected in two prospective cohorts of at-risk female food and recreational facility workers in northern Tanzania. METHODS: We enrolled HIV seronegative women aged 18-44 years and employed in the towns of Geita, Kahama, Moshi, and Shinyanga. At enrolment, women were interviewed to obtain information about alcohol use, using CAGE and AUDIT screening scales, and risk factors for HIV infection. Blood and genital samples were collected for detection of HIV and sexually transmitted infections (STIs). We characterized alcohol use, concordance, and agreement of the scales, and examined the associations between characteristics of participants and problem drinking as defined by both scales using logistic regression. Lastly, we assessed problem drinking as a risk factor for recent sexual behavior and prevalent STIs. RESULTS: Among enrollees, 68% women reported ever drinking alcohol; of these 76% reported drinking alcohol in the past 12 months. The prevalence of problem drinking was 20% using CAGE and 13% using AUDIT. Overall concordance between the scales was 75.0% with a Kappa statistic of 0.58. After adjusting for age, independent factors associated with problem drinking, on both scales, were marital status, occupation, facility type, increasing number of lifetime sexual partners, and transactional sex in the past 12 months. In addition, women who were problem drinkers on either scale were more likely to report having ≥ 1 sexual partner (CAGE: aOR = 1.56, 95% confidence interval, CI: 1.10-2.23; AUDIT: aOR = 2.00, 95% CI: 1.34-3.00) and transactional sex (CAGE: aOR = 1.79, 95% CI: 1.26-2.56; AUDIT: aOR = 1.51, 95% CI: 1.04-2.18), in the past 3 months. CONCLUSION: These findings suggest that interventions to reduce problem drinking in this population may reduce high-risk sexual behaviors and contribute in lowering the risk of HIV infection

    Reconstruction of major maternal and paternal lineages of the Cape Muslim population

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    The earliest Cape Muslims were brought to the Cape (Cape Town - South Africa) from Africa and Asia from 1652 to 1834. They were part of an involuntary migration of slaves, political prisoners and convicts, and they contributed to the ethnic diversity of the present Cape Muslim population of South Africa. The history of the Cape Muslims has been well documented and researched however no in-depth genetic studies have been undertaken. The aim of the present study was to determine the respective African, Asian and European contributions to the mtDNA (maternal) and Y-chromosomal (paternal) gene pool of the Cape Muslim population, by analyzing DNA samples of 100 unrelated Muslim males born in the Cape Metropolitan area. A panel of six mtDNA and eight Y-chromosome SNP markers were screened using polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphisms (PCR-RFLP). Overall admixture estimates for the maternal line indicated Asian (0.4168) and African mtDNA (0.4005) as the main contributors. The admixture estimates for the paternal line, however, showed a predominance of the Asian contribution (0.7852). The findings are in accordance with historical data on the origins of the early Cape Muslims.Web of Scienc

    Identifikasi Rodamin B pada Kue Kuk yang Beredar di Pasar Traditional Kota Bitung

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    Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengidentifikasi ada tidaknya kandungan zat pewarna Rhodamin B Kue kuk Pasar Tradisional di Kota Bitung. Penelitian ini merupakan analisis laboratorium, dengan menggunakan metode analisis kualitatif Kromatografi Lapis Tipis (KLT). Hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa tidak terdapat kandungan zat pewarna sintetik Rhodamin B pada Kue kuk yang dijual di area pasar Girian dan Winenet di Kota Bitung yang ditunjukan oleh nilai Rf dari 6 sampel yang menyatakan tidak terdapat sampel yang menyamai nilai Rf larutan standar Rhodamin B

    Aktivitas Anti-Inflamasi Ekstrak Etanol Daun Pakoba Merah Syzygium SP. pada Edema Telapak Kaki Tikus Putih Rattus Norvegicus yang Diinduksi Formalin

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    Salah satu Tumbuhan khas Sulawesi utara yang banyak dijumpai yaitu tumbuhan Pakoba merah Syzygium Sp., Genus Syzygium mengandung flavonoid yang cukup besar. Flavonoid dapat berperan sebagai agen antiinflamasi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yakni untuk mengetahui aktivitas ekstrak etanol daun Pakoba merah Syzygium Sp. sebagai antiinflamasi pada edema kaki tikus putih yang diinduksi formalin. Motode Penelitian ini yaitu uji eksperimental dengan menggunakan hewan uji tikus putih sebanyak 15 belas ekor. Hewan uji dibagi menjadi 5 kelompok perlakuan yang terdiri dari 3 ekor sesuai berat badan mendekati dengan berat sekitar 180-350 gram sebanyak 15 ekor yang diinduksi formalin 1%. Dengan varian dosis yang berbeda-beda yaitu larutan uji 1 dengan dosis 75 mg/kgBB, larutan uji 2 dengan dosis 150 mg/kgBB, larutan uji 3 dengan dosis 300 mg/kgBB, Kontrol positif cataflam dengan dosis 50 mg dan kontrol negatif aquadest pemberian secara ad libitum. Hasil yang diperoleh persen penghambatan perlakuan ekstrak etanol daun Pakoba merah dosis 75mg/KgBB, 150mg/KgBB, 300mg/KgBB masing-masing sebesar 46,24%, 53,75%, dan 80,92%. Peneltian ini menunjukan bahwa ekstrak etanol daun Pakoba merah yang di berikan secara oral dengan tiga perlakuan yakni 75 mg/Kg BB, 150 mg/Kg BB dan 300 mg/Kg BB memiliki aktivitas sebagai antiinflamas

    Uji Efek Analgesik Infusa Daun Pepaya Carica Papaya L. Pada Tikus Putih Rattus Norvegicus Yang Diinduksi Asam Asetat

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektivitas infusa daun pepaya Carica papaya L. sebagaiefek analgesik pada tikus putih Rattus norvegicus yang diinduksi asam asetat; Metode penelitianyang digunakan adalah metode rancangan acak lengkap (RAL), dibagi dalam lima perlakuan denganmasing-masing tiga kali ulangan. Perlakuan pertama, yaitu kontrol negatif dengan menggunakanaquades, perlakuan kedua, pemberian kontrol positif yaitu parasetamol, kelompok perlakuan ketiga,pemberian infusa daun pepaya konsentrasi 10%, perlakuan keempat, pemberian infusa daun pepayakonsentasi 20% dan perlakuan kelima, pemberian infusa dengan konsentrasi 40%. Hasil penelitianmenunjukkan bahwa infusa daun pepaya C. papaya pada konsentrasi 10%, 20% dan 40% memilikiefektifitas sebagai analgesik yang setara dengan parasetamol. Konsentrasi yang paling banyakmenunjukan adanya penurunan respon geliat yaitu konsentrasi 40%
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